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''Improved Leadership'' (ex): Starting at second level, the field marshall gains +2 to her leadership score.
''Improved Leadership'' (ex): Starting at second level, the field marshall gains +2 to her leadership score.

''Heroic Rally'' (ex): Starting at second level, the field marshall may cast ''remove fear'' as a caster equal to three times her field marshall class level, and may do so a number of times per day equal to your field marshall class level plus her Charisma modifier. At field marshall level 4, this becomes a move action.
''Heroic Rally'' (ex): Starting at second level, the field marshall may cast ''remove fear'' as a caster equal to three times her field marshall class level, and may do so a number of times per day equal to her field marshall class level plus her Charisma modifier. At field marshall level 4, this becomes a move action.

''Beacon of Valor'' (sp): Starting at third level, the field marshall may spend a usage of her ''heroic rally'' feature to cast ''continual flame''. The field marshall may only have one such continual flame in effect at a time. Any ally who rests for a full day bathed in this light gains a new will save against any continuing emotion or poison effect, even if they would not otherwise receive one. This save is made with a +2 morale bonus.
''Beacon of Valor'' (sp): Starting at third level, the field marshall may spend a usage of her ''heroic rally'' feature to cast ''continual flame''. The field marshall may only have one such continual flame in effect at a time--creating a new flame while another is still in effect will immediately cancel the other flame. Anyone who rests for a full day bathed in this light gains a new save against any continuing emotion, disease, or poison effect, even if they would not otherwise receive one. This save is made with a +2 morale bonus.

''Unroutable'' (ex): Starting at fifth level, the field marshall always gets a save to nullify fear effects, even when she otherwise wouldn't get one. Even if she fails the save, she can continue making attempts at the beginning of her following turns against the same DC, until the effect expires or she makes the save. In addition, whenever she successfully saves against a fear effect, she may use her ''heroic rally'' ability as an immediate action.
''Unroutable'' (ex): Starting at fifth level, the field marshall always gets a save to nullify fear effects, even when she otherwise wouldn't get one. Even if she fails the save, she can continue making attempts at the beginning of her following turns against the same DC, until the effect expires or she makes the save. In addition, whenever she successfully saves against a fear effect, she may use her ''heroic rally'' ability as an immediate action.

Latest revision as of 23:38, 8 May 2016

Odessa is the preeminent Human kingdom on the mainland, despite having no large scale or professional army to speak for most of its history. Instead, when war comes, it relies on the heart of its people, raised to a one to believe in Odessa as a nation. While there is no shortage of storied generals giving direction from the back lines, it is those paragons of the Odessan spirit, the Field Marshalls, that lead the vanguard. Through their example, the soldiers under their command are inspired to go beyond themselves, giving their all for the army's purpose.

Role: The Field Marshall is made to be on the front line. While she may not be the most formidable individual combatant on the field, her strength of will inspires the best out of those she leads, and anyone who finds themselves facing an army led by a Field Marshall's charge will ignore her influence at their peril.

Prerequisites: BaB: +6, Leadership Feat, Diplomacy: 4 Ranks, Intimidate: 4 Ranks, Knowledge (Geography): 2 ranks, Knowledge (Nobility): 2 Ranks, Knowledge (History): 2 Ranks

Hit Dice: d10

Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier

Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nobility), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Geography), Linguistics, Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Survival, Swim

× Level BaB Fort Ref Will Ability
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 lead by example (1 target, 2 inspirations), guiding light
2 +2 +3 +0 +3 improved leadership, heroic rally (standard action)
3 +3 +3 +1 +3 lead by example (2 targets, 3 inspirations), beacon of valor
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 heroic rally (move action)
5 +5 +4 +2 +4 unroutable, lead by example (3 targets, 4 inspirations)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The field marshall is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and all shields (except tower shields).

Lead by Example (ex): The field marshall inspires by doing. Beginning at first level, the field marshall has access two inspirations from the list below, plus one every two levels. The field marshall may spend an hour at the end of a rest period to change which inspirations are available (this may only be done once per day). These inspirations can be used once per day plus her Charisma bonus, plus one more for every two field marshall levels beyond 1st, and can target one ally who can see the field marshall, plus one more for every second level after 1st. While under the affect of the inspiration, the affected allies get a +1 morale bonus to will saves for a number of rounds equal to the field marshall's level (this bonus increases to +2 at level 5). At any time before the inspiration expires, they may dismiss it as an immediate action to gain an effect, or to add the field marshall's inspiration bonus to a certain type of roll (such a use can be declared after the die is rolled, but before the results are revealed). The type of roll this bonus can be added to depends on the inspiration. Unless otherwise specified, this bonus is the field marshall's Charisma modifier, and is a morale bonus. If multiple allies are targeted by an ability that triggers an inspiration, resolve the inspiration after the triggering effect.

