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*Character name: Marwynn
*Character name: Marwynn
*Alignment: Neutral Good
*Alignment: True Neutral
*Character level: 5
*Character level: 8
*Deity: Alexandria
*Deity: Alexandria
*Homeland: I think she's Fresian
*Homeland: I think she's Fresian
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*Speed 30 feet (unless medium/heavy armor, 20 feet)
*Speed 30 feet (unless medium/heavy armor, 20 feet)
*Bonus Feat (beginning of game)
*Bonus Feat (beginning of game)
*Bonus skill ranks (beginning of game)
*Bonus skill ranks (+1 each level)

*Class: Oracle
*Class: Oracle
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*Weapons and Armor Proficiency: all simple weapons; light armor, medium armor, shield (not tower shields)
*Weapons and Armor Proficiency: all simple weapons; light armor, medium armor, shield (not tower shields)

*Mystery: Life
<b>Oracle 7</b>
**Revelations: Energy Body (Su), Healing Hands (Ex)
**Bonus spells currently known: detect undead, lesser restoration
**Class skills added: Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), Survival
**Base curse: (3rd party, "Divine Favor") Mute
***"You cannot speak. You take a -8 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks, and you cast all your spells as if they were modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase the spell's level or casting time. At 5th level, you can use DETECT THOUGHTS as an at-will spell-like ability. At 10th level, DETECT THOUGHTS becomes a constant spell-like ability. At 15th level, you gain telepathy 100 feet."
***Alternative Mute: "Mute: You cannot speak or vocalize in any way. You gain Silent Spell as a bonus feat but any spell you cast with a verbal component gains a Somatic component and you suffer from spell failure chance from armour. In addition you may communicate telepathically in any language you know with a range of 15'. At 5th level the range of your telepathy increases to 30 feet and you no longer suffer spell failure while wearing light armour. At 10th level the range of your telepathy increases to 60 feet and you gain a +3 bonus to the DC of your Language Dependent Enchantment spells. At 15th level you no longer suffer spell failure from Medium armour and can communicate telepathically as if under the effect of Tongues. Note this does not grant you the ability to understand anything heard from outside the range of your telepathy."
The Alexandrian Church is ancient, monolithic, omnipresent, and holds a near-monopoly on Divine power in the mainland. Over that period, members of the Church have learned a dazzling array of ways to harness Divine energy. Still, rarely those outside of the official hierarchy develop spontaneous divine powers. Typically, such individuals are extreme in their devotion to the Omnity and in are exemplars of her strongest ideals. Evangelists are often misunderstood by the Alexandrian hierarchy-proper and - while viewed with some suspicion - they are welcome to join the church. Even if they do not, they are not actively persecuted unless they begin to preach heretical thoughts or develop any sort of divine hierarchy. Generally, an Evangelist is what amounts to a "self ordained" Cleric. Through copious study of the Canon of Orthodoxy and constant meditations on the trials and sacrifices of Alexandria, the Evangelist fills herself with divine power. Although lacking the scope of more disciplined peers, and although Evangelists rarely enter the rarifed hieghts of Alexandrian hierarchy, they are nonetheless a respected (if misunderstood) part of the Church, and are as passionate as they are specialized.
The Evangelist is a specialist cleric class. A player may choose to advance as a cleric OR one type of specialist cleric, but not both. A specialist cleric class otherwise counts as a cleric for the purposes of prestige classes, feats, etc.
* Has an aura and casting restrictions as a cleric
* Gain spells from Cleric spell list, but as a sorcerer. Use the "Sorcerer Spells per Day" and "Sorcerer Spells Known," except choose the spells from the base Cleric list (not domain lists!).
* May not spontaneously cast as inflict or cure (???)
* May not '''CHANNEL ENERGY'''
* Does not get bonus spells per day for high Wisdom.
* Does not get domains as normal.
==Class Features==
*'''Alignment''': Any
*'''Hit Dice''': d8
*'''Skill Points (at first level)''': (2 + int modifier) * 4
*'''Skill Points (at each additional level)''': 2 + int modifier
*'''Class Skills''': Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Info, Heal, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft

|Strength || 7  (-2)
|'''Level'''||||'''Attack Bonus'''||||'''Save'''||||'''Save'''||||'''Save'''||||'''Special'''
|5th||||+3||||+4||||+1||||+4||||Additional Domain
|10th||||+7/+2||||+7||||+3||||+7||||Additional Domain
|15th||||+11/+6/+1||||+9||||+5||||+9||||Additional Domain
|Dexterity || 12 (+1) 
|Constitution || 12 (+1)
|Intelligence || 14 (+2)
|Wisdom || 8 (-1)
|20th||||+15/+10/+5||||+12||||+6||||+12||||Additional Domain
|Charisma || 20 (+5) [+2 Racial; 4th Level Bonus]

==Class Features==
'''Domains''': Choose two domains. Gain the granted ability from both domains, and add all spells from that domain to your known spell list (although you still cannot cast spells if not of the appropriate level). These spells do not count toward the "spells known" for level. When additional domains are chosen, those special abilities and domain spells are likewise added in the same manner. Spells added to the Evangelist's spell list in this manner may not be replaced.
Concentration: +12 = 7 ORACLE + 5 CHR

'''Wisdom limiter''': can only cast spells if the Evangelist has Wisdom equal to 10 + spell level.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency''': Evangelists are proficient with all simple weapons. They are also proficient with light and medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). They are also proficient with the favored weapon of their deity.
<b>Evangelist 7</b>
XP: 22,000
{{statsbox|Rosemary's_Baby.jpg|7|Human|Evangelist|Leather Armor|+1 Heavy Repeating Crossbow of Seeking|"Town" would be generous in the extreme...}}
|Strength || 8  (-1)
|Hit Points ||&nbsp;&nbsp;|| 56 ||&nbsp;&nbsp;|| 8 (1st HD) + 5x8 (HD) + 7 (Con)
|Dexterity || 12 (+1)
|Constitution || 13 (+1)
|Intelligence || 14 (+2)
|Wisdom || 18 (+4) [+1 Lvl 4 Attribute]
|Armor Class |||| 13 |||| +2 Armor, +1 Dex bonus
|Charisma || 8  (-1)
|Base Attack Bonus |||| +5
==Secondary Attributes==
|Hit Points || ?????
|Armor Class || ?????
|Combat Maneuver Bonus |||| +3 (+5 BaB -2 Str)
|Base Attack Bonus || ????
|Combat Maneuver Defense |||| 16 (10 +5 BaB -2 Str +1 Dex)
|Grapple || +0
|Initiative |||| +1
|Base Speed || 30 Feet
|Base Speed |||| 30 ft. (20 ft. Armor?)
|Fort Save |||| +5 = +2 Oracle +1 Con +2 ''cloak of resistance''||||
|Fort Save || ??????
|Reflex |||| +5 = +2 Oracle +1 Dex +2 ''cloak of resistance''||||  
|Reflex || ?????
|Will Save |||| +13 = +6 Oracle +5 Cha +2 ''cloak of resistance''||||  
|Will Save || ?????

==Feats and Abilities==
===Human Racial===
*Free Feat @ 1st
*Skilled (1 extra skill rank per level)

*A dagger
*Base curse: (3rd party, "Divine Favor") Mute
**"You cannot speak. You take a -8 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks, and you cast all your spells as if they were modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase the spell's level or casting time. At 5th level, you can use DETECT THOUGHTS as an at-will spell-like ability. At 10th level, DETECT THOUGHTS becomes a constant spell-like ability. At 15th level, you gain telepathy 100 feet."

==Feats, Traits, and Flaws==
*Curse: Silent Spell (no level or time increase)
*Human: Improved Encumbrance (+4 STR for Carrying Cap)
*1st: Exotic Weapon (Repeating X-Bow)
*3rd: Point Blank Shot
*5th: Extend Spell
*7th: Forceful Personality (Cha instead of Wis on Will Saves)
** FWIW, using those Metamagic feats as a spontaneous caster makes Standard Action spell turn into Full Round Action spells.

