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==The Church, and Gnob's Folly's Alternate Handler==
==Return to Nia-Agliare==
*The party races back to deal with the consequences of their actions. It is the dead hours of the early morning when they get here.
*Gnob's Folly sends their message. While waiting, they gather vampire-hunting supplies (garlic for two, stacks and holy symbols for everyone)
*They easily find a way inside through one of the plentiful, unguarded spot of the wall
*After a rest, they come into the church main area to see a man sitting irreverently in a pew.
**Marwynn takes a couple of tries to get to the top, but manages eventually.
*He's shady, and his movements are jerky. He introduces himself as Mat and gives the sign of the Azure Geese, and Kib responds with the call of the call-response. This displeases the man, who does not give the response.
*They race to the Lion of Odessa, but when they arrive, stillness greets them.
*Kib responds with an aggressive posture, which the man likes even less. He seems impatient, but still insists the party follow him.
*They take effort to creep inside, but find that the inhabitants are unresponsive:
*Kib sends Anise and Thed to run the rooftops, the others follow.
*They get to an abandoned house. The scouts notice very ominous crows watching the goings-on.
*Each corpse is shriveled and dessicated, their faces frozen in agony.
*Mat is still getting the party to come into the building. Anise, meanwhile kills three crows (in a single rapid-fire), which Mat instantly notices.
*The party makes their way to Levan's room. There, alone, is there light.
**The crows instantly scatter. They later return outside of a longbow range increment, glaring at Anise.
**With visible necromancy on a corpse just outside the door, Kib preemptively dumps it out the window.
**He doesn't know where the assailant is, but shouts "murderer!" into the most likely location, throwing rocks ineffectually
*They open the door, and Kib, fearing the worst, leads the way inside. A woman's body occupies a chair in the room.
**This causes Kib to lose all suspicion of the man, but he is puzzled at the reaction (he doesn't know about the crows).
{{Levan}} "Welcome home, team!"
*Eventually this passes. Mat is filled with rage at the party (actively hostile), but still has his purpose.
{{Kib_Absold}} looks around for the source of the voice
*The ball-o'-silence comes out, conversation ensues
{{Levan}}'s voice comes to you from the blind side of the alcove.
**Mat rails against the party for being obviously no better than any other contract killers, and for fucking up by not bringing back Grimm Gallant's body.
{{Kib_Absold}} "What is this, brother?"
**He does acknowledge that the Hourglass and the signet ring may serve the purpose, and will accept them once things have shaken out.
{{Levan}} "What is what? We won."
**He relates that Arekson/Mantatlus, as he is understood, would not have the power to turn an upstanding Traveller (which, by all accounts, he was before). The obvious conclusion is that Arekson's sire, too, is a part of this game.
{{Levan}} "It's over."
**Arekson obviously knows of Grimm Gallant's death, but does not know the traitor, and so he has made his play.
{{Levan}} smiles. You feel it is meant to be reassuring, but it is more unsettling.
**He also appears to not have notified any of the capos, and they individually do not seem to be on any high alert.
{{Levan}} waves to the body.
**The obvious problem has thus presented itself: When the party moves on any of the remaining two, the remainder will know the traitor immediately, and move against Levan. Arekson and sire will likely stay shrouded to clean up the mess.
{{Levan}} "You've taken out our rivals. The city is ours!"
**Mat relates that his people have the power to move on Little Dagger. His proposal, then, is that Gnob's Folly deal with Bloody Kate, and the Azure Geese with the Little Hand, simultaneously.
{{Kib_Absold}} "What has happened to your men?"
**The wrinkle is that this will almost certainly mean Levan will be attacked by Arekson, who will know the traitor and move to remove the remaining capo.
{{Levan}} waves to the dead woman in the chair across from him.
***This is no skin of most peoples' noses. While the result does mean chaos for the region, the immediate crop of evil mceviltons will at least be out of the picture, and Arekson will likely expose himself.
{{Levan}} "It worked exactly as she said it would. We'd been working on it to take out Kate's people."
***Kib is conflicted. He has no desire to see his brother. who he considers flawed, but redeemable, dead. He further feels that stability in the region is a worthwhile ultimate goal, because of where it stands in relationship to Gildenhome, Alexia and Fresia.
{{Levan}} "It was our original plan before you were delivered to us. We didn't make an antidote, of course."
**Kib signals the others in, requiring Anise's input
{{Levan}} sighs.
***Mat reacts strongly to the corpses of the crows, which Anise has collected to harvest. Kib notices this, and doesn't understand the source of the emotion, but makes a note of it for the end of the conversation.