  • Alexandria's Light: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall successfully destroys an undead enemy. Any undead who are illuminated by the field marshall's guiding light or beacon of valor effects suffer a -2 morale penalty to AC and saves for the duration of the inspiration. Undead who are not mindless may attempt a Will save to negate this effect; the DC for this save is 10 + field marshall level + Charisma bonus.
  • Defy Corruption: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall successfully saves against poison. Targeted allies may dismiss the inspiration to gain the inspiration bonus to a save against poison.
  • Defy Curse: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall successfully resists a curse effect. Targeted allies act as if under the affects of an abeyance spell for the duration of the inspiration.
  • Grit: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall witnesses an ally suffer enough damage to take them to zero or fewer hitpoints. Targeted allies may immediately dismiss the inspiration to gain the effects of the diehard feat for one round.
  • Hold Fast: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall takes at least ten points of damage from the enemy. Targeted allies may dismiss the inspiration to gain DR (damage taken/10)/— against attacks in that round. The ally cannot gain more DR than the Field Marshall's level.
  • Not What it Seems: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall successfully saves against an illusion. Targeted allies may dismiss the inspiration to immediately succeed the save against that illusion when they make their own check.
  • Press the Attack: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall lands a blow on the enemy. Targeted allies may dismiss the inspiration to gain the inspiration bonus to attack against that enemy.
  • Resolve: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall makes a successful Will save. Targeted allies may dismiss the inspiration when failing a Will save attempt to immediately retry that Will save (this attempt does not get the inspiration bonus).
  • Reveille: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall sees an enemy. Any targeted ally may dismiss the inspiration's effect to gain an immediate save against an ongoing exhaustion, fatigue, or sleep effect (sleeping allies attempt this automatically). Visible allies who are sleeping normally automatically awaken when this ability is used.
  • Sound the Charge: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall makes a charge against an enemy. Targeted allies who make a charge may dismiss the inspiration's effect gain the inspiration bonus to attack and damage for that attack, and to increase the total possible movement of the charge by 5' per point of inspiration bonus.
  • Tactical Insight: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall successfully defends against a combat maneuver. Targeted allies may dismiss the inspiration to gain the inspiration bonus to CMD against a single combat maneuver.
  • The Opponent is There: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall successfully hits an enemy under concealment. Targeted allies may dismiss the inspiration to gain the effects of blind-fight against that enemy for one round. This inspiration has no effect on cover.
  • To Arms!: This inspiration can be triggered whenever the field marshall is allowed to act in a surprise round (this occurs when the field marshall succeeds the perception check to do so). Targeted allies may forego the inspiration to also act in that surprise round. If they are already able to act, they instead gain the inspiration bonus to initiative for that round only.

Guiding Light (sp): Starting at first level, the field marshall may cast light as a cantrip, using her field marshall level as the caster level.

Improved Leadership (ex): Starting at second level, the field marshall gains +2 to her leadership score.

Heroic Rally (ex): Starting at second level, the field marshall may cast remove fear as a caster equal to three times her field marshall class level, and may do so a number of times per day equal to her field marshall class level plus her Charisma modifier. At field marshall level 4, this becomes a move action.

Beacon of Valor (sp): Starting at third level, the field marshall may spend a usage of her heroic rally feature to cast continual flame. The field marshall may only have one such continual flame in effect at a time--creating a new flame while another is still in effect will immediately cancel the other flame. Anyone who rests for a full day bathed in this light gains a new save against any continuing emotion, disease, or poison effect, even if they would not otherwise receive one. This save is made with a +2 morale bonus.

Unroutable (ex): Starting at fifth level, the field marshall always gets a save to nullify fear effects, even when she otherwise wouldn't get one. Even if she fails the save, she can continue making attempts at the beginning of her following turns against the same DC, until the effect expires or she makes the save. In addition, whenever she successfully saves against a fear effect, she may use her heroic rally ability as an immediate action.