====Class Feats====
===Class Abilities===
*Armor Proficiency (Light)
* Detect Thoughts @ Will (from Curse)
*Armor Proficiency (Medium)
* Mystery (Life)
*Shield Proficiency
** Curse: Mute
*Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
***-8 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks
*** <i>Detect Thoughts</i> at will
** Revelation #1: Energy Body
** Revelation #2: Channel
** Revelation #3: Safe Curing

==Level 7 spells per day==
6 level 1s
6 level 2s
4 level 3s
*??? (Intel)
*??? (Linguistics)

==Level 7 spells known (not including domain lists)==
7 level 0s
[ Just reference this google sheet], the Fantasy Grounds skill list is very messed up due to my sloppiness and I can't correct it between sessions.
5 level 1s
3 level 2s
2 level 3s

====Purchased Feats====
*Human: Exotic Weapons Proficiency: Heavy Repeater
===Spell Slots===
*Lvl 1: Extend Spell (Cast spell @ +1 spell level & as full round action to double duration)
*0: 10 known (8 base + 3 favored class)
*Lvl 3: Point-Blank Shot (+1 ranged attack/damage on ranged shots within 30')
** Infinite/Day
*Lvl 6 : Improved Encumbrance (carries weight as though character has +4 strength)
*1: 7 known (5 base + 2 favored class)
*NOT YET ACTIVE :Reach spell (cast spell @ +2 spell level + ranged touch attack roll to cast a touch spell as having a 30' range)
** 8/Day (all 'per day' totals include my CHA bonus)
*2: 5 known (3 base + 2 favored class)
** 7/Day
*3: 2 Known (2 base + 1 favored class)
** 6/Day
*4: 1 known

====Neutral (Good) Aura (Ex)====
* Detect Magic
* Detect Poison
* Light
* Spark
* Resistance
* Stabilize
* Read magic
* Bleed

====Evangelist Domain: Travel====
===Level One===
* Increase base speed by 10ft.
* (Bonus, Oracle) Cure Light Wounds (1d8+8)  
* Agile feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain (no penalties for moving). 3 + Wis mod per day.
* (Bonus, Mystery) Detect Undead
* Dimensional Hop (Sp): at 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 ft per cleric level per day as a move action. Must be used in 5-foot increments; does not provoke attack of opportunity. Must have line of sight. Can bring other willing creatures with you, but must expend equal amount of distance for each creature brought.
* Domain spell list: 1: longstrider; 2: locate object; 3: fly; 4: dimension door; 5: teleport; 6: find the path; 7: greater teleport; 8: phase door; 9: astral projection.

====Evangelist Domain: Knowledge ====
* Bless
( All knowledge skills are class skills
* Comprehend Languages
*Lore keeper (Sp): You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful touch attack, you gain info as if you made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier.
* Divine Favor
*Remote Viewing (Sp): starting at 6th level, you can use clairvoyance/clairaudience as a spell-like ability using your cleric level as the caster level. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level (does not need to be consecutive).
* Doom
* Domain spells: 1: comprehend languages; 2: detect thoughts; 3: speak with dead; 4: divination; 5: true seeing; 6: find the path; 7: legend lore; 8: discern location; 9: foresight.
* Entropic Shield
* Sanctuary
* Hide from Undead

====Evangelist Domain: Healing====
===Level Two===
*Rebuke Death (Sp): you can touch a living creature as a standard action, healing it for 1d4 points of damage plus 1 for every 2 cleric levels you possess. '''You can only use this ability on a creature that is below 0 hit points.''' You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
* (Bonus) Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+8)
*Healer's Blessing (SU): At 6th level, all of your cure spells are treated as if they were empowered, increasing the amount of damage healed by half (+50%). This does not apply to DAMAGE dealt with a cure spell. This does not stack with the Empower Spell metamagic feat.
* (Bonus) Lesser Restoration
*Domain spells: 1: cure light; 2: cure mod; 3: cure serious; 4: cure crit; 5: breath of life; 6: heal' 7: regen; 8: mass cure crit wounds, 9: mass heal.