{{Levan}} "I really did care for her. We both thought she'd be sharing this victory."
***Anise, too, has no desire to see the Blue Hand dealt with summarily. However, as a possible means to the ends of Levan and Arekson, she appears to consider the sacrifice worthwhile.
{{Levan}} "But, family is more important."
*All this said, Kib reluctantly agrees that the simultaneous strike is the best course of action.
{{Levan}} "And I had to give something up. So I gave up her, to have you and Tana back."
*Mat says his people will move at midnight.
{{Tana}} whispers to herself, "Oh no.. what have you done..."
*Kib impresses his signet into paper, so it is known so the Azure Geese.
{{Kib_Absold}} "Brother... poisoning all of these people? They may be brigands and thieves, but they are still men!"
**A swan in flight overlaid with a a hammer
{{Levan}} "But, it's done now. Who needs hundreds of goons and idiots? Look what just a thimbleful of real power can do."
*These wrapped up, Kib offers his condolences for the killed birds, and Anise leaves them with some decorum. Mat dismisses this gesture as probably just the slick face doing his job, but does become noticeably less hostile.
{{Levan}} "You seven are more effective than even ten times what's downstairs."
*The party is already prepared. They summon mounts, and ride.
{{Levan}} "We can be together again. We can go back and get the rest of our family."
{{Levan}} "Bring them here."
==Whitemist Harbor Surgical Strike==
{{Levan}} "This never could have happened without you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
{{Kib_Absold}} starts to shake, face reddening with fury
*Thanks to their scouting before, the party already knows where to hit. Bloody Kate and her crew typically carouse in a particular tavern until the late hours, then hole up in the more-or-less impregnable governor's mansion.
{{Levan}} "It was either them or ... you and Tana."
*Getting into Whitemist is the easy part (although the mounts have to remain outside the gates).
{{Kib_Absold}} "That was never the choice, Levan. You had me without destroying all these lives and deceiving us into your game"
*They prepare carefully, getting all buffs in place.
{{Levan}} "I had to prove myself, after all. Prove myself worthy to be the left hand of the [[Arekson|Arakson]]."
*Just before midnight, Kate leaves the tavern on schedule. She is accompanied by some number of nameless redshirts in her inner circle, her ship's doctor (Doctor Locker), and her companion/lover (Deathy Grynne).
{{Levan}} "Taking him on, I've come to learn, was always a fool's errand. But, now we can be his cartel."
{{Levan}} "You, me and Tana. We can divide this city. We're family, we can rule in harmony. Thieves and murders will never get along.
*Just as they reach the middle of the street, hell unleashes its fury.
{{Kib_Absold}} "You've gone mad. He will use you up and destroy you!"
**Thoven launches a devastating fireball. All but one redshirt are instantly reduced to a single hitpoint. The doctor is badly hurt, but Deathy Grynne and Bloody Kate and the one redshirt ''evasion'' their way out of any harm.
{{Kib_Absold}} Think about how much consideration you've paid for the people beneath you, and think about how Arekson will feel exactly the same
**Thed and Anise get their shots. The doctor just barely hangs on after the onslaught.
{{Kib_Absold}} "Surely even if there is no shred of good left in you, the part of you that has brains can see that??"
**Tana finishes a buff, and Kib moves to prevent any retreat and engage the rear guard.
{{Levan}} "Oh, no, you don't understand. It's different!"
**Tibbers scouts for Thoven, relaying the now-invisible Deathy's position
{{Levan}} "We can work together!"
**Bloody Kate and her companion are the only to get an action in the surprise round. She rages and rushes at the bulk of the party, Deathy points the brigands' attention to the sky.
{{Kib_Absold}} "Have you already turned? Has he made you his slave in exchange for power?"
**Thoven finishes off the Doctor with a ray, killing him before he has a chance to do anything. Gil drops on top of Kate like a savage koala, who is frustrated at not having a chance to attack the source of burning fire.
{{Levan}} "We're a part of each other now. You'll see."
**Anise and Thed alternate between damage to Kate and picking off remaining redshirts.
{{Kib_Absold}} draws his guisarme
**Pavor Nocturnus activates on Kate, slowing her
{{Levan}} stands up calmly.
**Kib rushes the back, engaging four of the redshirts.
{{Kib_Absold}} "Yes. I believe we shall"
**Thoven finishes off bunches of the other redshirts with magic missile. One flees (to be chased by Tibbers), one is cut down by Kib, and one remains for a turn before Kib finishes him off.
