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* {{Al}} casts Spike Growth for a trap which the scouting party runs straight into.
* {{Al}} casts Spike Growth for a trap which the scouting party runs straight into.
* {{Al}} shifts to kitty form.
* {{Al}} shifts to kitty form.
===== Hobgoblin Rider Battle =====
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my quesitons...until now.
* 8 hobgoblin warg riders
** 7 of them are Warg Lancers
** 1 is a Ranger designated by "Totally Not The Leader"
* "Totally Not the Leader" charges into the spike traps, gets hurt and backs out of spike growth
* {{Kimika}} silences him so he can't warn the others.
* Lancers charge then veer outside the spike growth after taking damage.
* {{Germain}} blows the haste horn!
* {{Mose}} skillfully guides Way around the spike growth using his knees as he readies his axe
* {{Mose}}'s axe blurs as he swings wildly at the hobgoblin.  His first two swings are wild as he attempts to compensate for the haste, and his third swing smashes into the hobgoblin's shield, cutting through and biting into his shoulder.
* {{LE}} fires off a volley of magic missiles at the ranger. He is in the process of wheeling his warg around and catches all three missiles in the face.  You can only imagine the scream of anguish that is silenced by {{Kimika}}'s magic.
* {{Quinalin}} swings in and bludgeons a hobgoblin into paste, cleaving on to smash the warg as well. He springs over near two more lancers.
* Totally Not The Leader casts entangle on {{LE}}, {{Germain}}, and {{Kimika}}. However, in their hyper aware-hasted state, they all quickly twist out of the grasping scrub branches and charge toward safe ground!
* {{Kimika}} bolts backward and then prepares to circle around.
* {{Germain}} continues toward the edge of the entangling field and draws back an arrow, loosing it at the nearest hobgoblin. The shaft sinks into his thigh and he begins whimpering in a chorus with his warg.
* The warg takes an ungainly series of steps and hops, gingerly circling the spike growth and closing on {{Germain}}, but his bloody paws tremble and he stops short just out of lance range.
* The other wargs are un-hobbled and they close in, their riders stabbing in with their lances, but {{Germain}} deftly dodges them.
* The lancer facing {{Quinalin}} gets a glancing blow through {{Quinalin}}'s guard, grazing his hip and drawing a glare.  The lancer spares the briefest glace over at the dripping puddle of his former compatriat and he contemplates how unfortunate it was that he decided to bet double or nothing with scout party duty on a weak roll of the bones at breakfast.
* {{Way}} screams a whinny and drums his hooves against the hastely raised shield of this down-on-his-luck lancer, knocking the shield aside just in time for {{Mose}} to cleave him stem to stern. Most of his chest and part of a hip slides off one side of the warg and the rest falls the other way.
* {{Quinalin}} analyzes the remaining hobgoblins and executes a nearly perfect whirlwind attack hitting every one of them. (I.e. laying the smack. down.) The skull of a hobgoblin and warg are completely flattened. The others are grievously wounded.
* The ranger rider moves in on {{Way}} and {{Mose}}. His warg gores {{Way}} with his crusty tusks, and in the middle of ducking and dodging, {{Mose}} has the fleeting thought that those tusks are almost certainly carrying all sorts of nasty disease and that he is glad that neither him nor {{Way}} need worry about that. {{Mose}} kicks out at the warg trying to push him away, but this leaves {{Mose}} off balance for a brief moment and the ranger takes advantage of this to sneak his lance in under {{Mose}}'s shield, piercing his hip.
* The ranger raises his lance and begins to scream in a fierce war cry, but just then, {{Al}}'s spell finishes, and a coruscating bolt of lightning attaches to the tip of the lance and the ranger screams in pain instead as smoke boils out from under his armor. The bolt travels through the ranger and into the warg on its path to the earth. The nails of the warg's bloody paws explode and the warg drops to its knees for a few moments, its tusks scratching the ground as it painfully heaves itself back up.
* In one of his most impressive combat showings, {{Germain}} uses his longsword to slice deeply into the nearest hobgoblin, leaving a messy blood trail streaming behind his sword. The hobgoblin grunts in shock and pain.
* The Hobgoblin lancers swing and hurt {{Germain}}.
{{talk|I *think* this was for Germain, the sentence wasn't finished here for their attack.|[[User:Mattie|Mattie]] 13:12, 16 May 2010 (EDT)|indent=3}}
* {{Mose}} and {{Way}} press the attack on the ranger and his mount.  {{Mose}}'s axe blurs as he quickly severs the rangers arms then with a thunderous smite of holy power, {{Mose}} takes the ranger's head, which goes spinning off in a fountain of blood.
* {{Way}} rears and his hooves bludgeon the warg's face, snapping off the tusks and caving its skull.  The warg and its headless rider collapse into a pile of gore as {{Mose}} spins about seeking the next target of his holy wrath.
* {{LE}} concentrates and sparkling purple force bullets launch into the air and shoot back down into three separate hobgoblin targets. One hobgoblin is blasted out of his seat--- he squirms for a moment, but does not get up.
* {{Quinalin}} twists back suddenly and launches into a lightning fast spin, pounding his flail into two wargs and a hobgoblin in sequence. "Oof" echoes three times as the breath is knocked out of each one of {{Quinalin}}'s targets, two of them dying from the force of the blow.
* {{Al}} points his hand at the lancers crowding {{Germain}}, and another blinding bolt of lightning descends. It connects with a hobgoblin, turning him into a grim marionette, twitching one way and the next for a few moments before he falls like a puppet with the strings cut.
* {{Kimika}} calls upon the heavens to summon a giant hammer that makes a quick attack upon materializing. The warg glances at the hammer in alarm and dodges under the swing, backing away cautiously.
* {{Germain}} lashes out with his sword at the riderless warg.  His first blow clangs off the warg's tusks, but his second blow slices open the wargs cheek, blinding it with its own blood.
* Warg lancer attempts to lance {{Germain}} but {{Germain}} dodges. Warg jumps up and bites {{Mose}}'s leg, causing {{Mose}} to glare at the warg in anger.
* {{Mose}} nudges {{Way}} to charge the warg avoiding {{Quinalin}}'s flail.  {{Mose}} reaches out almost casually and severs the spine of the warg facing him as they ride past.  They gather a bit of speed and plow into the far warg.  {{Way}} strikes out with his hooves and then takes a mouthful of of flesh.
* {{LE}} throws additional magical missiles and damages the hobgoblin and wargs, causing them to stagger to maintain their footing while they try to push through the pain. Set upon by a non-stop magical barrage and this surprise force of warriors, the remaining wargs and hobgoblin resign themselves to the fact that they will never see home again.
* {{Quinalin}} continues his lethal interpretation of a Petaran warrior dance.  He spins and strikes the remaining lancer and two wargs, snapping more bones and splattering the ground with their blood.  One more warg collapses to the ground and the remaining bloodied hobgoblin stumbles off.  He attempts to raise his lance, but then his wounds get the better of him and his eyes roll back in his head and he collapses, a lifeless husk.
* {{Al}} summons the weather to electrocute the remaining evil creatures.
* Found on these hobgoblins
** Ranger: Two short swords, Chain shirt
** Riders: Studded leather, Lances
** Detect Magic reveals no magic.
{{xpinfo|1250|Ambush of the Lancers|recipients={{Al}}, {{Mose}}, {{Kimika}}, {{Germain}}, {{LE}}, and {{Quinalin}}}}
===== Advance on the Canyon =====
===== Advance on the Canyon =====
* {{Al}} scouts ahead as a cat but he doesn't see anything other than their trail.
* {{Al}} scouts ahead as a cat but he doesn't see anything other than their trail.

