Talk:Marwynn's Character Sheet (Pathfinder): Difference between revisions

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(Replaced content with " == Level 8 == *New Mystery Spell: Restoration *New Bonus Spell: Cure Serious Wounds *BaB: +1 (to +6/+1) *Saves: +1 Will *+1 to attribute *Spells per Day: +1 3rd, +3 4th (plu...")
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<b>Oracle 7</b>
== Level 8 ==
*New Mystery Spell: Restoration
*New Bonus Spell: Cure Serious Wounds
*BaB: +1 (to +6/+1)
*Saves: +1 Will
|Strength || 7  (-2)
*+1 to attribute
*Spells per Day: +1 3rd, +3 4th (plus bonus?)
|Dexterity || 12 (+1) 
*New Spells: 0th=1; 4th=1
*Skill Points: 7
|Constitution || 12 (+1)
|Intelligence || 14 (+2)
|Wisdom || 8 (-1)
|Charisma || 20 (+5) [+2 Racial; 4th Level Bonus]
Concentration:  +12 = 7 ORACLE + 5 CHR
|Hit Points ||&nbsp;&nbsp;|| 57 ||&nbsp;&nbsp;|| 8 (1st HD) + 7x6 (HD) + 7 (Con)
|Armor Class |||| 1? |||| +? Armor, +1 Dex bonus
|Base Attack Bonus |||| +5
|Combat Maneuver Bonus |||| +3 (+5 BaB -2 Str)
|Combat Maneuver Defense |||| 16 (10 +5 BaB -2 Str +1 Dex)
|Initiative |||| +1
|Base Speed |||| 30 ft. (20 ft. Armor?)
|Fort Save |||| +3 = +2 Base +1 Con||||
|Reflex |||| +3 = +2 Base +1 Dex ||||
|Will Save |||| +6 = +5 Bard +1 Wis||||
==Feats and Abilities==
===Human Racial===
*Free Feat @ 1st
*Skilled (1 extra skill rank per level)
*Curse: Silent Spell (no level or time increase)
*Human: Improved Encumbrance (+4 STR for Carrying Cap)
*1st: Exotic Weapon (Repeating X-Bow)
*3rd: Point Blank Shot
*5th: Extend Spell
*7th: Reach Spell
** FWIW, using those Metamagic feats as a spontaneous caster makes Standard Action spell turn into Full Round Action spells.
===Class Abilities===
In your mock up, you only had two. You actually have 3 by level 7. You went with "Healing Hands as your 2nd revelation, which frankly seems kind of weak since it's all about the heal skill, esp. compared to - say - AoE bursting 4d6 worth of healing healing 8 times a day (Channel), the ability to have your overheal become temporary HP (Spirit Boost),  or even the ability to cast cure spells without triggering AoO (Safe Curing).
* Mystery (Life)
** Curse: Mute
***-8 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks
*** <i>Detect Thoughts</i> at will
** Revelation #1: Energy Body
** Revelation #2: ?????
** Revelation #3: ?????
*??? (Intel)
*??? (Linguistics)
*Diplomacy = -3 = 0 Ranks + 5 CHR - 8 Curse
*Bluff = -3 = 0 Ranks + 5 CHR - 8 Curse
*Intimidate = -3 = 0 Ranks + 5 CHR - 8 Curse
*Handle Animal = +10 = 2 Ranks + 5 CHR + 3 Class Skill
*Heal = +10 = 6 Ranks + 1 CHR + 3 Class Skill
*Knowledge (Arcana) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
*Knowledge (Dungeoneering) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
*Knowledge (Engineering) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
*Knowledge (Geography) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
*Knowledge (History) = +10 = 5 Ranks + 2 INT +3 Class Skill
*Knowledge (Local) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
*Knowledge (Nature) = +6 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT +3 Class Skill
*Knowledge (Nobility) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
*Knowledge (Religion) = +10 = 5 Ranks + 2 INT  +3 Class Skill
*Linguistics = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
*Perception = +8 = 7 Ranks + 1 WIS
*Sense Motive = +10 = 6 Ranks + 1 WIS + 3 Class Skill
*Spellcraft = +10 = 5 Ranks + 2 INT + 3 Class Skill
*Stealth = +5 = 4 Ranks + 1 DEX
*Survival = +5 = 1 Ranks + 1 WIS + 3 Class Skill
===Spell Slots===
*0: 10 known (6 base + 3 favored class)
** Infinite/Day
*1: 7 known (4 base + 2 favored class)
** 8/Day
*2: 5 known (2 base + 2 Favored Class bonus)
** 7/Day
*3: 2 Known
** 5/Day
* Detect Magic
* Detect Poison
* Guidance
* Light
* Purify Food and Drink
* Resistance
* Stabilize
* ???
* ???
* ???
===Level One===
* (Bonus) Cure Light Wounds (1d8+5)
* (Bonus) Detect Undead
* Bless
* Comprehend Languages
* Divine Favor
* Doom
* Entropic Shield
* Sanctuary
* ???
===Level Two===
* (Bonus)Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+7)
* (Bonus) Lesser Restoration
* Remove Paralysis
* Resist Energy
* Status
* ???
* ???
===Level Three===
* (Bonus) Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+7)
* (Bonus) Neutralize Poison
* Prayer
* Water Walk
==Cool Items==
To Be Done!

Revision as of 21:51, 20 July 2014

== Level 8 ==
  • New Mystery Spell: Restoration
  • New Bonus Spell: Cure Serious Wounds
  • BaB: +1 (to +6/+1)
  • Saves: +1 Will
  • +1 to attribute
  • Spells per Day: +1 3rd, +3 4th (plus bonus?)
  • New Spells: 0th=1; 4th=1
  • Skill Points: 7