Arabelle Adventurers Quest Notes 2011-08-21

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Characters Involved: BookToken.PNG Book, NoraToken.PNG Nora, MerryToken.PNG Merry, TempestToken.PNG Tempest, UglyToken.PNG Ugly, MahinaToken.PNG Mahina,  RustToken.JPG Rust,  LockToken.PNG Lock,  StockToken.PNG Stock,  BarrelToken.PNG Barrel

From Last Game

See Arabelle_Adventurers_Cottage_With_Jux_RP


New Day Begins

(Note: The party has not yet slept).

First Meeting with Rust

MerryToken.PNG Merry leaves  LockToken.PNG Lock &  BarrelToken.PNG Barrel, takes  StockToken.PNG Stock.
MahinaToken.PNG Mahina stays with UglyToken.PNG Ugly to watch the captives
 RustToken.JPG Rust opens the door himself when party gets there.

Party exchanges pleasantries,  RustToken.JPG Rust says he was just talking about TempestToken.PNG Tempest.
TempestToken.PNG Tempest introduces the party who is there with her: NoraToken.PNG Nora, BookToken.PNG Book & MerryToken.PNG Merry.
MerryToken.PNG Merry gives  StockToken.PNG Stock a command to stay outside.

TempestToken.PNG Tempest explains she met her new friends through various circumstances and that they want to help her with  RustToken.JPG Rust's problem.
 RustToken.JPG Rust invites them inside.

Hard to tell how old  RustToken.JPG Rust is but carries himself as if he could be 45 or 50.

 RustToken.JPG Rust is nervous that TempestToken.PNG Tempest showed up with people he doesn't know because his investments have caused him some drama. He states that they have gotten more investors because he has reassured them that TempestToken.PNG Tempest has been guarding their plans.

 RustToken.JPG Rust offers another, more posh cottage to TempestToken.PNG Tempest on the other side of town if she needs it.

MerryToken.PNG Merry tells  RustToken.JPG Rust about ambush in vague terms and  RustToken.JPG Rust is thrilled, saying it's another story he can give about how great TempestToken.PNG Tempest is at thwarting rogues.

MerryToken.PNG Merry leverages this to see if  RustToken.JPG Rust can figure out who might have sent someone to ambush them because he's afraid it is someone high up in the city and thinks there might be some security issues with keeping the rogues in the town jail.  RustToken.JPG Rust says he'll make a big stink to keep them secure and it would help his cause immensely.

 RustToken.JPG Rust is confused when they tell him that the captives are at the cottage, and BookToken.PNG Book reassures him that they are in the shed.  RustToken.JPG Rust is still not thrilled that they are at his property. He calls for one of his servants.

Malcolm is briefed by the party about the captives (H Trick & Jux). TempestToken.PNG Tempest goes with Malcolm to get town guard. Malcolm explains these brigands attacked Tempest, the town heroine, and easily gets them to comply.

Arresting Jux & H. Trick

MerryToken.PNG Merry moves his dogs into a clearing nearby.

Malcolm speaks to the guard and explains that TempestToken.PNG Tempest was attacked again by  RustToken.JPG Rust's enemies, and that she "kindly accosted" them (since she could have killed them easily). The guard go with Malcolm and TempestToken.PNG Tempest to the cottage.

MerryToken.PNG Merry goes back to the cottage and briefs the rest of the team on what's going to happen. The guard talks to Jux through the door, since he is still fully armed.

Jux is complaining about charges. Guard threatens to burn down shed if he doesn't come quietly.

The guard takes away Jux but sees NoraToken.PNG Nora. Looks at her and BookToken.PNG Book and says that the deceased man is a wanted criminal. The innkeeper has completely changed his story, says they were banging around all night.

Merry asks where the information has come from and says lots of people have come forward to identify it. BookToken.PNG Book asks what he was accused of and the guard says to come down to the station tonight and they'll explain, want to ask them some questions.

MerryToken.PNG Merry says he doesn't want to go if they are being set-up, BookToken.PNG Book says that is surely what they are trying to accomplish.

MahinaToken.PNG Mahina looks at everyone and listens with interest. She raises her eyebrows at BookToken.PNG Book's suggestion of opening some kennels.

TempestToken.PNG Tempest doesn't think  RustToken.JPG Rust is going to be happy with the fact that NoraToken.PNG Nora is associated with Waldthear who apparently is now a criminal.

Malcolm walks up & commends them. Says he warned some shopkeepers about attackers about- circulating stories of the party's accomplishments.

