Mefighter beta team ninth session notes: Difference between revisions

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==Beyond Monstertown==
==Scouting the City==
*As the party prepares to use the boat to row across the river to get the Dwarves, they note it is the first deal of the Fast of Anticipation
*Thurmin, Brunner, and Drem hold position on the hill west of the city while scouting parties head out - Byll to the North, Gub and Uhanimara to the south.
*Thurmin and Uhanimara row the boat across while Byll and Gub stand by to provide covering fire (Thurmin is a damn good rower, apparently)
*The moat is fast moving and deep and clear of debris
*The Dwarves row back
*On the south side of the city, the moat empties into the Realstream where it leaves the city - cataract and waterfall at this point
*The party carries on, now heading roughly south towards the mine at Draglet
*The river is not passable at all to the south; even with a boat it would be problematic
*The exit of the Fahstream is here as well; it is quieter, but once joined to the river, quite fast
*Uhanimara levitates to get a view into the city, but can not discern much.
*Up on the hill, Thurmin wonders why they didn't discuss a signalling method with the scouting parties in case trouble occurs.

==Trouble for the Scouts==
*As they attempt to return to the hill, Uhanimara and Gub are spotted from the wall
*Gub attempts to bluff the humanoids into thinking that he is wanting to join up, but is unsuccessful in convincing them of this.
*A large force emerges from the city gates - mixed force of ogres, orcs, goblins.
*Thurmin is very concerned about this level of coordination by servitor race members.
*With Uhanimara and Gub attempting to evade the force marching down the road, Thurmin, Brunner and Drem stage a distraction - blowing on whistles, using a light spell.
*The large force stops and moves into a defensive formation while the party attempts to reunite.
*Uhanimara and Gub are spotted, and a fireball is launched from the wall at them.
*A loud voice from the wall announces that "Master Blaster runs Monster Town!"
*The party reunites, withdraws and circles towards the north of the city in hopes of finding Byll.
*As the large monster party withdraws in good order, Thurmin again notes that this level of coordination and sophisticated behaviour is unheard of for Servitor races.
*Gub objects to the notion that Servitor races are unintelligent and undisciplined.  Thurmin and Gub discuss theology, with Thurmin intrigued to learn that Gub is a follower of the Church.
*Byll rejoins the party and notes that the river is impassable to the north as well; the only way across the river is through the city which appears to be held by a large group of monsters.

==Wickermen (not the bees!)==
==Negotiations and MonsterTown==
*The party encounters a group of 7 scarecrows in a circle on the path
*The party decides that fighting their way into the city and across it is unlikely to succeed.
*The Wickermen Goblns demand tribute to allow passage; the group has had enough of paying to get through things
*Byll notes that there was a boat on the north side of the river, but on the far bank.  It could be used to get across if it could be retrieved.
*Gub is spoken to by goblins who are wondering why he is traveling with humans, dwarves and a halfling
*Gub proposes that he and Uhanimara present themselves at the gate, since they've already been seen, and negotiate passage.
*Gub is not successful in bluffing the goblins and is attacked.
*Gub and Uhanimara approach the gates.  They negotiate with the representatives there, who are willing to let the group pass for a fee, and that the group does not contain any threats (such as paladins).
*Two other goblins use their crossbows to light two of the wickermen on fire
*The party debates the offer.  Thurmin suggests that Gub and Uhanimara could go through by themselves, and bring the boat across.  In the end, Brunner and Drem decide to remain behind while the rest of the party goes through the city.  Thurmin can't resist seeing a city controlled by Servitors.
*As the battle is joined, two other Wickermen are lit on fire
*The party pays the fee, which involves surrendering most of their magic items and are taken into the city.
*Brunner and Drem kill lots of goblins, with support from Gub's arrows and Uhanimara's spells.  Thurmin even kills a couple.
*Master Blaster is on the other side of the gate - a kobold wizard riding a giant under mind control.
*Goblins riding war dogs emerge from the trees, but the group handles the goblin pack quite easily
*The city has been sectioned off, with areas for kobolds, orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, etc.  The party is allowed to pass through unmolested.
*As the one survivor runs away, there is a crashing sound south and east of the scarecrow circle and a 12 foot tall scarecrow with scythe blades for arms emerges
*The group kills the giant scarecrow, thanks to some excellent shooting by Gub

