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Mell's family were professionals who had a more complex nomadic schedule, rotating through other nomadic groups.  Mell was a popular young halfling and would often lead children in little gangs. Unsurprisingly, these young halflings were into pranks and petty thefts.  After getting in trouble attempting to steal something from another group of older halflings, with the intent of returning it to the people it was stolen from.

This caused quite a big stink.  Mell was informed he would be forbidden from traveling for a year, and would be living with his Great Aunt Thistlia in a halfling settlement outside a human townThistlia set Mellifluous on a strict course of education. At first the explanation was that Mell had been selected to be a special protector of the halflings, but eventually it became clear he was being trained to become a paladin and join the Holy Militant.  Mell took to it all enthusiastically, and stayed with it even after the year was up.
Mell was born to Heward and Gruyère Brightkettle, road-traveling halflings skilled in healing, tinkering, and general mending of nomadic equipage. To spread their skills around as much as possible, they rotated through several nomadic groups instead of spending many years with a single groupYoung Mellifluous found himself often the stub-foot among the other young halflings. This did not prove to be much of a problem; Mellifluous was always quickly a part of a new gang, or leading one.

He joined the Order officially for his apprenticeship.  He was chosen to be one of the Bagadrak Five (basically top five halfling rookies--Bagadrak was a famous halfling Traveler who, at the Siege of Templin, requested reinforcements as "two hundred militia -- or five halflings." (Reinforcements were not possible and Bagadrak died in the fall of the town))) -- but before the ceremony, he and all the other soon-to-graduate apprentices were pushed out into serviceMell was lucky enough to get an Hourglass of Vigilance before being pushed out onto the roads.
Young halflings are expected to stir up a little trouble, but Mell's gang managed to get into the wrong kind of mischief entirely. They were caught attempting to steal a bolt of rare silk <i>from</i> a gang of halflings to return <i>to</i> the (non-halfling) merchant it was liberated from in the first place.  Worse, it came to light that Mell had put the gang up to it and planned the whole job himself, which was unforgivable in light of the operation's failure.  The consequences were severe; Mell was to be banished from the caravan, sent back to _____ . He was to live with his Great Aunt Thistilia, whom he could barely remember.
Despite a very rough start, this turned out to be not so bad. Thisti
lia was an old widow, but she had a devious mind and a vision for Mell's future. She offered him tutelage, and promised him he could become a protector of the halfling folk, if he applied himself to the lessons with all his heart, mind, and soul. This is all Mell wanted, and eventually he turned himself to the taskOne day, after a visit and thorough questioning from his Great Uncle Blinchik, his tutelage shifted towards religion. He was admitted as an initiate to the Travelers as one of the Findalo Three, a small honor given to the top three halfling initiates.  (The honor refers to events in the siege of Templin, when the paladin Findalo requested aid of "two hundred cavalry -- or three halflings," perhaps to make a night sortie while the barbarians reveledNo help came and Findalo died in the sack of the town.)
Mellifluous was assigned to Brother Zasaral, whom he found rather plodding and overconcerned with dwarfly matters. Mellifluous's second year of training was cut short by a decree that initiates in good standing be accelerated to full brotherhood, given the pressing needs of the time.  So he was sworn in as a Brother in the field, without the ceremony Mellifluous was very much looking forward to, if only to see if he had bested his friend and rival Monom LikotralMellifluous was at least honored by Brother Zasaral passing on his Hourglass of Vigilance.

'''*SPOILER*''' [[Mellifluous's Character Sheet]]
'''*SPOILER*''' [[Mellifluous's Character Sheet]]
[[Category:Player Characters]]
[[Category:Player Characters]]

Revision as of 10:20, 29 May 2016

Character Stats
Level 2
Race Halfling
Class Paladin/rogue
Armor Studded Leather & Buckler
Weapon(s) Rapier, Shortbow
Hometown Fresia

"Mell" for short.

A male halfling paladin and a Traveler.


Intense young halfling in studded leather.


Mell was born to Heward and Gruyère Brightkettle, road-traveling halflings skilled in healing, tinkering, and general mending of nomadic equipage. To spread their skills around as much as possible, they rotated through several nomadic groups instead of spending many years with a single group. Young Mellifluous found himself often the stub-foot among the other young halflings. This did not prove to be much of a problem; Mellifluous was always quickly a part of a new gang, or leading one.

Young halflings are expected to stir up a little trouble, but Mell's gang managed to get into the wrong kind of mischief entirely. They were caught attempting to steal a bolt of rare silk from a gang of halflings to return to the (non-halfling) merchant it was liberated from in the first place. Worse, it came to light that Mell had put the gang up to it and planned the whole job himself, which was unforgivable in light of the operation's failure. The consequences were severe; Mell was to be banished from the caravan, sent back to _____ . He was to live with his Great Aunt Thistilia, whom he could barely remember.

Despite a very rough start, this turned out to be not so bad. Thisti lia was an old widow, but she had a devious mind and a vision for Mell's future. She offered him tutelage, and promised him he could become a protector of the halfling folk, if he applied himself to the lessons with all his heart, mind, and soul. This is all Mell wanted, and eventually he turned himself to the task. One day, after a visit and thorough questioning from his Great Uncle Blinchik, his tutelage shifted towards religion. He was admitted as an initiate to the Travelers as one of the Findalo Three, a small honor given to the top three halfling initiates. (The honor refers to events in the siege of Templin, when the paladin Findalo requested aid of "two hundred cavalry -- or three halflings," perhaps to make a night sortie while the barbarians reveled. No help came and Findalo died in the sack of the town.)

Mellifluous was assigned to Brother Zasaral, whom he found rather plodding and overconcerned with dwarfly matters. Mellifluous's second year of training was cut short by a decree that initiates in good standing be accelerated to full brotherhood, given the pressing needs of the time. So he was sworn in as a Brother in the field, without the ceremony Mellifluous was very much looking forward to, if only to see if he had bested his friend and rival Monom Likotral. Mellifluous was at least honored by Brother Zasaral passing on his Hourglass of Vigilance.

*SPOILER* Mellifluous's Character Sheet