Achievements: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Proposed Achievements: - Approved Achievements. Impovements still PENDING are not rejected, just require more thinking and modding from YT.)
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!width="100"|Proposed By
!width="100"|Proposed By
| Leave No Bone Unturned || Turn 5+ skeletons in a single turn attempt || Approved! || 15 xp || Mattie || n/a
| Chime and Punishment || Ring a church bell without authorization, and suffer some consequence || Approved || 5 xp || Slitherrr || n/a
| Saddle Sores || Spend three months of a journey on horseback || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| Saddle Sores || Spend three months of a journey on horseback || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
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| Interpreter || Be the only person in the party who speaks a language commonly encountered in the country in which you are all traveling || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| Interpreter || Be the only person in the party who speaks a language commonly encountered in the country in which you are all traveling || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| Prison Break || Escape from a dungeon, jail, prison, stockade, or similar pickle. || Approved! || 25 xp || Slitherrr || n/a
| Eat Your Heart Out, Elvis || Cause a party member to get the killing blow on a monster with hit dice at least two greater than the party average with the competence bonus from a bard-song-like ability. || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| Eat Your Heart Out, Elvis || Cause a party member to get the killing blow on a monster with hit dice at least two greater than the party average with the competence bonus from a bard-song-like ability. || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| Near Miss || Make a successful reflex save against and take no damage from a trap that knocks two or more other people into negative hitpoints. || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| Near Miss || Make a successful reflex save against and take no damage from a trap that knocks two or more other people into negative hitpoints. || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| IMPOTENT RAGE || Enter a rage that results in no hits in melee. || Approved! || 25 xp || Slitherrr || n/a
| Don't Be a Hater || Go from the moment you receive one favored enemy bonus to the moment you receive another without killing an enemy of the former type. || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| Don't Be a Hater || Go from the moment you receive one favored enemy bonus to the moment you receive another without killing an enemy of the former type. || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| Haters Gonna Hate || Kill 50 of your favorite enemy. || Approved! || 50 xp || Slitherrr || n/a
| FCC Intervention || Use a silencing effect to interrupt an enemy in the middle of spellcasting || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| FCC Intervention || Use a silencing effect to interrupt an enemy in the middle of spellcasting || PENDING || || Slitherrr || n/a
| UU || Counter a spell. || Approved! || 25 xp || Matt Jones || n/a