{{Kib_Absold}} "I was a fool to think there was anything left in you of the brother I knew"
**One more fireball from Thoven (with three missed evasions) manages to finish off everyone but the fleeing brigand at a strike.
{{Levan}} "You'll understand soon. You'll see."
**A mad leap and a shot from a crossbow later, and Thed ends the battle, allowing a silent getaway.
*With that, Levan speaks to Kib, commanding him to serve (i.e. ''dominate''). However, Kib's anguish won't be pierced (31 on the save!), and he leaps forward to the attack. Against all odds, he trips him on his first blow.
*Thirty seconds of battle, and it is over. The party, with its practiced hand, takes what is valuable and rushes back to find out what is left of the Headsman.
*The corpses begin springing to life, awakening with the dreadful thirst characteristic of the [ salt wight].
**Marwynn uses Holy Smite, blasting apart Levan's alchemist underling and blinding him. Gilerl dives into the fray with a will, Thed shoots from the bed, and Anise covers the hallway. Tana ''hastes'' the party, while Thoven works himself into position and casts ''false life''.''
**Seeing himself at a disadvantage, Levan forms himself into a cloud of mist, and sinks to the floor below.
*With a cat's grace, Tana leaps through a window to the ground. Kib follows, more clumsily but still managing to keep his feet. Gilerl dives headfirst down the fireplace into the common area, where the bodies are shambling to life.
**Marwynn follows Gil, taking a bit more effort, but getting down in a round.
**The remaining three work to clear the upstairs hallway. Wights fall.
**Levan makes his way downstairs, to the cellar. Gil steps over the still-animating bodies to peer down the stairs, but sees only darkness, and turns back around.
**By this time, enough of the creatures have animated to block his path. Marwynn lets out another holy smite, dealing great damage to many of the wights, but not yet destroying them. They move to surround her.
**Tana opens a window from the outside while Kib finishes off the wight he had previously tossed. Anise and Thoven continue cutting through wights. Marwynn tries to let loose another holy smite, but it fizzles to the blows of the enemies around her. Gilerl dashes back to Marwynn's side, and cleaves a swath through the nearest.
**Thed, figuring the wights vulnerable to water, unleashes his everwand down the chimney. It does absolutely nothing but confuse the people on the first floor.
**Tana, seeing Marwynn surrounded, makes another leap through the now-open window and runs to support her. Marwynn is able to get into a position and make her concentrate check, and she makes the holy mother of all holy smites (average of ~17.5 damage each to 25 enemies, for a rough total of 437.5 damage in a single action!)
**The common area clear, Kib enters to engage enemies from the bar area, who are filing in. Anise and Thoven make their way to the downstairs, but are waylaid by a small ambush of wights that had pretended to go down the stairs. A fiery belch of dragon's breath later, and the ambush is dealt with.
**A fireball and some miscellaneous fighting later, and the last of the wights is dealt with. The tally ends up being 63 cursed souls brought to rest.
*Thoven, hearing squeals from his position on the stairs, peeks downward to see seven swarms of rats. One shaped fireball later, and there are zero swarms of rats.
*Kib heads purposefully into the cellar, shouting for his brother to engage. He is limned in Alexandria's holy light.
*There is more back-and-forth, but both sides are resolved. The rest of the party moves into position while Kib makes his way toward his brother's voice. Levan leaps from the shadows and once again commands Kib, who once again resists.
*Tana begins the song of the first kinslayer, its slow dirge filling the musty chamber. The party's entire might crushes against Levan. He manages some blows (hitting Tana with an energy drain), but quickly falls. There is enough time for one last look of disbelief before his body turns to mist.
*As a newly minted vampire, he made the fatal mistake of making his last stand in the vicinity of his coffin (a large cask, refitted for the purpose). The party wrenches it open, and stakes him.
*Kib shudders and collapses to his knees, spent. The rest of the party goes through the usual after-battle routine while he kneels before his brother's motionless form.

*1000 xp to all for punchy RP
*5250 xp to all for 63 (re)dead wights
*4300 xp to all but xorry for an ambush and capo successfully executed.
