Notes for Game 2010-02-26: Difference between revisions

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* {{LE}} fireballs them from scrolls and kills all the hobgoblins.
* {{LE}} fireballs them from scrolls and kills all the hobgoblins.
* The team makes short work of the worgs afterwards with some minor damage.
* The team makes short work of the worgs afterwards with some minor damage.
{{xpinfo|600|Worg Riders (All but Al)}}
{{xpinfo|600|Worg Riders|Everyone but Al}}
* We discuss with Naprid and he tells us the City Magus resigned. Edrell and the Hadriarch are under Wraith protection.
* We discuss with Naprid and he tells us the City Magus resigned. Edrell and the Hadriarch are under Wraith protection.
* Naprid tells them to spread tales of the armies so the Landing folk will not side with them.
* Naprid tells them to spread tales of the armies so the Landing folk will not side with them.
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== Final GM message ==
== Final GM message ==
{{xpinfo|500|General XP (All but Al)}}
{{xpinfo|500|General XP|Everyone but Al}}
{{xpinfo|250|Quin Bonus}}
{{xpinfo|250|Bog Wraith Bonus|Quin}}
{{xpinfo|60|Kim and LE RP Award}}
{{xpinfo|60|RP Award|Kimika and LE }}

{{Kimika}} Dings to 6!
{{Kimika}} Dings to 6!

Revision as of 20:36, 27 February 2010


In Our Last Episode

15-1 Heavenfall

  • AlToken.PNG Al saw an army 3 days up the mountain.
  • The party decides to tell the Alderman. He runs away to go pack and evacuate.
  • They find the Sheriff and tell him so town can evacuate.
  • AlToken.PNG Al casts Spine Growth and Plant Growth to slow down army multiple days on their trek down the mountain.
  • KimikaToken.PNG Kimika and Quin lay glyphs and traps to kill army soldiers as they come out of the mountain pass exit into Yalmrith.
  • Party plans to head out soon...

This episode

New Day Begins

16-1 Heavenfall

  • AlToken.PNG Al continues to harass the army, slows them down.
  • Naprid tell us the Mayor has fled town.
  • Martial law has been declared in Wydmoor. Wraiths in charge now.
  • Naprid instructs us to poison the food in town.
  • The team poisons the food in the city, hiding this fact from MoseToken.PNG Mose.
  • Quin and GermainToken.PNG Germain search for Worg Riders in case they're sneaking in to attack the city.
  • Quin and GermainToken.PNG Germain sees some trails.
  • KimikaToken.PNG Kimika and LEToken.PNG LE discuss LEToken.PNG LE's former centipede sickness and try to assess why it happened.
New Day Begins

17-1 Heavenfall

After Hobgoblin Worg Battle
  • The party heads out and Quin and GermainToken.PNG Germain track/spot the worg riders.
  • We meet up not too far from that and make camp.
  • In the middle of the night, a figure is seen in the camp.
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose charges and attacks it in a charge attack.
  • Turns out it was a little boy (Bok) and MoseToken.PNG Mose knocked him unconscious (almost killed him).
  • Boy's family was killed by Worgs
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose feels terrible and insists the boy stays with the party (out of guilt). MoseToken.PNG Mose is very angry with himself and can't help taking it out on the boy.
  • Find a few worgs and hobgolins
  • LEToken.PNG LE fireballs them from scrolls and kills all the hobgoblins.
  • The team makes short work of the worgs afterwards with some minor damage.
Worg Riders
+ 600 
Experience Points
  • We discuss with Naprid and he tells us the City Magus resigned. Edrell and the Hadriarch are under Wraith protection.
  • Naprid tells them to spread tales of the armies so the Landing folk will not side with them.
  • Party camps a day outside
New Day Begins

18-1 Heavenfall

  • We get to the Landing and Bethnalay will not side with us. She will help whomever passes.
  • We try to convince her, but we cannot.
  • Landing Camp is tied by the Concord of the Highways, whatever her true feelings about each side.
  • KimikaToken.PNG Kimika tries to convince Maggr to watch Bok, but MoseToken.PNG Mose refuses.
New Day Begins

19-1 Heavenfall

  • We head over to Wydmoor. Stop at the Castle.
  • Naprid meets and asks about why we have Bok.
  • Ralth comes to visit them in a special location.
  • Ralth tells us that we need to know our place and he is taking us into his confidence.
  • Ralth leads us to a fortified inner keep, the war room.
  • Ralth announces that elections are postponed for a year. According to Edrell, Ralth threatened to "smash the Stones of Law, and feel the catapults with the rubble."
  • Hadriarch is there, MoseToken.PNG Mose gives him back the boat. Hadriarch says he is authorized to speak for the mayor.
  • Edrell is there sober and clean-shaven for the first time in a couple of weeks.
  • Naprid is there, along with the hadriarch and Edrell and some bog wraith flunkies/middle managers.
  • Edrell and Naprid argue about who should be the next City Magus.
  • Edrell is appointed City Magus with the party's support, who agree that a non-bog wrath should have the position.
  • Teodora is appointed Sheriff, with GermainToken.PNG Germain's blessing.
  • Edrell and GermainToken.PNG Germain accuse each other of treason, laughs and back-pats result.
  • Mayor is given Imperium (i.e. Legislative and Executive power, as the council is all but wiped out.)
  • Quinalin gets the Sojourner's Cap from Naprid. Uses a runestone that explodes in a blinding light, teleporting Quin and Naprid to a field.
  • It is intended to teleport people to the Temporal Authority spot.
  • Sojourner's Cap:
    • Charged Item
    • 15 charges max
    • Abilities (caster level 16):
      • 5xCharge: Teleport
      • 1xCharge: Create Food and Water
    • Regains 1 charge per day
  • The cap will have 11 charges on the morrow, after its usages above.



Final GM message

General XP
+ 500 
Experience Points
Bog Wraith Bonus
+ 250 
Experience Points
RP Award
+ 60 
Experience Points

KimikaToken.PNG Kimika Dings to 6!