Revision as of 22:32, 26 February 2010

Player Achievements

Key:MeFight Team Alpha,Wydmoor All-Stars,The GM

Title Description GM Approved? Reward Proposed By Winners
1-800-222-1222 Suffer the ill effects of poison on two different occasions in the same game session Yes 25xp Matt Jones Matt Allen
Actors Anonymous Win role-playing award two games in a row. Yes 200xp Mattie
American Express Charge 5 enemies in a single session. Yes 10 xp Mattie Travis
Animal Shelter Save a group of five or more animals at one time. Yes 100xp Mattie
All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go Spend at least 20 minutes creating a disguise that is never used, or is used improperly Yes 5 xp Slitherrr Slitherrr
Bartender Create 3 magical potions for three different players Yes 30xp Mattie
Brinksmanship Recover from -9 hit points. Yes 100xp Matt Jones Slitherrr
Cat Napper Be rendered involuntarily unconscious twice in a single session. Yes 50xp Mattie
Char Broiled Suffer 35 points of fire damage in a single round. Yes 20 xp Matt Jones
Charades Successfully communicate a message with the bluff (innuendo) check. Yes 5xp Mattie
Charity Begins at Home Give away a magic item worth at least 3,500 gp (to a non-PC). Yes 35xp Matt Jones
Civic Pride Become a government offical Yes 250xp Matt Jones
Clean Up on Aisle 3 Do maximum damage with a critical hit. Yes 10 xp Matt Jones
Collecting Cobwebs Neglect the use of an ability for an entire level Yes 5 xp Daniel E TooMuchPete
Come on, it'll be fun! Convince a party member to do something contrary to their normal alignment No Daniel E
Convert the Heathen Get someone to worship something they originally were at best indifferent about. Yes 50xp Trav
Could be Handy, Someday Use a character trait or non-typical skill (e.g. basket weaving) in a way that significantly helps the party No Daniel E
D&D B&E Take at least 1000 gold pieces worth of items from someone's house. Yes 50xp Matt Jones Sarah, Daniel
Dead Ugly Deliver the killing blow to an ogre. Yes 15xp Mattie
Dr. Spock's Backup Band Kill a group of at least five giants. Yes 20xp Matt Jones
Easy Come, Easy Go Suffer the loss, disenchantment, or destruction of a magic item worth at least 1500 gold. Yes 150 xp Matt Jones
Elementary, My Dear Watson Destroy a elemental of all four basic elemental types. Yes 40xp Matt Jones
Family First Rescue a close family member from dire circumstance or immediate danger. Yes 50 xp Slitherrr
Financial Ruin Lose all your worldly possessions. Yes 30xp Mattie
Gnome News is Good News Kill a gnome. Yes 5xp Mattie
Hearts and Crafts Create a magical item worth at least 500 gold pieces Yes 50xp Matt Jones
Heroic Internship Acquire a human or humanoid follower for at least three game sessions. Yes 25 xp Matt Jones
Hey, Over Here! Kill an opponent while in total darkness or suffering from blindness. Yes 5xp Mattie
History Will Judge Use game notes or wiki text to remind the GM of something forgotten Yes 25xp Mattie
Holier Than Thou Tithe to a church at least once a month for an entire in game year. Yes 120xp Mattie
Holly, Eleven Inches, Phoenix Feather Craft a wand. Yes 50xp Matt Jones
Holy Antibodies Resist disease using Paladin's immunity to disease, or have a magical disease cured on yourself by another. Yes 5 xp Mattie Mattie, Trav, Daniel
Homicide Kill a human. Yes 5 xp Mattie
Ice To An Eskimo Diplomacy check your way from a hostile to friendly reaction level from an NPC. Yes 45 xp Matt Jones
I'd Like a Dozen Munchkins Instruct a party member on how to better use or increase a stat, skill, or ability without their disapproval Yes 5 xp Daniel E Slitherrr
Insomnia Go a two weeks without a full night's rest. Yes 140xp Matt Jones
Iron Stomach Survive eating something not meant to be eaten. Yes 15 xp Slitherrr
Jacket Weather Suffer 35 points of cold damage in a single round. Yes 20 xp Matt Jones
Learning To Fly Suffer maximum-dice falling damage. Yes 35 xp Matt Jones
Line Leader Get top initiative roll in three consecutive combats. Yes 20 xp Mattie Travis
Lumberjackal Chop down 10 trees. Yes 30xp Mattie
Mistaken for Deer Unintentionally inflict damage upon a teammate with something other than an area affect spell Yes 5 xp Daniel E TooMuchPete
Morituri te Salutamus Defeat a creature or NPC at least equal to your level in single combat. Yes 10% bonus Matt Jones Slitherrr, Feantari
Ninjastic Kill an enemy without them ever knowing you were there. Yes 15xp Mattie
No Orc Left Untouched Kill 20 orcs. Yes 20 xp Mattie
Nothling Kill a halfling. Yes 5 xp Mattie
Odessan Dream Buy a house. Yes 200 xp Mattie
Overachievement Have 30 achievements approved by the GM. Yes 100xp Matt Jones Mattie
Overachiever, and proud of it. Make 5 or more rolls against your worst stat in one game, and succeed at all of them. Yes 50 xp Travis
Papers, Please? Obtain a license, writ, citation, or diploma. Yes 15 xp Matt Jones Mattie, Sarah
Perfect Attendence Witness the absence of every other player from at least one game, without missing a game yourself. Yes 250xp Matt Jones Xorry
Pity Party Subdue, but do not kill, all of your opponents in a single encounter against more than one adversary. Yes 25xp Mattie Mattie, Helen, Sarah, Daniel, Trav, Matt A
Pun Hit Wonder Make a particularly good/terrible pun. Yes 10xp Mattie Travis
Ratachat Chat Talk to a rodent for more than fifteen minutes. Yes 25xp Mattie Trav
Regicide Kill a king, queen, princess, or prince. Yes 250xp Matt Jones
Run & Hide Successfully escape from a creature with hit dice equal to twice your level. Yes 5% of creature Matt Jones
Soothe the Savage Befriend a group of four or more animals that would normally try to kill you or your party. Yes 40xp Mattie Travis
Tapped Out Use your entire daily allotment of spells in a single encounter. Yes 50xp Matt Jones
That's What Your Wife Said Unintentionally provoke an NPC to a negative reaction through poor role-playing or a botched roll Yes 10 xp Daniel E
The Guard Said WHAT Make more than 5 typos in a row where you say something in character that you should have said OOC. Yes Embarassment Matt Allen Matt Jones
These Are Not The Druids You Are Looking For. Charm a humanoid enemy. Yes 15xp Mattie
These Go to -11 Die. Yes Condolences Matt Jones Jason
Thiefdom Pickpocket or steal two things in a single game session without being noticed/caught. Yes 10xp Mattie
Time for Plan B Construct an elaborate course of action, plan, or trap which catastrophically fails due to a botched roll Yes 25 xp Daniel E
Two Birds Kill exactly two enemies with the same spell or attack roll. Yes 20xp Mattie TooMuchPete
Under The Table Win a drinking contest. Yes 10xp Mattie
Wealth Redistribution Rich become less rich, poor become less poor. All for everyone's own good. Yes 25xp Trav
With Friends Like These Damage an ally into unconsciousness. Yes 35 xp Matt Jones
-6 Feet Tall Kill a dwarf. Yes 5 xp Mattie
WikiWizard Create 50 non-stub articles for the source wiki. Yes 250xp Matt Jones Slitherrr
WikiWonder Create 20 non-stub articles for the source wiki. Yes 100xp Matt Jones Slitherrr, Matt A
Would You Like Syphillis With That? Engage in sexual relations, in-game Yes 50 xp Daniel E Kimika

Proposed Achievements

Title Description GM Approved? Reward Proposed By Winners Saddle Sores Spend three months of a journey on horseback PENDING Slitherrr n/a
Customs Tax Be forced to leave behind an item of value during a border crossing PENDING Slitherrr n/a
Interpreter Be the only person in the party who speaks a language commonly encountered in the country in which you are all traveling PENDING Slitherrr n/a
Eat Your Heart Out, Elvis Cause a party member to get the killing blow on a monster with hit dice at least two greater than the party average with the competence bonus from a bard-song-like ability. PENDING Slitherrr n/a
Near Miss Make a successful reflex save against and take no damage from a trap that knocks two or more other people into negative hitpoints. PENDING Slitherrr n/a
Don't Be a Hater Go from the moment you receive one favored enemy bonus to the moment you receive another without killing an enemy of the former type. PENDING Slitherrr n/a
FCC Intervention Use a silencing effect to interrupt an enemy in the middle of spellcasting PENDING Slitherrr n/a