*4500 xp to all for defeating Levan
**This is 2150 xp to Bartley/xorry after splits for a clutch substitute
*50 xp to Thed for finding an unguarded stairwell
*Locker's Loot:
*25 xp to Slitherrr ("you could say the goons were... a-salt-ed")
**MW sling
*10 xp to Slitherrr, ''Clean Up on Aisle 3'' achievement
**Formula book
*25 xp to Feantari, ''History Will Judge'' achievement
**MW lamellar armor
*Levan's gear and stash:
*Grynne's Gear:
**15000 gp
**MW light crossbow
**''Blood'', a +1 medium-sized blood iron handaxe (Gilerl backup, as a battleaxe for him)
**MW lamellar armor
**''Treasure'', a +1 medium-sized silversheen handaxe (Gilerl backup, as a battleaxe)
*Kate's Kit:
**+1 balanced bone scale mail (party loot)
**Kate's cutlass (+2, mithral, [ seaborne])
**belt of tumbling (goes to Marwynn)
**Agile breastplate +1
**cloak of resistance +2 (goes to Thed)
**Light quickdraw shield +1
**ring of protection +1 (goes to Kib)
**Ring of protection +1
**amulet of natural armor +1 (goes to Gil)
**Cloak of resistance +2
**120 pp
**40 gp

[[Category:MeFight Session Notes|052]]
[[Category:MeFight Session Notes|052]]

Revision as of 01:52, 1 February 2016

Return to Nia-Agliare

  • The party races back to deal with the consequences of their actions. It is the dead hours of the early morning when they get here.
  • They easily find a way inside through one of the plentiful, unguarded spot of the wall
    • Marwynn takes a couple of tries to get to the top, but manages eventually.
  • They race to the Lion of Odessa, but when they arrive, stillness greets them.
  • They take effort to creep inside, but find that the inhabitants are unresponsive:
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  • Each corpse is shriveled and dessicated, their faces frozen in agony.
  • The party makes their way to Levan's room. There, alone, is there light.
    • With visible necromancy on a corpse just outside the door, Kib preemptively dumps it out the window.
  • They open the door, and Kib, fearing the worst, leads the way inside. A woman's body occupies a chair in the room.

 LevanToken.jpg Levan "Welcome home, team!" Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold looks around for the source of the voice  LevanToken.jpg Levan's voice comes to you from the blind side of the alcove. Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold "What is this, brother?"  LevanToken.jpg Levan "What is what? We won."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "It's over."  LevanToken.jpg Levan smiles. You feel it is meant to be reassuring, but it is more unsettling.  LevanToken.jpg Levan waves to the body.  LevanToken.jpg Levan "You've taken out our rivals. The city is ours!" Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold "What has happened to your men?"  LevanToken.jpg Levan waves to the dead woman in the chair across from him.  LevanToken.jpg Levan "It worked exactly as she said it would. We'd been working on it to take out Kate's people."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "It was our original plan before you were delivered to us. We didn't make an antidote, of course."  LevanToken.jpg Levan sighs.  LevanToken.jpg Levan "I really did care for her. We both thought she'd be sharing this victory."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "But, family is more important."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "And I had to give something up. So I gave up her, to have you and Tana back."  Tana AbsoldToken.PNG Tana Absold whispers to herself, "Oh no.. what have you done..." Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold "Brother... poisoning all of these people? They may be brigands and thieves, but they are still men!"  LevanToken.jpg Levan "But, it's done now. Who needs hundreds of goons and idiots? Look what just a thimbleful of real power can do."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "You seven are more effective than even ten times what's downstairs."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "We can be together again. We can go back and get the rest of our family."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "Bring them here."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "This never could have happened without you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart." Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold starts to shake, face reddening with fury  LevanToken.jpg Levan "It was either them or ... you and Tana." Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold "That was never the choice, Levan. You had me without destroying all these lives and deceiving us into your game"  LevanToken.jpg Levan "I had to prove myself, after all. Prove myself worthy to be the left hand of the Arakson."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "Taking him on, I've come to learn, was always a fool's errand. But, now we can be his cartel."  LevanToken.jpg Levan "You, me and Tana. We can divide this city. We're family, we can rule in harmony. Thieves and murders will never get along. Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold "You've gone mad. He will use you up and destroy you!" Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold Think about how much consideration you've paid for the people beneath you, and think about how Arekson will feel exactly the same Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold "Surely even if there is no shred of good left in you, the part of you that has brains can see that??"  LevanToken.jpg Levan "Oh, no, you don't understand. It's different!"  LevanToken.jpg Levan "We can work together!" Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold "Have you already turned? Has he made you his slave in exchange for power?"  LevanToken.jpg Levan "We're a part of each other now. You'll see." Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold draws his guisarme  LevanToken.jpg Levan stands up calmly. Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold "Yes. I believe we shall" Kib AbsoldToken.PNG Kib Absold "I was a fool to think there was anything left in you of the brother I knew"  LevanToken.jpg Levan "You'll understand soon. You'll see."

