Luminous Gaze

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Luminous Gaze
Evocation Light
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Alc 1
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: personal
Area: self
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fort. Neg. (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
Material Components: none.


This spell causes your eyes to glow with an unearthly radiance. The glow from your eyes provides light as per the light spell. A creature within a 20-foot radius of you is dazzled as long as they remain with range unless it makes a fortitude save for each round. Sightless creatures are unaffected.

In addition, the caster can concentrate his or her gaze upon a single creature within range as a standard action, forcing the target to succeed at a Fortitude save or become dazzled for the remainder of the spell's duration.

See Also