* Remove Paralysis
* Augury
* Status
* Blood of the Martyr
* Inflict moderate wounds
===Level Three===
* (Bonus) Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+8)
* (Bonus) Neutralize Poison
* Prayer
* Water Walk
* Magic Vestment

==Spells (currently 3.5 list)==
===Level Four===
* (Bonus) Restoration
* (Bonus) Cure critical wounds (4d8+8)

<i>6/day</i>; <i>DC 14</i>
* Holy Smite

*Purify Food and Water
==Cool Items==
*Detect Magic
*Detect Poison
*Cure Minor Wounds

====<b>Level One</b>====
===[ Headband of Unshakeable Resolve]===
<i>6+1B/day</i>; <i>DC 15</i>
+2 to Wisdom, and can spend an immediate action to downgrade a fear effect up to three times a day

*Comprehend Languages
===[ Healer's Gloves]===
+5 to Heal checks
*Divine Favor
*Entropic Shield
*Cure Light Wounds [1d8+5] (D)
*Longstrider (D)
*Detect Secret Doors (D)

====<b>Level Two</b>====
===Ring of Reth's Water Aspect===
<i>6+1B/day</i>; <i>DC 16</i>
+3 to swim, and as a swift action, can cast ''air bubble'' up to three times a day. This autocasts when drowning.

*Inflict Moderate Wounds [2d8+7]
==Cloak of Resistance==
*Remove Paralysis
Is resistance-y.
*Cure Moderate Wounds [2d8+8]  (D)
*Locate Object  (D)
*Detect Thoughts (D)
*Resist Energy

====<b>Level Three</b>====
===[ Cassock of the Clergy]===
She always has a focus. In addition, she gets 1/day each of ''bless'' and ''sanctuary'' (DC 11), +3 to Charisma-based checks against same-aligned creatures or followers of Alexandria, and may prepare an additional orison each day. As a spontaneous caster, she may also spend an hour of prayer to gain the knowledge of an orison of her choice for 24 hours.
*Claivoyance/Clairaudience (D)
*Cure Serious Wounds [3d8+8](D)
*Fly (D)
*Dispel Magic

==Cool Stuff==
===The Friend Shield Ring===
*Studded Leather Armor
Kib has the other one. At any time, she may activate this ring to take half of Kib's damage on herself. The other ring can do the same in the opposite direction (and is the more likely usage)
*+1 Seeking Heavy Repeater (+5 to hit, +6 within 30'; 1d10+1 damage, ignores concealment)
*Has a bag of lightweight magical accouterments (feathers, ash, etc.)

Latest revision as of 05:07, 8 March 2016

  • Character name: Marwynn
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Character level: 8
  • Deity: Alexandria
  • Homeland: I think she's Fresian
  • Race: Human
  • Size: Normal
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 25
  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 130lbs
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Racial traits (default PF ones):
  • Speed 30 feet (unless medium/heavy armor, 20 feet)
  • Bonus Feat (beginning of game)
  • Bonus skill ranks (+1 each level)
  • Class: Oracle
  • Class skills: Craft (Int), Diplo (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Hist, Planes, religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)
  • Skill ranks per level: 4 + Int Modifier
  • Weapons and Armor Proficiency: all simple weapons; light armor, medium armor, shield (not tower shields)

Oracle 7



Strength 7 (-2)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 8 (-1)
Charisma 20 (+5) [+2 Racial; 4th Level Bonus]


Concentration: +12 = 7 ORACLE + 5 CHR

Hit Points    56    8 (1st HD) + 5x8 (HD) + 7 (Con)
Armor Class 13 +2 Armor, +1 Dex bonus
Base Attack Bonus +5
Combat Maneuver Bonus +3 (+5 BaB -2 Str)
Combat Maneuver Defense 16 (10 +5 BaB -2 Str +1 Dex)
Initiative +1
Base Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. Armor?)
Fort Save +5 = +2 Oracle +1 Con +2 cloak of resistance
Reflex +5 = +2 Oracle +1 Dex +2 cloak of resistance
Will Save +13 = +6 Oracle +5 Cha +2 cloak of resistance