  • With that, Levan speaks to Kib, commanding him to serve (i.e. dominate). However, Kib's anguish won't be pierced (31 on the save!), and he leaps forward to the attack. Against all odds, he trips him on his first blow.
  • The corpses begin springing to life, awakening with the dreadful thirst characteristic of the salt wight.
    • Marwynn uses Holy Smite, blasting apart Levan's alchemist underling and blinding him. Gilerl dives into the fray with a will, Thed shoots from the bed, and Anise covers the hallway. Tana hastes the party, while Thoven works himself into position and casts false life.
    • Seeing himself at a disadvantage, Levan forms himself into a cloud of mist, and sinks to the floor below.
  • With a cat's grace, Tana leaps through a window to the ground. Kib follows, more clumsily but still managing to keep his feet. Gilerl dives headfirst down the fireplace into the common area, where the bodies are shambling to life.
    • Marwynn follows Gil, taking a bit more effort, but getting down in a round.
    • The remaining three work to clear the upstairs hallway. Wights fall.
    • Levan makes his way downstairs, to the cellar. Gil steps over the still-animating bodies to peer down the stairs, but sees only darkness, and turns back around.
    • By this time, enough of the creatures have animated to block his path. Marwynn lets out another holy smite, dealing great damage to many of the wights, but not yet destroying them. They move to surround her.
    • Tana opens a window from the outside while Kib finishes off the wight he had previously tossed. Anise and Thoven continue cutting through wights. Marwynn tries to let loose another holy smite, but it fizzles to the blows of the enemies around her. Gilerl dashes back to Marwynn's side, and cleaves a swath through the nearest.
    • Thed, figuring the wights vulnerable to water, unleashes his everwand down the chimney. It does absolutely nothing but confuse the people on the first floor.
    • Tana, seeing Marwynn surrounded, makes another leap through the now-open window and runs to support her. Marwynn is able to get into a position and make her concentrate check, and she makes the holy mother of all holy smites (average of ~17.5 damage each to 25 enemies, for a rough total of 437.5 damage in a single action!)
    • The common area clear, Kib enters to engage enemies from the bar area, who are filing in. Anise and Thoven make their way to the downstairs, but are waylaid by a small ambush of wights that had pretended to go down the stairs. A fiery belch of dragon's breath later, and the ambush is dealt with.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
    • A fireball and some miscellaneous fighting later, and the last of the wights is dealt with. The tally ends up being 63 cursed souls brought to rest.
  • Thoven, hearing squeals from his position on the stairs, peeks downward to see seven swarms of rats. One shaped fireball later, and there are zero swarms of rats.
  • Kib heads purposefully into the cellar, shouting for his brother to engage. He is limned in Alexandria's holy light.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  • There is more back-and-forth, but both sides are resolved. The rest of the party moves into position while Kib makes his way toward his brother's voice. Levan leaps from the shadows and once again commands Kib, who once again resists.
  • Tana begins the song of the first kinslayer, its slow dirge filling the musty chamber. The party's entire might crushes against Levan. He manages some blows (hitting Tana with an energy drain), but quickly falls. There is enough time for one last look of disbelief before his body turns to mist.
  • As a newly minted vampire, he made the fatal mistake of making his last stand in the vicinity of his coffin (a large cask, refitted for the purpose). The party wrenches it open, and stakes him.
  • Kib shudders and collapses to his knees, spent. The rest of the party goes through the usual after-battle routine while he kneels before his brother's motionless form.


  • 5250 xp to all for 63 (re)dead wights
  • 4500 xp to all for defeating Levan
  • 50 xp to Thed for finding an unguarded stairwell
  • 25 xp to Slitherrr ("you could say the goons were... a-salt-ed")
  • 10 xp to Slitherrr, Clean Up on Aisle 3 achievement
  • 25 xp to Feantari, History Will Judge achievement
  • Levan's gear and stash:
    • 15000 gp
    • Blood, a +1 medium-sized blood iron handaxe (Gilerl backup, as a battleaxe for him)
    • Treasure, a +1 medium-sized silversheen handaxe (Gilerl backup, as a battleaxe)
    • +1 balanced bone scale mail (party loot)
    • belt of tumbling (goes to Marwynn)
    • cloak of resistance +2 (goes to Thed)
    • ring of protection +1 (goes to Kib)
    • amulet of natural armor +1 (goes to Gil)