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* Greatsword (two-handed)
* Greatsword (two-handed)
** To Hit: 1d20+4/+6 when wielded two-handed
** To Hit: 1d20+4
** Damage: 2d6+4/+6 when wielded two-handed
** Damage: 2d6+4/+6 when wielded two-handed
** Crit: 19-20 x2
** Crit: 19-20 x2

Revision as of 15:48, 13 May 2011

Character Stats
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Level 2
Race Human
Class Barbarian
Armor Chain Mail
Weapon(s) Greatsword
Hometown Treulan Tribe

Roscoe "Ugly" Duke

Chaotic Good Human Barbarian

Age: 18

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 275 lbs


Str: 18 (+4)

Dex: 14 (+2)

Con: 16 (+3)

Int: 8 (-1)

Wis: 8 (-1)

Cha: 6 (-2)


HP: 29

Movement: 30 (30 base, +10 for Fast Movement special ability, -10 for wearing chainmail armor)

Base Attack Bonus: +2

Armor Class

  • Normal: 17 (+2 for Dex, +5 for chainmail)
  • Flat Footed: 17 (retains Dex bonus because of Uncanny Dodge)
  • Touch: 12


  • Greatsword (two-handed)
    • To Hit: 1d20+4
    • Damage: 2d6+4/+6 when wielded two-handed
    • Crit: 19-20 x2
    • Cost: 50gp
    • Weight: 8 lbs
  • Composite Long Bow with +4 Str Bonus: Retain Str bonus for damage
    • To Hit: 1d20
    • Damage: 1d8+4
    • Crit: 20 x3
    • Cost: 500gp
    • Weight: 3 lbs
    • 40 arrows: 2gp (Weight: 6 lbs)
    • Range Increment: 110 Feet
      • Each full range increment imposes a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll. Can shoot out to 10 range increments.


Fort Save: +6 (+3 base, +3 Con)

Ref Save: +2 (+0 base, +2 Dex)

Will Save: -1 (+0 base, -1 Wis)

Class Abilities

Fast Movement: +10 speed when wearing medium or lighter armor and not carrying a heavy load.


Rage 1/day: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will Saves, -2 to AC. Lasts 3+ (newly modified) Con bonus rounds, which would be 8 rounds for Ugly at his current Con of 16 (+3 base, +5 when raging).

Uncanny Dodge: Retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker


Feat: Power Attack

Feat: Cleave


Points spent: 20 ((4+Int)*4)+1 (4 per level after 1st)

Intimidate: +4 (5 ranks, -2 for Cha, +1 for size and ugliness)

Climb: +6/+1 (2 ranks, +4 for Str / -5 in armor)

Jump: +6/+1 (2 ranks, +4 for Str / -5 in armor)

Swim: +6/-4 (2 ranks, +4 for Str / -10 in armor)

Survival: +2 (3 ranks, -1 for Wis)

Ride: +3 (1 rank, +2 for Dex)

Listen: +2 (3 ranks, -1 for Wis)

Use Rope: +3 (1 rank, +2 for Dex)


Chainmail: 150 gp

Traveler's Outfit (5 lbs)

50 feet of hempen rope (10lbs)

Flint and Steel (no weight)

Ram, Portable (20 lbs)

Grappling Hook (4 lbs)

Backpack (2 lbs)

Waterskin (4 lbs)

Food, etc

Religious symbol

180 gp



Roscoe goes by "Ugly" to pretty much everyone. When he was a young boy, everyone who saw him for the first time would loudly exclaim "He's ugly!" So when Roscoe got old enough to understand and respond to basic questions about himself (several years later than most other kids), the first time he was asked "What's your name?", he replied with "Ugly." This greatly amused the questioner and all present (except Ugly's father, who hadn't yet fully realized the lack of leadership potential in Ugly), and from then on they'd see him and say things like "Hey, Ugly, what's up?" To Ugly, this was not unusual at all, and he didn't realize until it was far too late that these people were mocking him. But by then the name had stuck. Only his sister Daisy still calls him Roscoe.

Family and Basic History

Ugly's father Jesse has long desired to have more influence in tribe leadership, but the great Ryx Hunt, a tribal leader with great standing, has stood in his way for many years. Because of the history of great leaders from the Hunt family, it was expected that one of Ryx's sons would follow in his father's footsteps. Problem is, Ryx doesn't have any (legitimate) sons. Neither does his sister, Darly, and his brother Spry disappeared when he was 14. So Jesse, Ryx's main rival, saw his opportunity to shift leadership of the tribe from the Hunt family to the Duke family. When his wife gave birth to a healthy boy, Jesse started making his plans. Unfortunately for Jesse, his son Roscoe, while strong and healthy, wasn't exactly leadership material. His simple mind and ugly face earned him more ridicule than respect as a boy, and Jesse came to the sad realization that his only son would not fulfill his dreams of Duke family ascendancy. As a result, Jesse lost interest in his son's upbringing and instead focused on his daughter Daisy and his brother's sons (Ugly's cousins), Bo and Luke, whose parents had died when they were young.

This left Ugly largely to his own devices as a young boy. Since he was no match for most of his peers in intelligence and cunning, Ugly used his natural talents to carve out his own little niche in the (metaphorical) schoolyard. He responded to mockery with punches, and his large fists on the end of strong arms left many broken bones, bruised internal organs, and bloody noses in their wake. He wasn't a bully, but he always defended himself.

When not beating up his rivals, Ugly liked to move rocks. The simple repetition was well suited to his simple mind, and rocks didn't care how ugly he was. Also, it helped him get stronger. He also liked to swing the large greatsword and gigantic bow that he was required to learn to use. These were simple things that his feeble mind could focus on, and when he splattered his first enemy on the battlefield, he knew he had found his calling. Punching bullies served a purpose, but breaking a true enemy in half with his blade (or bare hands) was a wonderful thing. Also, blood is colorful, and Ugly likes colors.


Ugly also likes god (Alexandria). He'll tell you all about her, and some of what he tells you might even be accurate. He doesn't worry much about the details, instead relying on strength of belief (and sometimes strength of his arms) to get his point across. He likes to use important-sounding terms like "Black Wyrm," "Arak," "First Stand," "Omnity," and "Dark Fiend." One of the most common questions Ugly likes to ask people when he first meets them is "Have you accepted Alexandria into your life?" If they say "yes," he gives them a hug and strikes up a conversation about their shared belief. If they say "no," he dives into his convert-the-heathen speech. He says "Praise the Omnity" or "Praise Alexandria" countless times every day. Ugly is on a mission from god, a mission that mainly involves converting or killing enemies of Alexandria.