Party agrees to go back and see  RustToken.JPG Rust. BookToken.PNG Book comments that they actually do have plans tonight. He recommends an "8-hour power nap" and then have dinner with  RustToken.JPG Rust.

MahinaToken.PNG Mahina walks into the cottage, sits down in a chair, and goes to sleep. BookToken.PNG Book says it's a good idea. The rest of the party tries to decide what to do with her. TempestToken.PNG Tempest asks if UglyToken.PNG Ugly wants to stay there and guard her.

Malcolm stops the rest of the party and says that  RustToken.JPG Rust would want to meet them. BookToken.PNG Book says he's got it. UglyToken.PNG Ugly goes to pick up MahinaToken.PNG Mahina. She appears to be asleep but  SquirtToken.PNG Squirt is agitated.

The party goes to see  RustToken.JPG Rust again. MerryToken.PNG Merry leaves his dogs outside.

Second Meeting with Rust

Malcolm fills  RustToken.JPG Rust on how things went & gives some covert instructions to Malcolm. MahinaToken.PNG Mahina overhears this as does NoraToken.PNG Nora. He's telling Malcolm who to tell the propaganda to so that they can establish public guilt for Jux and H Trick. Names names that they don't recognize.

TempestToken.PNG Tempest tries to awaken MahinaToken.PNG Mahina through nudging, talking... then a little harder nudging. She appears to not awaken.

 RustToken.JPG Rust looks at party- is taken aback by MahinaToken.PNG Mahina and UglyToken.PNG Ugly. MerryToken.PNG Merry explains she is so exhausted that she couldn't take another moment of standing.

 RustToken.JPG Rust leads the party inside and UglyToken.PNG Ugly sets MahinaToken.PNG Mahina down on the couch.

 RustToken.JPG Rust wants to talk to TempestToken.PNG Tempest privately. He leads TempestToken.PNG Tempest away and asks her how much she trusts her new companions. She says that she does trust them.

 RustToken.JPG Rust introduces himself to the party. He states he is the lead investor in the Walgorg family weaponsmithy. He introduces them to the Walgorg family members who are inventors of the Walgorg-Tempest Crossbow.

UglyToken.PNG Ugly introduces himself, TempestToken.PNG Tempest clarifies that his actual name is Roscoe. UglyToken.PNG Ugly then tries to proselytize to  RustToken.JPG Rust.

TempestToken.PNG Tempest introduces MahinaToken.PNG Mahina. Asks the party where they are from and MerryToken.PNG Merry explains that MahinaToken.PNG Mahina is from Arabelle.

GM TextGM: Merry is likely from Cordeiro.

BookToken.PNG Book states he is from nowhere he would heard of- Hakan.  RustToken.JPG Rust says he is well-learned and may know where he is from. BookToken.PNG Book just looks at him. TempestToken.PNG Tempest says he is a bit abrupt but talent,  RustToken.JPG Rust comments that he must be a bit "bookish".

NoraToken.PNG Nora tells him the name of her town.  RustToken.JPG Rust says he's familiar- it's just right outside of Gallenfeld.

 RustToken.JPG Rust says he needs their help. The Walgorgs' competitors are pulling out all the stops. They just learned that the Walgorgs' bodyguards may have been infiltrated.

Eins Walgorg, Jr: We found out competitor has a lot more money, etc.

They need to get the first few prototypes to a crafting village up north. They need escorts to get to the village- it is very important.

BookToken.PNG Book states they are not allowed to leave the city. He says he'll leave anyway, but just an FYI.

 RustToken.JPG Rust questions why. MerryToken.PNG Merry explains that they have mutual friends who went through recent peril and the guards wanted to ask questions about the lady at the church, etc. Continues in terms vague enough to explain but not specific enough to implicate them in anything.

 RustToken.JPG Rust says if they don't have a magistrate summons, they are free to leave. Asks about the sick woman. TempestToken.PNG Tempest explains she is very ill, is not MahinaToken.PNG Mahina, is in the care of the church.  RustToken.JPG Rust asks which church. TempestToken.PNG Tempest pretends like she is trying to remember the name.

BookToken.PNG Book changes the subject and loudly asks about escorting.  RustToken.JPG Rust asks if that is something they would like to do. UglyToken.PNG Ugly asks if he can punch things.

MerryToken.PNG Merry says it would be good for us all to strengthen our bonds of friendship by accompanying her on the journey.

 RustToken.JPG Rust says he needs some reassurance from the rest. He pulls out a solid gold handle- looks like a wax sealer. Hold it up. "This is a contract mark and this will magically assure that you do what you say you will do." (Within what you are able to accomplish, that is.)

