Thed's Character Sheet (Pathfinder): Difference between revisions

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Line 80: Line 80:
* Uncanny Dodge
* Uncanny Dodge
* Improved Uncanny Dodge
* Improved Uncanny Dodge
* Rogue Talent (2nd): ???
* Rogue Talent (2nd): Fast Stealth
* Rogue Talent (4th): ???
* Rogue Talent (4th): ???
* Rogue Talent (6th): ???
* Rogue Talent (6th): ???

Revision as of 18:29, 21 July 2013

Character Stats
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Level 8
Race Hakani Gnome
Class Rogue
Armor Masked Gnome's Black Leather Armor
(+2 Shadow Leather)
Weapon(s) MW Light Repeater Crossbow
Hometown Somewhere in Odessa

Player: xorry
Name: Thed (a pseudonym--real name unknown)
Classes/Levels: Rogue/8
Experience: To Be Calculated
Race: Gnome
Alignment: CG (CN?)
Origin: Outside of Farandan, Odessa
Residence: Currently none.


STR: 8 (-1)

DEX: 20 (+5) (Level 4 & 8 Bonus)

CON: 10

INT: 14 (+2)

WIS: 10

CHA: 10

Secondary Attributes

HP: 73 = 8 + (7 x 7) + 8 Favored Class Bonuses

AC: 22 (26 vs. Move Triggered AoO) (+4 Armor, +1 Buckler, +5 Dexterity, +1 Size, +1 Dodge)


BaB: +6/+1

CMB: +4 = +6 BaB - 1 Str - 1 Size

CMD: 20 (14 FF) = 10 + 6 BaB - 1 Str + 5 Dex - 1 Size + 1 Dodge

14 Flat Footed
+2 vs. Traps
+4 vs. Giants
+4 vs. Move AoOs


Fort: +3 = +3 Base +0 CON

Ref: +11 = +6 Base +5 DEX

Will: +2 = +3 Base -1 WIS

  • +2 vs. Illusions
  • +2 vs. Traps


Gnomish, Dwarvish, Kobold, Odessan, Ubrekti, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty

Feats and Special Abilities


  • Armor proficiency (Light)
  • "Gnome" Named Weapons
  • Rogue Weapons
  • Level 1: Combat Reflexes
  • Level 3: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Repeating Crossbow)
  • Level 5: Dodge
  • Level 7: Mobility

Gnome Abilities

  • Ancient Grudge: +1 to atk rolls vs humans
  • +2 illusion save
  • +4 AC vs giants
  • Magical Attunement: Detect Magic at will.
  • Low Light Vision
  • Magical Tinkerer: +2 on Use Magic Device checks, and UMD is always a class skill.
  • Small size

Rogue Class Abilities

  • Sneak Attack +4d6
  • Trapfinding (+1/2 Rogue Level to Perception to Find Traps and DD to *all* Disable Device checks)
  • Trap Sense +2
  • Evasion
  • Uncanny Dodge
  • Improved Uncanny Dodge
  • Rogue Talent (2nd): Fast Stealth
  • Rogue Talent (4th): ???
  • Rogue Talent (6th): ???
  • Rogue Talent (8th): ???

Skill Ranks

  • Acrobatics = +15 = 7 Ranks + 5 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Appraise = +10 = 5 Ranks + 2 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Bluff = +10 = 7 Ranks + 0 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Climb = +5 = 3 Ranks + -1 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Craft (Brewmaster) = +7 = 2 Ranks + 2 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Diplomacy = +5 = 2 Ranks + 0 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Disable Device = +20 (+25) = 8 Ranks + 5 Stat + 3 Class Skill +4 Trapfinding (+5 Monocle)
  • Disguise = +5 = 2 Ranks + 0 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Escape Artist = +10 = 2 Ranks + 5 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Intimidate = +5 = 2 Ranks + 0 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Knowledge (Dungeoneering) = +10 = 5 Ranks + 2 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Linguistics = +10 (+15) = 5 Ranks + 2 Stat + 3 Class Skill (+5 Monocle)
  • Perception = +10 = 5 Ranks + 2 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Perform (Dance) = +5 = 2 Ranks + 0 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Sense Motive = +5 = 2 Ranks + 0 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Stealth = +25 = 8 Ranks + 5 Stat + 3 Class Skill + 4 Size + 5 Armor
  • Swim = +3 = 1 Ranks - 1 Stat + 3 Class Skill
  • Use Magic Device = +10 = 7 Ranks + 0 Stat + 3 Class Skill + 2 Gnome

Noteworthy Gear

  • Hunter's Repeater
  • +2 Shadow Leather Armor
  • Professor's Monocle
  • Ring of Counting
  • Ring of Sustenance
  • Necklace of Fireballs (III) (- the 7d6 fireball, used against a dire shark)
  • Everwand of Create Water, 10 Gallon per Use [5/day]
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (Purchased)
  • Wand of Bear's Endurance (Charges?)
  • Plague Diary
  • Masterwork Thieves Tools