"Deft" Dick's Character Sheet: Difference between revisions

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{{statsbox||2|Human|Rogue|Masterwork Leather|Crossbow and short sword|}}
{{statsbox||2|Human|Rogue|Leather|Crossbow and short sword|}}

"Deft" Dick Cockley
"Deft" Dick Cockley
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Armor Class
Armor Class
* Normal: 16 (+4 for Dex, +2 for Masterwork Leather)
* Normal: 16 (+4 for Dex, +2 for Leather)
* Flat Footed: 12
* Flat Footed: 12
* Touch: 12
* Touch: 12

Revision as of 21:06, 13 September 2011

Character Stats
Level 2
Race Human
Class Rogue
Armor Leather
Weapon(s) Crossbow and short sword

"Deft" Dick Cockley

Chaotic Neutral Human Rogue Age: 20

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 160 lbs


Str: 11 (+0) (carrying capacity: Light: 43, Medium: 44-86, Heavy: 87-130. Strength is treated as +1 for purposes of carrying capacity because of Masterwork Backpack)

Dex: 18 (+4)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 14 (+2)

Wis: 12 (+1)

Cha: 15 (+2)


HP: 16

Movement: 30 (30 base, no penalty for light armor and light load carried)

Base Attack Bonus: +1

Initiative: +4

Armor Class

  • Normal: 16 (+4 for Dex, +2 for Leather)
  • Flat Footed: 12
  • Touch: 12


  • Short Sword
    • To Hit: 1d20+1 (+1 for BAB)
    • Damage: 1d6
    • Crit: 19-20 x2
    • Cost: 10gp
    • Weight: 2 lbs
  • Light Crossbow
    • To Hit: 1d20+6 (+4 for Dex, +1 for BAB, +1 from Masterwork, -2 for each range increment over 80 feet)
    • Damage: 1d1d8
    • Crit: 19-20/x2
    • Cost: 335gp
    • Weight: 4 lbs
    • 20 bolts: 2gp (Weight: 2 lbs)
    • Range Increment: 80 Feet
      • Each full range increment imposes a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll. Can shoot out to 10 range increments.


Fort Save: +0 (+0 base, +0 Con)

Ref Save: +7 (+3 base, +4 Dex)

Will Save: +1 (+0 base, +1 Wis)

Class Abilities

Sneak Attack: +1d6 damage whenever target is denied a Dex bonus to AC or when I'm flanking the target

Trapfinding: Adds 1/2 level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). Can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Evasion: Successful reflex save for half damage results in no damage

Rogue Talents

  • Peerless Maneuver: Once per day per 5 levels, roll two dice while making an Acrobatics check, and take the better result. Must choose to use this talent before making the Acrobatics check.


Feat: Acrobatic: +2 bonus on all Acrobatics and Fly skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Feat: Rapid Reload (light crossbow): Reload light crossbow as a free action instead of as a move action.


11 skill points per level (8 for being a Rogue, +2 for Int, +1 for Human)

+1 skill point at level 1; +1 skill point at level 2

Acrobatics: +11 (2 ranks, +3 for Rogue, +4 for Dex, +2 for Acrobatics feat)

Appraise: +6 (1 rank, +3 for Rogue, +2 for Int)

Bluff: +7 (2 ranks, +3 for Rogue, +2 for Cha)

Diplomacy: +7 (2 ranks, +3 for Rogue, +2 for Cha)

Disable Device: +12 (2 ranks, +3 for Rogue, +4 for Dex, +1 for half of my level, +2 for Masterwork Thieves’ Tools)

Disguise: +8 (1 ranks, +3 for Rogue, +4 for Dex)

Escape Artist: +8 (1 rank, +3 for Rogue, +4 for Dex)

Intimidate: +6 (1 rank, +3 for Rogue, +2 for Cha)

Knowledge (Dungeoneering): +6 (1 rank, +3 for Rogue, +2 for Int)

Knowledge (Local): +6 (1 rank, +3 for Rogue, +2 for Int)

Perception: +6 (2 ranks, +3 for Rogue, +1 for Wis)

Perform (Oratory): +6 (1 rank, +3 for Rogue, +2 for Cha)

Perform (Comedy): +7 (2 ranks, +3 for Rogue, +2 for Cha)

Sense Motive: +6 (2 ranks, +3 for Rogue, +1 for Wis)

Sleight of Hand: +9 (2 ranks, +3 for Rogue, +4 for Dex)

Stealth: +8 (1 rank, +3 for Rogue, +4 for Dex)


Leather Armor (15 lbs): 10gp

Thieves' Tools, Masterwork (2 lbs): 100gp. +2 circumstance bonus on Disable Device checks

Backpack, Masterwork (4 lbs): 50gp. +1 Str for purposes of carrying capacity (43, 44-86, 87-130)

Cold Weather Clothes (7 lbs): 8 GP

Game Dice, loaded (superior) (no weight): 50 GP

Jewelry, False (no weight): 50 GP

Powder, Flash (no weight): 50 GP

335 gp


Future Character Plans