Everyone senses he is sincere and not uncommon for him to do this- nothing shady.

BookToken.PNG Book asks about payment.  RustToken.JPG Rust says he thought it was payment to make their "problem" go away, and will consider that pre-payment, but will mention monetary compensation when they return.

MerryToken.PNG Merry interjects that information would be more useful than money.

 RustToken.JPG Rust says he would be happy to help him research anything- wants to know if there is any subject on which he could get started. MerryToken.PNG Merry says he'd like more information on Waldthear and why they believe he is a criminal. TempestToken.PNG Tempest explains that the rest of them do not know him well, but NoraToken.PNG Nora explains that he was her teacher.

 RustToken.JPG Rust thinks it is odd that a college professor was found dead, but will do what he can and it is a fair exchange. He says if everything goes perfectly than they will all be quite pleased.

Then  RustToken.JPG Rust asks the party to hold out their hands and approaches them with the enchanted, gold sealer. He approaches UglyToken.PNG Ugly first and re-explains the purpose. MerryToken.PNG Merry simplifies for UglyToken.PNG Ugly, UglyToken.PNG Ugly is satisfied that he gets to hurt someone but is still a bit unsure. MerryToken.PNG Merry holds his hand out and takes the pledge.

UglyToken.PNG Ugly holds out his giant hand, while TempestToken.PNG Tempest tries to wake Mahina.

At TempestToken.PNG Tempest's first touch, MahinaToken.PNG Mahina jumps up & stands uncomfortably close to  RustToken.JPG Rust. She juts out her hand and states, "By placing my hand on this I agree that I shall see the belongings safely."

 RustToken.JPG Rust asks the group to meet him on his driveway first thing tomorrow morning. BookToken.PNG Book requests some kind of armor, to which Eins Waldgorg, Jr agreed. Eins is going to fit BookToken.PNG Book up with leather armor in the morning. Afterward,  RustToken.JPG Rust kicks the group out of his house.

Later that evening...

MerryToken.PNG Merry goes in search of information on the Walgorgs. MerryToken.PNG Merry sets NoraToken.PNG Nora and BookToken.PNG Book up at the inn he's staying at, so that they can avoid being taken in for questioning by the town guard. TempestToken.PNG Tempest, UglyToken.PNG Ugly, and MahinaToken.PNG Mahina go back to TempestToken.PNG Tempest's place to rest and get some sleep. Everyone is to meet up back at TempestToken.PNG Tempest's at dawn.

MerryToken.PNG Merry learns that the Walgorgs have been in business for 160 years and it's been passed down for a few generations. The current father has been in charge for a long time (Eins Walgorg). During the Interegnum, they helped build a a lot of crossbow weaponry for soldiers from this area. That established them in the good graces of people in this area. After the war was done, a lot of the weapons spread throughout several areas of the world. MerryToken.PNG Merry was not able to unearth any dirt about the Walgorgs, which is a good thing.

New Day Begins

Gathering at Tempest's Cottage

Lots of activity at the guardhouse, it is noted.

The party gets a good night's rest and MerryToken.PNG Merry, NoraToken.PNG Nora, and BookToken.PNG Book awake shortly before dawn and walk to TempestToken.PNG Tempest's house to meet up with the others.

MerryToken.PNG Merry lets his dogs run around the yard. MahinaToken.PNG Mahina runs around with them.  SquirtToken.PNG Squirt eats little pieces of meat off the table (that MahinaToken.PNG Mahina sprinkled around on it) and squirms around happily.

The Journey Begins

The party preps, gets their animals, and heads to  RustToken.JPG Rust's.  RustToken.JPG Rust is grateful for their help. Everyone loads up on MerryToken.PNG Merry's wagon.

BookToken.PNG Book asks if we're expecting undead, states that he's useless, and will be waiting under the cart.

MahinaToken.PNG Mahina appears to be mumbling under her breath throughout the stories to her chest. She then leans one ear to her chest, then explodes in laughter. TempestToken.PNG Tempest asks what she's laughing at but MahinaToken.PNG Mahina just shakes her head.

MerryToken.PNG Merry explains he has lots of supplies because he is often out travelling at months at a time. MerryToken.PNG Merry hands three journal-sized novels to everyone- they are notes of his adventures, "Tales of the Outland" as well as various stories that tribes of the Ulan tell.

BookToken.PNG Book asks MahinaToken.PNG Mahina if she can lower the river. She shakes her head no.

As MahinaToken.PNG Mahina knows the area, she will occasionally jump off the wagon and frolic about in the area.

