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<td>HP</td><td>20</td><td>(8 HD + 2 CON + 8 HD + 2 CON)</td>
<td>(8 HD + 2 CON + 8 HD + 2 CON)</td>

Revision as of 02:20, 20 October 2011

Mei's cheat sheet

Pathfinder Point Buy : 25 points.

Level 2 Monk (Favored Class: when taking monk levels, gain +1 skill point OR +1 HP)


STR 12 (+1)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 10 (--)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHR 8 (-1)
HP 20 (8 HD + 2 CON + 8 HD + 2 CON)


Combat Maneuver Bonus

+2 (+1 BaB + 1 STR - If you want to start doing maneuvers - trips, grapples, disarms, etc - there is a feat that lets you sub DEX for STR. Also, at level 3 your BAB is replaced with your monk level for the purpose of CMB, so you'll automatically get somewhat better at it either way. Enlarge Person also gives you a net of +2 CMB more from size and strength bonuses.)

Base Attack Bonus

+1 (Modified Attack Bonus: +2 = +1 BaB, +1 STR)
Flurry of Blows Base Attack: +0/+0 (Modified = +1/+1)

Fist Damage: 1d6+1 (1d8+2 when Enlarged) (B)

Special Attack: Stunning Fist DC: 14 (10 + 1/2 Monk Level + WIS; Usable Monk Level times per day)

Combat Maneuver Defense: 19 (10 + 2 CMB + 4 DEX + 3 WIS^)

AC: 18 = 10 + 3 (Wis)^ + 4 (Dex) + 1 Dodge

Touch AC: 18 = 10 + 3 (Wis)^ + 4 (Dex) + 1 Dodge
Flat Footed AC: 13 = 10 + 3 (Wis)^

^ Monk Special

Base Move: 40 ft


(Max Rank = Character Level) (10 + 2 from Favored Class)

Acrobatics: (+9) 2 Ranks + 4 DEX + 3 Class Skill Bonus

Climb: (+5) 1 Rank + 1 STR + 3 Class Skill Bonus

Escape Artist: (+8) 1 Rank + 4 DEX + 3 Class Skill Bonus

Perception (+8) 2 Ranks + 3 WIS + 3 Class Skill Bonus

Stealth (+9) 2 Ranks + 4 DEX + 3 Class Skill Bonus

Sleight of Hand (+5) 1 Ranks + 4 DEX

Bluff (+0) 1 Rank - 1 CHR

Survival (+5) 2 Rank + 3 WIS

Diplomacy (-3) 0 Rank -2 Flaw -1 CHR

Sense Motive (+1) 0 Rank -2 Flaw +3 Wis

Feats & Flaws

Flaw: Arrogant (-2 to Diplomacy and Sense Motive)

Bonus Feat: Psionic Talent

Human Feat: Up the Walls (May run on walls or ceiling so long as movement ends on level, flat surface)

Level 1 Feat: Speed of Thought (+10 Move Speed)

Monk 1 Feat: Combat Reflexes (+DEX AoOs, may AoO flat footed)

Monk 2 Feat: Dodge (+1 AC)



(No damage on successful reflex)


Power: Conceal Thoughts (1 hour duration. +10 to bluff checks and +4 to will saves versus mental prying)

PSPs: 2

(Power cost 1 PSP to activate. If your PSP pool is empty, your Up The Walls and Speed of Thought will not function. So, basically, once per day.)

1000 gp to spend, no more than 600 on any one item. I am not fucking with this and you can carry it around as cold cash for all I care. -gm