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Some discussions about where the adventuring will take us post July 31, 2009 game.
Some discussions about where the adventuring will take us post July 31, 2009 game.
Matt Allen (Germain) got things started
<pre>The party is, for once, at a point where no one has told them what to do
next. Its the beginning of a hard winter in the halfling's landing, so
going anywhere will be an adventure. But, we're adventurers, so I can't
imagine we want to sit around.
Germain doesn't have a strong opinion on the matter. He doesn't think
that we have to go back to Wydmoor, although we could. We could also
try to check on Iros Forge or Yalmrith, which could be treks, and Iros
may be impossible.
He would prefer we either do something for the Bog Wraiths of the
Halflings. He wants to know mostly what Quin thinks, in particular if
Ralth had something he was hoping we would do. Otherwise, hes inclined
to see if Bethanalay has a quest for us. As usual, Germ thinks we should
build up political capital with *someone*.
Whats other characters thoughts? We should sort this out so Matt can
plan the next game. That is... if he plans anything at all.</pre>
Travis (Al):
<pre>In the opinion of Al, a trip back to see Bethanalay is in order so
a few curses could possibly be taken care of.  Since Al isn't really into
cash transactions, he was planning to offer his services to Beth in
exchange for making the curse go away.  Maybe that would lead to something
for us to do.  Al, of course, doesn't really care what we do, as long as
it doesn't harm nature (maybe even helps it), and as long as it doesn't
involve an extended stay in a city.</pre>
Sarah (LE):
<pre>LE, as usual, doesn't really care where we go. She wouldn't mind hanging
with Beth to see a little more of what Beth can do...</pre>
Daniel (Quin):
<pre>Quin (if he is still alive and able to communicate since I haven't heard
anything about what happened during the last adventure) is very concerned about
getting to the source of the evil rain.  A trip to Beth to try to get curses
removed certainly wouldn't be frowned upon though.
In a slightly embarrassed tone, he relates a nightmare he had the first evening
after they set out from the city:  He dreamed that the rain had turned to snow
as the weather got colder and as the snow accumulated on the ground, it started
affecting animals and people.  It started out with small creatures at first,
turning the rats into zombie like monsters that became brave enough to leave
their dark corners and attack the people in the city.  Things were just as bad
out in the wildland.  He dreamed he had seen deer carcasses being chewed on by
zombie squirrels.  As the snow continued to pile up, the nightmare became darker
and he had haunting images of orphans stumbling through the streets with evil
red eyes, then he had woken up.
He assures everyone that this was just a mundane nightmare and that he didn't feel
it was any sort of sending from the powers, but none-the-less, it had strengthened
his resolve to attempt to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible.  He asks
what everyone else's thoughts are.</pre>
Matt Allen (Germain):
Germain definitely thinks we should talk to Bethanalay about this dream. At
least prepare her in case its a problem, because with all these injured
refugees from the Wyd slums it could be a big deal.
There was some disagreement about whether we stoped the evil weather when
we killed the mummy/wraith. The weather changed immidiately afterwards,
but Germ was suspicious that the correlation wasn't causation. I guess we
need to have Mose detect evil on the snow.
Jones, are we still getting the same vibe off the weather?
Our Beloved DM:
<pre>We can assume that Mose the Cursed and the Tomb Raiders return to Onararch
Landing, and that is where our pre-game discussion will start.
A current assessment of the situation below, heavily excerpted and added to from
emails with msa:
As I stated in the previous games, while you guys were dicking around in the tomb,
the storms over the region began to break up over a period of about six hours. As
the storm dissipated, the unseasonable (relative) warmth they were providing also
began to fade, leading to probably around a 20ish point drop in temperature over
the course of that time, from the high thirties to the single digits.
I'm thinking there is a high possibility that you will all be somewhat stuck at
the Landing and environs during the worst of winter, or at least choose to winter
there, as several members of the party indicated a genuine desire to help with the
refugee situation. (FYI: setting would now be pushing december or january equivelent
conditions in our world, with your location being about halfway between the tropic
and arctic bands.) If we're setting up bullet points for discussion, that would be
choice A.
The areas you were concerned with are at high elevations, with Iros Forge operating
above the tree line even in summer. With the river at flood stage, and now also choked
with ice flows (and the makeshift dock now frozen over), river travel has been
suspended for the season. There is a very slight road between the landing and the city,
for the mules that pull the rafts, but it is underwater at present, making a trip back
to Wydmoor a trek across uncertain terrain in the dead of winter. This would make a
trip back to Wydmoor challenging, but possible, especially with the aid of Pocket Druid.
That'd be option B.
The original mission was to investigate the cause of the storms, which now have now gone
away. The party will need to decide if they still feel that mission exists and is
completable, and if so, what kind of time table they are on. Tweets to edrell during the
three days of convelescence, along with Detect Evil'n from Mose,  indicates that the storm
is indeed fully extinguished, and the weather patterns appear to be returned to normalcy,
but contact has not been restored with the Forge by Edrell OR Ralth. The power brokers of
the Free City seem to be absorbed with rebuilding from the fire and sorting out the growing
refugee crisis. Trying to make your way to the forge would be option C, but do not
underestimate the danger there. The road to Iros Forge from Yalmrith winds up through the
foothills and into the mountains and, while of substantial width, has been hit by many many
weeks of heavy rains, no doubt with associated floods, avalanches, and landslides, followed
by a rapid freeze. All with no mountaineers, though Al has some experience in mountains.
The Year Ahead: the month you are in is called WHITEFALL for a reason. DARKREIGN is the
depths of winter, which turns into a cool spring around new years and the period of renewal
(marchish) with spring showers beginning in HEAVENFALL. The next several months are generally
pretty idllyic just about everywhere, with the worst part of summer coming in SUNFORGE, which
shifts usually pretty quickly into a comfortably long autumn. I believe the elections are
supposed to be held during the Period of Renewal, with results going into effect on the 1st
day of Verdant.
In Summary
Abstract - The party is currently without *clear* orders or objectives. With the chain crises
of the past month, your patrons are stuck in crisis management mode and have little time to
direct your actions. The party must, then, is left with a good deal of latitude in what they
may do.
Non-Comprehensive List Of Possible Courses of Action
A) Winter with the Halflings in Onrarch : Rest, Research, Refugees. This option does not preclude
other options below, but tables them for more favorable conditions.
B) Return to Wydmoor : Return to the City.
C) Yalmrinth, then Iros Forge : Trip to Yalmrinth would be unpleasant but possible. Trek from up
into the mountains themselves would be very dangerous, possibly impossible.
D) Breaking the Fellowship : Uh, why am I still dealing with you again?
E) Other Options - Build Your Own Sandbox! </pre>