Feats and Abilities

Human Racial

  • Free Feat @ 1st
  • Skilled (1 extra skill rank per level)


  • Base curse: (3rd party, "Divine Favor") Mute
    • "You cannot speak. You take a -8 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks, and you cast all your spells as if they were modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase the spell's level or casting time. At 5th level, you can use DETECT THOUGHTS as an at-will spell-like ability. At 10th level, DETECT THOUGHTS becomes a constant spell-like ability. At 15th level, you gain telepathy 100 feet."


  • Curse: Silent Spell (no level or time increase)
  • Human: Improved Encumbrance (+4 STR for Carrying Cap)
  • 1st: Exotic Weapon (Repeating X-Bow)
  • 3rd: Point Blank Shot
  • 5th: Extend Spell
  • 7th: Forceful Personality (Cha instead of Wis on Will Saves)
    • FWIW, using those Metamagic feats as a spontaneous caster makes Standard Action spell turn into Full Round Action spells.

Class Abilities

  • Detect Thoughts @ Will (from Curse)
  • Mystery (Life)
    • Curse: Mute
      • -8 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks
      • Detect Thoughts at will
    • Revelation #1: Energy Body
    • Revelation #2: Channel
    • Revelation #3: Safe Curing


  • Ubrekti
  • Fresian
  • ??? (Intel)
  • ??? (Linguistics)


Just reference this google sheet, the Fantasy Grounds skill list is very messed up due to my sloppiness and I can't correct it between sessions.


Spell Slots

  • 0: 10 known (8 base + 3 favored class)
    • Infinite/Day
  • 1: 7 known (5 base + 2 favored class)
    • 8/Day (all 'per day' totals include my CHA bonus)
  • 2: 5 known (3 base + 2 favored class)
    • 7/Day
  • 3: 2 Known (2 base + 1 favored class)
    • 6/Day
  • 4: 1 known
    • 4/day


  • Detect Magic
  • Detect Poison
  • Light
  • Spark
  • Resistance
  • Stabilize
  • Read magic
  • Bleed

Level One

  • (Bonus, Oracle) Cure Light Wounds (1d8+8)
  • (Bonus, Mystery) Detect Undead
  • Bless
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Divine Favor
  • Doom
  • Entropic Shield
  • Sanctuary
  • Hide from Undead

Level Two

  • (Bonus) Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+8)
  • (Bonus) Lesser Restoration
  • Remove Paralysis
  • Augury
  • Status
  • Blood of the Martyr
  • Inflict moderate wounds

Level Three

  • (Bonus) Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+8)
  • (Bonus) Neutralize Poison
  • Prayer
  • Water Walk
  • Magic Vestment

Level Four

  • (Bonus) Restoration
  • (Bonus) Cure critical wounds (4d8+8)
  • Holy Smite

Cool Items

Headband of Unshakeable Resolve

+2 to Wisdom, and can spend an immediate action to downgrade a fear effect up to three times a day

Healer's Gloves

+5 to Heal checks

Ring of Reth's Water Aspect

+3 to swim, and as a swift action, can cast air bubble up to three times a day. This autocasts when drowning.

Cloak of Resistance

Is resistance-y.

Cassock of the Clergy

She always has a focus. In addition, she gets 1/day each of bless and sanctuary (DC 11), +3 to Charisma-based checks against same-aligned creatures or followers of Alexandria, and may prepare an additional orison each day. As a spontaneous caster, she may also spend an hour of prayer to gain the knowledge of an orison of her choice for 24 hours.

The Friend Shield Ring

Kib has the other one. At any time, she may activate this ring to take half of Kib's damage on herself. The other ring can do the same in the opposite direction (and is the more likely usage)