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So, about this feat. The Cohort joins at a level determined by the Leadership score, but then gains EXP by the rules in the feat. This luckily means that the cohort doesn't lose levels if you lose Leadership, but it also means that there's no way to bump him up if the character with Leadership GAINS leadership score, because the way the Cohort gains exp means he gains levels at exactly the same rate as the PC (because each level takes level * 1000 exp, and cohort exp is cohort level/PC level * PC exp, so any exp the PC gains is transformed into exactly the amount that would give the same percentage gain toward level to the cohort). Is this a discrepancy worth worrying about, or will it all just work out in the end?
How much leeway is there on the "caused the death of other followers" penalty? Does it count if the followers are led into a battle in which one or more of them get killed, or does the character's involvement have to be more direct? Granted, -1 isn't a whole lot, and the follower penalty isn't cumulative, but it IS permanent, by the rules, and considering that followers can be basically one-shot by a single attack from enemies at the PCs' levels, it's pretty much guaranteed to happen if the followers are ever taken into any combat (consider the poor 1st-level Dwarves in the fight against King Mab and co. That NPC was only level 4, so imagine the same thing when the PC's are all level 8-10). Currently, the only solution is to never take the followers into combat, but then what's the point? So they can sit around sweeping your fortress? They could conceivably provide aid bonuses to some skills, but rules for that would have to be worked out, and anyway, that would only matter when you're near home base. -[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]]

Also, re: the cumulative cohort penalty for death--no other class ability gets permanently limited in such a way. Considering that PC level - 2 is low enough that the cohort could conceivably die in a single unlucky hit, this is pretty unreasonable to the petomancer (Wizards and Sorcs get this problem too, with the ridiculous 1-year wait time to get back a familiar that has an HP total that is half of what is already a shittily low number). If that cohort happens to be the target of, say, a Hunter strike that manages to crit for max damage, the PC with Leadership is suddenly sitting on a penalty that will reduce the power of future cohorts, making them even more susceptible to the same thing, and he will have that penalty for his entire career. In vanilla, this is rectified by having Resurrection available (which, I guess I'm assuming would eliminate that penalty, since the cohort would no longer be dead, but I guess that's not explicitly spelled out, so who knows). I would propose, instead, that cohorts be at PC Level-2, always, end of story, and that we leave the penalties for letting a cohort die be decided on a case-by-case basis by the GM, and be more along the lines of making the PC do some sort of atonement-equivalent quest to get his new cohort, rather than permanently penalizing the PC for the sort of thing that happens on a daily basis in a DnD career. -[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]]
: You're best bet is to stage an elaborate ruse where you murder your cohort but it looks like an accident. When its replacement arrives, it will be the correct level. --[[User:Msallen|Msallen]]
: PS. I think since they are lower level, it takes them a lot less XP to level, and they will catch up.
::Re: Your PS: I already explained why they won't catch up above, but let me break it down so we're on the same page.
level = current level
xp_req = XP required to get next level = (level * 1000)
xp_gained = an arbitrary amount of xp given
xp_percent = Percentage of level gained for a given amount of xp = xp_gained/xp_req
Ok. So, cohort_xp_req is going to be

<pre>cohort_level * 1000</pre>
Deleted old stuff. History if interested. -[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]] 13:47, 13 December 2010 (EST)
. Experience gained by the cohort is
<pre>(cohort_level/PC_level) * PC_xp_gained</pre>
, and cohort_xp_percent would be
<pre>cohort_xp_gained/cohort_xp_req = ((cohort_level/PC_level)*PC_xp_gained)/(cohort_level*1000)
= (cohort_level/PC_level)*(PC_xp_gained/cohort_level*1000)
= PC_xp_gained/PC_level*1000
= PC_xp_gained/PC_xp_req
, i.e., exactly the percentage of level gained by the PC for the same amount of experience. Ergo, same percentage gain for any amount of xp gained by the PC, ergo neither gain nor loss of ground against the PC.
::: Reading comprehension for the loss. I guess the only option is to murder them. --[[User:Msallen|Msallen]]
I don't understand? I'm sure everything will be fine! Let's have a beer. -gm
:Just bringing up the point that, by the SRD's rules, if the PC sees a gain in Leadership score that allows for a higher-level cohort (beyond the +1 that the PC automatically gets per-level, which is accounted for in the cohort's XP gain), the cohort will never catch up to allow the PC to see those gains. It's easy enough to remedy, but I like nitpicking numbers. And drinking beer. Sometimes at the same time (right now it's Guinness!)-[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]]
:: Does this factor in that the Cohort will be gaining more XP from combat encounters than the Regent due to the level difference?
::: No, because the cohort doesn't gain more experience due to level difference--he gains exactly what the Regent gains, modified as above. Here's the relevant quote from the SRD:
The cohort does not count as a party member when determining the party’s XP.
Divide the cohort’s level by the level of the PC with whom he or she is associated (the character with the Leadership feat who attracted the cohort).
Multiply this result by the total XP awarded to the PC and add that number of experience points to the cohort’s total.

Revision as of 18:47, 13 December 2010

How much leeway is there on the "caused the death of other followers" penalty? Does it count if the followers are led into a battle in which one or more of them get killed, or does the character's involvement have to be more direct? Granted, -1 isn't a whole lot, and the follower penalty isn't cumulative, but it IS permanent, by the rules, and considering that followers can be basically one-shot by a single attack from enemies at the PCs' levels, it's pretty much guaranteed to happen if the followers are ever taken into any combat (consider the poor 1st-level Dwarves in the fight against King Mab and co. That NPC was only level 4, so imagine the same thing when the PC's are all level 8-10). Currently, the only solution is to never take the followers into combat, but then what's the point? So they can sit around sweeping your fortress? They could conceivably provide aid bonuses to some skills, but rules for that would have to be worked out, and anyway, that would only matter when you're near home base. -Slitherrr

Also, re: the cumulative cohort penalty for death--no other class ability gets permanently limited in such a way. Considering that PC level - 2 is low enough that the cohort could conceivably die in a single unlucky hit, this is pretty unreasonable to the petomancer (Wizards and Sorcs get this problem too, with the ridiculous 1-year wait time to get back a familiar that has an HP total that is half of what is already a shittily low number). If that cohort happens to be the target of, say, a Hunter strike that manages to crit for max damage, the PC with Leadership is suddenly sitting on a penalty that will reduce the power of future cohorts, making them even more susceptible to the same thing, and he will have that penalty for his entire career. In vanilla, this is rectified by having Resurrection available (which, I guess I'm assuming would eliminate that penalty, since the cohort would no longer be dead, but I guess that's not explicitly spelled out, so who knows). I would propose, instead, that cohorts be at PC Level-2, always, end of story, and that we leave the penalties for letting a cohort die be decided on a case-by-case basis by the GM, and be more along the lines of making the PC do some sort of atonement-equivalent quest to get his new cohort, rather than permanently penalizing the PC for the sort of thing that happens on a daily basis in a DnD career. -Slitherrr

Deleted old stuff. History if interested. -Slitherrr 13:47, 13 December 2010 (EST)