[[Category:Quest Notes]]
[[Category:Quest Notes]]

Latest revision as of 13:03, 24 April 2012

Some discussions about where the adventuring will take us post July 31, 2009 game.

Matt Allen (Germain) got things started

The party is, for once, at a point where no one has told them what to do
next. Its the beginning of a hard winter in the halfling's landing, so
going anywhere will be an adventure. But, we're adventurers, so I can't
imagine we want to sit around.

Germain doesn't have a strong opinion on the matter. He doesn't think
that we have to go back to Wydmoor, although we could. We could also
try to check on Iros Forge or Yalmrith, which could be treks, and Iros
may be impossible.

He would prefer we either do something for the Bog Wraiths of the
Halflings. He wants to know mostly what Quin thinks, in particular if
Ralth had something he was hoping we would do. Otherwise, hes inclined
to see if Bethanalay has a quest for us. As usual, Germ thinks we should
build up political capital with *someone*.

Whats other characters thoughts? We should sort this out so Matt can
plan the next game. That is... if he plans anything at all.

Travis (Al):

In the opinion of Al, a trip back to see Bethanalay is in order so 
a few curses could possibly be taken care of.  Since Al isn't really into 
cash transactions, he was planning to offer his services to Beth in 
exchange for making the curse go away.  Maybe that would lead to something 
for us to do.  Al, of course, doesn't really care what we do, as long as 
it doesn't harm nature (maybe even helps it), and as long as it doesn't 
involve an extended stay in a city.

Sarah (LE):

LE, as usual, doesn't really care where we go. She wouldn't mind hanging 
with Beth to see a little more of what Beth can do...

Daniel (Quin):

Quin (if he is still alive and able to communicate since I haven't heard 
anything about what happened during the last adventure) is very concerned about 
getting to the source of the evil rain.  A trip to Beth to try to get curses 
removed certainly wouldn't be frowned upon though.

In a slightly embarrassed tone, he relates a nightmare he had the first evening 
after they set out from the city:  He dreamed that the rain had turned to snow 
as the weather got colder and as the snow accumulated on the ground, it started 
affecting animals and people.  It started out with small creatures at first, 
turning the rats into zombie like monsters that became brave enough to leave 
their dark corners and attack the people in the city.  Things were just as bad 
out in the wildland.  He dreamed he had seen deer carcasses being chewed on by 
zombie squirrels.  As the snow continued to pile up, the nightmare became darker 
and he had haunting images of orphans stumbling through the streets with evil 
red eyes, then he had woken up.

