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This is stolen from the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druid_(Dungeons_&_Dragons) |Wikipedia Druid page].
#REDIRECT [[druid]]
The Druid is a versatile class, capable in combat and of casting divine spells. They gain divine magic from being at one with nature, or from one of several patron gods of the wild. Unlike the cleric, druids do not have special powers against undead and cannot use metal armor. Druids have a unique ability that allows them to change into various animal forms, and various other qualities that assist them in natural settings. Druids work very well with animals, and can try to improve a wild creature's attitude the same way they would improve an NPC with diplomacy. Druids gain a greater control of their body and at higher levels they can change appearance at will, become immune to natural poisons and even stop ageing.
In this setting, Druids are most commonly found among the Lizard Folk and the Elves, although the class is not unheard of among other races. Druids do not have an accepted position within the Alexandrian Church, and although most tend to be rather a-religious, the Church accepts the legitimacy of their divine power and does not generally oppose them in the same was as it does the various cults and heresies.

Latest revision as of 07:17, 26 April 2014

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