*+50 to Gub for jokes
*+50 to Thurmin for stating the obvious
*+250 to Gub for negotiations
*+25 to Thurmin for letting his curiosity get the better of him
*+100 for something...hearing Master Blaster shout from the wall or somesuch?
*+200 for Meeting Master Blaster
*+100 for Tail Between Legs
*+1000 for Monster Town Crossing

==Oh, rats!==
[[Category:Mefighter beta team session notes|009]]
*At camp that night, the group is attacked by two rat swarms emerging from the woods
*The rat swarms are joined by dire rats and were rats.
*Uhanimara vomits out her spiderswarm, and some hot swarm on swarm action occurs
==XP and Treasure==
*+25 for river crossing
*+810 for killing the goblins and the scarecrow
*+135 for the direrats
*+240 for the wererats
*+240 for the rat swarms
*Oil of Shillelagh
*Oil of Make Whole
*Masterwork Sap and Spear
*Potion of Blur
*Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
*Potion of Protection from Evil
*Potion of Protection from Chaos
*Potion of Shield of Faith

Latest revision as of 01:43, 9 December 2015

Scouting the City

  • Thurmin, Brunner, and Drem hold position on the hill west of the city while scouting parties head out - Byll to the North, Gub and Uhanimara to the south.
  • The moat is fast moving and deep and clear of debris
  • On the south side of the city, the moat empties into the Realstream where it leaves the city - cataract and waterfall at this point
  • The river is not passable at all to the south; even with a boat it would be problematic
  • The exit of the Fahstream is here as well; it is quieter, but once joined to the river, quite fast
  • Uhanimara levitates to get a view into the city, but can not discern much.
  • Up on the hill, Thurmin wonders why they didn't discuss a signalling method with the scouting parties in case trouble occurs.

Trouble for the Scouts

  • As they attempt to return to the hill, Uhanimara and Gub are spotted from the wall
  • Gub attempts to bluff the humanoids into thinking that he is wanting to join up, but is unsuccessful in convincing them of this.
  • A large force emerges from the city gates - mixed force of ogres, orcs, goblins.
  • Thurmin is very concerned about this level of coordination by servitor race members.
  • With Uhanimara and Gub attempting to evade the force marching down the road, Thurmin, Brunner and Drem stage a distraction - blowing on whistles, using a light spell.
  • The large force stops and moves into a defensive formation while the party attempts to reunite.
  • Uhanimara and Gub are spotted, and a fireball is launched from the wall at them.
  • A loud voice from the wall announces that "Master Blaster runs Monster Town!"
  • The party reunites, withdraws and circles towards the north of the city in hopes of finding Byll.
  • As the large monster party withdraws in good order, Thurmin again notes that this level of coordination and sophisticated behaviour is unheard of for Servitor races.
  • Gub objects to the notion that Servitor races are unintelligent and undisciplined. Thurmin and Gub discuss theology, with Thurmin intrigued to learn that Gub is a follower of the Church.
  • Byll rejoins the party and notes that the river is impassable to the north as well; the only way across the river is through the city which appears to be held by a large group of monsters.

Negotiations and MonsterTown

  • The party decides that fighting their way into the city and across it is unlikely to succeed.
  • Byll notes that there was a boat on the north side of the river, but on the far bank. It could be used to get across if it could be retrieved.
  • Gub proposes that he and Uhanimara present themselves at the gate, since they've already been seen, and negotiate passage.
  • Gub and Uhanimara approach the gates. They negotiate with the representatives there, who are willing to let the group pass for a fee, and that the group does not contain any threats (such as paladins).
  • The party debates the offer. Thurmin suggests that Gub and Uhanimara could go through by themselves, and bring the boat across. In the end, Brunner and Drem decide to remain behind while the rest of the party goes through the city. Thurmin can't resist seeing a city controlled by Servitors.
  • The party pays the fee, which involves surrendering most of their magic items and are taken into the city.
  • Master Blaster is on the other side of the gate - a kobold wizard riding a giant under mind control.
  • The city has been sectioned off, with areas for kobolds, orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, etc. The party is allowed to pass through unmolested.


  • +50 to Gub for jokes
  • +50 to Thurmin for stating the obvious
  • +250 to Gub for negotiations
  • +25 to Thurmin for letting his curiosity get the better of him
  • +100 for something...hearing Master Blaster shout from the wall or somesuch?
  • +200 for Meeting Master Blaster
  • +100 for Tail Between Legs
  • +1000 for Monster Town Crossing