Revision as of 11:59, 29 October 2011


In Our Last Episode

26-1 HeavenFall

  • Second day on the road "something happens"
  • We're attacked by 10 hobgoblins
    • LEToken.PNG LE fireballs them and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin and MoseToken.PNG Mose charge into battle on horseback
    • GermainToken.PNG Germain gets a critical and kills a charredgoblin
    • "Smythe Twins" are the enemies casting searing rays, hit MoseToken.PNG Mose for a little there.
    • Hobgoblin scouts charge AlToken.PNG Al, does some damage.
    • LEToken.PNG LE finishes the last one off with magic missile.
  • See Notes for Game 2010-04-09
  • See Notes for Game 2010-04-09 (postgame)


This Episode

26-1 HeavenFall

  • GermainToken.PNG Germain gives MoseToken.PNG Mose a Ring of Sustenance that provides all food/sleep besides 2 hours a night.
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose is very touched, surprised that GermainToken.PNG Germain knows how amazing this ring is for a Traveler's duties.
  • LEToken.PNG LE and GermainToken.PNG Germain help AlToken.PNG Al track the hobgoblins back the way they came. They are able to track them backwards well enough.
  • The party sleeps!
New Day Begins

27-1 HeavenFall

  • The next day, the party sees big ball of dust on the horizon.
  • AlToken.PNG Al and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin move forward 150' and hide for ambush
  • AlToken.PNG Al casts Spike Growth for a trap which the scouting party runs straight into.
  • AlToken.PNG Al shifts to kitty form.

Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my quesitons...until now.

Advance on the Canyon
  • AlToken.PNG Al scouts ahead as a cat but he doesn't see anything other than their trail.
  • AlToken.PNG Al scouts ahead as a bird and sees this for the canyon village (See map below).
  • Roughly hundred or so hobgoblins out in the open
  • Holes are carved in the ground that the hobgoblins go in and out of.
  • The party discusses ways to scare and harass the village in order to identify their leadership and encourage them to signal to their menfolk working for Odessa.
  • AlToken.PNG Al as a bird starts casting lightning on hobgoblin children.
  • Hobgoblin woman in charge comes out of one of the holes, she begins running and taking control of the scene, collecting bodies.
  • Woman seems to have at least seven bodyguards around.
  • A horde of rats starts pouring out of the hole (thanks to AlToken.PNG Al) and takes the hobgoblins 30 minutes to get the town back in order. People begin taking up arms and lock the city down, assuming there is some sort of attack or infiltration.
  • The party discusses ways to further "curse" the town to raise their fear and superstition.



Hobgoblin Village

Final GM message


DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master awards the following:

Reign of Terror (Beginning)
+ 350 
Experience Points
AlToken.PNG Al, MoseToken.PNG Mose, KimikaToken.PNG Kimika, GermainToken.PNG Germain, LEToken.PNG LE, and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin


Achievement: Two Birds
+ 20 
Experience Points
AlToken.PNG Al
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Note that LE came really close with her magic missile spreading
--Mattie 13:12, 16 May 2010 (EDT)
  • Possible for Al: Iron Stomach
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Do hobgoblins count?
--(someone asked on Wave)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
--(I answered here)