Notes for Game 2009-07-31: Difference between revisions

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[[Category: Haversack]]

Latest revision as of 12:48, 24 April 2012


In Our Last Episode

  • They detect undead and evil and sense it. It's a mummy!
    • KimikaToken.PNG Kimika gets an awesome turn undead roll (20) but it doesn't work.
    • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin and MoseToken.PNG Mose get hit with fear. MoseToken.PNG Mose stands around for a lot longer than others.
    • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin gets Mummy Rot smiley face token
    • After LEToken.PNG LE summons lots of cool beetles, the party is able to use the flanking bonuses to finally kill the mummy.
    • The mummy explodes and a wraith appears. Yay.


This Episode

Date: 21st of Whitefall, 1400

Climate: Early November-like. Rain has changed into colder slush/sleet.

  • We fight the wraith
  • Beetles run away, AlToken.PNG Al hits the wraith a few times with fire sword.
  • KimikaToken.PNG Kimika successfully makes the wraith flee with a nice turn undead
  • Mummy left on the ground a crown and sword.
    • Bronze crown, has two black pearls, above it is a star ruby, gold etchings in a language we do not know.
    • Crown/etc could be as old as 2,000 years before Alexandria
    • Non-magic
  • Wraith comes back very angry and hits AlToken.PNG Al
  • AlToken.PNG Al hits back with his fire sword. AlToken.PNG Al and MoseToken.PNG Mose destroy the wraith.
  • AlToken.PNG Al takes 4 pts of charisma damage and 6 pts of con falls to the ground
  • Sudden XP calc (see final GM message)
  • AlToken.PNG Al and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin are both diseased (from the mummy). Heal spells aren't working on them! [DC 20 Caster Check Required]
  • All along the side of the tomb are covered in frescoes with a huge warrior killing people with a bastard sword and buckler.
    • On the south, there's a Conan-esque barbarian picture of a guy killing people
    • On north wall, king kneeling before the guy (grovelling)
    • On the west, a fresco of a crown and people throwing mounds of dirt on the crown
  • Bastard sword is well-crafted with bronze/bone, it's magic [Currently with QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin]
    • Barbarian King's Bastard Sword is magical, and has been partially identified as a +2 Vicious Bastard Sword made of bronze (-1 to hit and damage). Identify indicates a second, locked, layer of enchantment that is as-yet unknown.
  • Shield is made of wood, it's magic, back of the shield is a sheet of bronze that is mirror quality
    • Barbarian King's Buckler is a +1 Buckler of Arrow Deflection. Additionally, arrows that pass through owner's threaten area reroute to owner.
  • We leave and try to move people back to Halfling town
  • We notice the storm is dissipating!
  • Temperature is dropping rapidly, though.
  • People start taking damage from cold
  • AlToken.PNG Al goes unconscious!
  • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin goes unconscious!
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose saves the day (and probably QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin's life) by calming QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin's warhorse.
  • We trek 16 hours in the cold, LEToken.PNG LE stays conscious but is unable to move. GermainToken.PNG Germain goes unconscious.
  • We get to the edge of the landing, dog rider comes up to us and rides off.
  • He returns 5 minutes later. (Name:  MaggrToken.jpg Maggr)
  •  BethanalayToken.JPG Bethanalay heals AlToken.PNG Al and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin somewhat but does not have stuff memorized.
  • The party sleeps
New Day Begins
  • They go and see  BethanalayToken.JPG Bethanalay
  • She cures AlToken.PNG Al and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin of mummy rot.
  • KimikaToken.PNG Kimika makes potions
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose confronts AlToken.PNG Al about something odd.
  • They kill time in town for a few days
    • MoseToken.PNG Mose, Kimmi, GermainToken.PNG Germain, (and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin?) tend to the refugees
    • GermainToken.PNG Germain gossips with the masses and tells everyone how great the guards and bog wraiths are
    • AlToken.PNG Al officially ties the knot with his new fox friend (i.e. it's now his Animal Companion).
New Day Begins
New Day Begins
  • They argue about the Bog Wraiths, KimikaToken.PNG Kimika casts Calm Emotions and calms GermainToken.PNG Germain a bit. MoseToken.PNG Mose and GermainToken.PNG Germain both feel like they won the argument. (NEED CHATLOG LINK HERE)
  • KimikaToken.PNG Kimika is offered a riding dog, but she has no points in Ride. (The dog's name is Marwynn.)
New Day Begins
  • They return to the ziggurat
    • Rooms 2,2,2,2 filled with dust
    • Rooms 5,6,2 filled with dust, lots of human bones
    • Room 8 is filled with clay vases
    • Room 12 and Room 11 have bronze doors
    • Some obsidian that is non-native is around
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose breaks down bronze doors (enlarged, etc) and opens a chest that has coins in it. Lots of old copper coins.
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose gets cursed and AlToken.PNG Al gets cursed.
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose's curses: 50% chance of doing nothing. -4 to all attack, saves, ability and skill rolls. (Nice)
  • AlToken.PNG Al's curse?
  • A ring on a finger was found. MoseToken.PNG Mose picks it up. Nonmagical.
  • Party makes camp, MoseToken.PNG Mose is feeling like crap because he got all cursed for no good reason.



Final GM message

  • Mid-game XP awards, 607+60
  • AlToken.PNG Al and MoseToken.PNG Mose got RP awards
  • AlToken.PNG Al got an achievement
  • 250xp for surviving together
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose 100xp for disarming horse without killing it
  • GermainToken.PNG Germain and MoseToken.PNG Mose get an achievement +25xp
  • LEToken.PNG LE gets summon mastery XP for smiteevil animals +75xp
  • KimikaToken.PNG Kimika +50xp for feeding the refugees
  • AlToken.PNG Al at death's door got 20xp for surviving mummy rot.
  • Dungeon explorer bonus for AlToken.PNG Al, GermainToken.PNG Germain, MoseToken.PNG Mose: +100xp
  • Role Playing Award : TIE - MoseToken.PNG Mose and GermainToken.PNG Germain.