He assures everyone that this was just a mundane nightmare and that he didn't feel 
it was any sort of sending from the powers, but none-the-less, it had strengthened 
his resolve to attempt to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible.  He asks 
what everyone else's thoughts are.

Matt Allen (Germain):


Germain definitely thinks we should talk to Bethanalay about this dream. At
least prepare her in case its a problem, because with all these injured
refugees from the Wyd slums it could be a big deal.

There was some disagreement about whether we stoped the evil weather when
we killed the mummy/wraith. The weather changed immidiately afterwards,
but Germ was suspicious that the correlation wasn't causation. I guess we
need to have Mose detect evil on the snow.

Jones, are we still getting the same vibe off the weather?

Our Beloved DM:

We can assume that Mose the Cursed and the Tomb Raiders return to Onararch 
Landing, and that is where our pre-game discussion will start.

A current assessment of the situation below, heavily excerpted and added to from 
emails with msa:

As I stated in the previous games, while you guys were dicking around in the tomb, 
the storms over the region began to break up over a period of about six hours. As 
the storm dissipated, the unseasonable (relative) warmth they were providing also 
began to fade, leading to probably around a 20ish point drop in temperature over 
the course of that time, from the high thirties to the single digits.

I'm thinking there is a high possibility that you will all be somewhat stuck at 
the Landing and environs during the worst of winter, or at least choose to winter 
there, as several members of the party indicated a genuine desire to help with the 
refugee situation. (FYI: setting would now be pushing december or january equivelent 
conditions in our world, with your location being about halfway between the tropic 
and arctic bands.) If we're setting up bullet points for discussion, that would be 
choice A.

The areas you were concerned with are at high elevations, with Iros Forge operating 
above the tree line even in summer. With the river at flood stage, and now also choked 
with ice flows (and the makeshift dock now frozen over), river travel has been 
suspended for the season. There is a very slight road between the landing and the city, 
for the mules that pull the rafts, but it is underwater at present, making a trip back 
to Wydmoor a trek across uncertain terrain in the dead of winter. This would make a 
trip back to Wydmoor challenging, but possible, especially with the aid of Pocket Druid. 
That'd be option B.

The original mission was to investigate the cause of the storms, which now have now gone 
away. The party will need to decide if they still feel that mission exists and is 
completable, and if so, what kind of time table they are on. Tweets to edrell during the 
three days of convelescence, along with Detect Evil'n from Mose,  indicates that the storm 
is indeed fully extinguished, and the weather patterns appear to be returned to normalcy, 
but contact has not been restored with the Forge by Edrell OR Ralth. The power brokers of 
the Free City seem to be absorbed with rebuilding from the fire and sorting out the growing 
refugee crisis. Trying to make your way to the forge would be option C, but do not 
underestimate the danger there. The road to Iros Forge from Yalmrith winds up through the 
foothills and into the mountains and, while of substantial width, has been hit by many many 
weeks of heavy rains, no doubt with associated floods, avalanches, and landslides, followed 
by a rapid freeze. All with no mountaineers, though Al has some experience in mountains.

The Year Ahead: the month you are in is called WHITEFALL for a reason. DARKREIGN is the 
depths of winter, which turns into a cool spring around new years and the period of renewal 
(marchish) with spring showers beginning in HEAVENFALL. The next several months are generally 
pretty idllyic just about everywhere, with the worst part of summer coming in SUNFORGE, which 
shifts usually pretty quickly into a comfortably long autumn. I believe the elections are 
supposed to be held during the Period of Renewal, with results going into effect on the 1st 
day of Verdant.

In Summary
Abstract - The party is currently without *clear* orders or objectives. With the chain crises 
of the past month, your patrons are stuck in crisis management mode and have little time to 
direct your actions. The party must, then, is left with a good deal of latitude in what they 
may do.

Non-Comprehensive List Of Possible Courses of Action
A) Winter with the Halflings in Onrarch : Rest, Research, Refugees. This option does not preclude 
other options below, but tables them for more favorable conditions.
B) Return to Wydmoor : Return to the City.
C) Yalmrinth, then Iros Forge : Trip to Yalmrinth would be unpleasant but possible. Trek from up 
into the mountains themselves would be very dangerous, possibly impossible.
D) Breaking the Fellowship : Uh, why am I still dealing with you again?
E) Other Options - Build Your Own Sandbox!