Quinalin's Character Sheet: Difference between revisions

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<b>[[Professional]] 1</b> / Fighter 5
See the Pathfinder version here: [[Quinalin's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)]]
{{statsbox|ExampleCharPic.jpg|6|Human|Fighter 4 <BR> Professional 1|Studded Leather (?)|Heavy Flail; [[Barbarian King's Bastard Sword]]|Clearwyl, Celstia}}
|Strength || 16  (+3)
|Dexterity || 15 (+2) (+1 is from Enhancement Bonus)
|Constitution || 14 (+2)
|Intelligence || 14 (+2)
|Wisdom || 10 (+0)
|Charisma || 10  (+0)
==Secondary Attributes==
|Hit Points || 66
|Armor Class || 17 (+4 from Armor, +2 from Dex, +1 from Dodge.) [Has Buckler, Not Equipped]
|Base Attack Bonus || +5
|Base Speed || 30 Feet
|Fort Save || +6 (+4 Base, +2 Stat)
|Reflex || +5 (+3 Base, +2 Stat)
|Will Save || +3 (+3 Base)
*Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Martial
*Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shield, Tower Shield
*Cross-Class Learning (Disable Device, Open Locks)
*Combat Expertise
*Power Attack
*Spring Attack
*Whirlwind Attack
==Skill Ranks==
*Appraise: 1
*Climb: 2
*Craft (Weaponsmithing): 1
*Craft (Armorsmithing) : 1
*Craft (Sculpture) : 3
*Craft (Trapmaking) : 6 [+2 Synergy Bonus w/ Disable Device]
*Decipher Script: 2
*Diplomacy: 2
*Disable Device: 6
*Handle Animal: 3
*Jump: 2
*Knowledge (Geography): 2
*Knowledge (History) : 2
*Knowledge (Local/Celstia) : 2
*Listen: 2.5
*Open Lock: 6
*Ride: 4
*Search: 1
*Speak Langauge: 1
*Spot: 4
*Swim: 1
*Tumble: 1
*Use Rope: 4
==Cool Items==
===Bracers of Dexterity (+1)===
*A gift from Captain Odenthrope after a successful mission.
===Barbarian King's Bastardsword===
*<b>Curse: Compulsion</b>. Cannot willingly discard or give away item, although owner is <i>not</i> required to <i>wield</i> it.
*+2 Vicious Bastard Sword (+2d6 Weapon Damage, inflicts +1d6 Weapon Damage on Weider)
*Made of Bronze (-1 to hit)
*Secondary Effects Unknown : Requires unlocking or <i>Analyze Dewomer</i> spell.
===Onyx Figurine ([[Firetalk Charm]])===
*Throw into a fire to contact Naprid Daithe of the Bog Wraiths.
===Bag of Holding, Type I===
* Given to Quinalin by the [[Marrwyn Collar]]
* Filled to maximum capacity with coffee beans.
* Arch-Warden Collar did not say anything about expecting its return.
[[Category:PC Character Sheets]]

Latest revision as of 23:37, 28 January 2014

See the Pathfinder version here: Quinalin's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)