BookToken.PNG Book starts to memorize the books that MerryToken.PNG Merry wrote.

New Day Begins

The journey continues! MerryToken.PNG Merry talks to UglyToken.PNG Ugly and UglyToken.PNG Ugly is happy to talk to him about his tribe.

On the second day of our journey, the wagon slows, the driver lets go of the reins and looks over as the elder Eins Walgorg slumps over and falls off the wagon.

MerryToken.PNG Merry stops the wagon, BookToken.PNG Book looks around, and NoraToken.PNG Nora goes to the elder Walgorg. BookToken.PNG Book leaps up from his seat. BookToken.PNG Book notices the wagon driver is holding a bloody dagger and is backing up towards the junior Walgorg.

Rage Against the Assassin Driver

BookToken.PNG Book overchannel mindthrusts the driver because he can see the bloody dagger in his hand. BookToken.PNG Book yells, "Assassin!" and points at the driver, who is reeling now.

The driver then lunges at Walgorg, Jr, stabs him, and leaps off the wagon.

The dogs are alert and guarding the wagon.

A fighter comes up from the forest! BookToken.PNG Book tries to punch him in the nose but misses. He then overchannel mindthrusts the fighter. The fighter is reeling!

An arrow comes from nowhere and misses TempestToken.PNG Tempest. She then attacks the driver with her whirling scimitars. The driver doesn't stand a chance and falls over, lifeless!

 StockToken.PNG Stock attacks the fighter.

NoraToken.PNG Nora discovers that Walgorg, Sr. is dead. She takes a step towards Walgorg, Jr. and finds he is just unconscious but he is poisoned. NoraToken.PNG Nora shouts this to the rest of the party.

UglyToken.PNG Ugly charges to the fighter and slices him in half with a mighty roar!

MahinaToken.PNG Mahina heals Eins Walgorg, Jr. to full. MerryToken.PNG Merry keeps a sharp eye out for the other assailants.  BarrelToken.PNG Barrel runs off toward the thing that shot him.

BookToken.PNG Book searches the rogue, who has 42 gold, 20 arrows, 1 compound longbow, empty vial, a masterwork dagger, masterwork studded leather, and thieves tools. The fighter has splint mail and 15 gold.

TempestToken.PNG Tempest hears a dog wheezing. An arrow flies from the direction of the noise and hits her in the shoulder. TempestToken.PNG Tempest moves toward the sound and slices the archer.

NoraToken.PNG Nora attempts to identify the poison afflicting Walgorg, Jr.

UglyToken.PNG Ugly rushes toward TempestToken.PNG Tempest, along with  LockToken.PNG Lock. UglyToken.PNG Ugly finishes off the archer with a point-blank shot from his giant compound bow.

MahinaToken.PNG Mahina gives Walgorg, Jr an antitoxin capsule to help counteract his poisoning.

MerryToken.PNG Merry runs off towards TempestToken.PNG Tempest, UglyToken.PNG Ugly & dogs.

 LockToken.PNG Lock sniffs  BarrelToken.PNG Barrel's corpse to get his attacker's scent. MerryToken.PNG Merry goes over to his fallen dog. He yells out for a healer to come help. MahinaToken.PNG Mahina runs over to MerryToken.PNG Merry and  BarrelToken.PNG Barrel. She gets the arrow out of him and stabalizes him. MerryToken.PNG Merry then carries him back to the wagon. MahinaToken.PNG Mahina follows.

Assassination Attempt Aftermath

TempestToken.PNG Tempest searches the archer and finds 257 gp, longsword, longbow, and studded leather.

BookToken.PNG Book asks Eins Walgorg Jr. who hired the driver, and he says that he was a long-time friend of the family. He is heartbroken about his dad.

MerryToken.PNG Merry searches for arrows and other party members assist. They find more arrows than there were available for people to fire. He calls  StockToken.PNG Stock over and commands him to track based on the scents found on the arrows.

 StockToken.PNG Stock comes back. MerryToken.PNG Merry informs them that there are two other archers. Walgorg, Jr wants to know why they would want to get them. BookToken.PNG Book says to interrogate, MerryToken.PNG Merry agrees to get more information. Walgorg, Jr just wants to get to safety.

BookToken.PNG Book knows of a logging village north of here. MerryToken.PNG Merry takes the arrows, carefully rolls them in cloth & stores them in a trunk.

The party continues on to the logging village and arrives safely.

                                                       GAME ADJOURNED

Final GM Message

XP Awards

In Character

Assassination Attempt
+ 200 
Experience Points


+ 10 
Experience Points