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|Yeah, man, I still agree with Mose.  Well, mostly.  I mean, there's almost always time for soul searching, and I really think we should get those folks '''out''' of the city so they can start to really live, and, well, the Warrens aren't rightfully theirs at all, they're on land that was borrowed from Nature.  And I could definitely find some non-Wydmoor goals, but right now I think I'll wait on those.  The point is that I think Mose is right in everything he said except for the stuff where he's not: We need to keep all those dudes fed, and we can worry about returning Wydmoor to nature later.
|Yeah, man, I still agree with Mose.  Well, mostly.  I mean, there's almost always time for soul searching, and I really think we should get those folks '''out''' of the city so they can start to really live, and, well, the Warrens aren't rightfully theirs at all, they're on land that was borrowed from Nature.  And I could definitely find some non-Wydmoor goals, but right now I think I'll wait on those.  The point is that I think Mose is right in everything he said except for the stuff where he's not: We need to keep all those dudes fed, and we can worry about returning Wydmoor to nature later.

You probably all know that I'm not big on the politics of this whole situation, but I at least realize that we've probably got nearly as much power and influence as anyone else.  We should use it, ya know?  Stick it to the man.  The first problem in keeping people fed is finding a supply of food.  Ideally, we'd get all the poor folks out of the city, somewhere far enough away that they won't need to worry about Wydmoor, and start feeding them there, then start the process of teaching them to fend for themselves.  But since that's probably not all that practical just now, I suppose we need to end this goofy siege and make sure the folks in charge of Wydmoor (if they're not Germain and Kimi and whoever else wants the job) know that we expect them to take care of the folks that live here.  Once the siege is over, food will be easy to find and get to the folks who need it.  So..  We've got a bunch of people willing to fight with us, right?  Why not work with them to end the siege?  I'm sure we could get all of those dudes into some critical area of the Odessan lines at a time and place that they don't expect it and get the whole darn army running back to where they came from.}}
You probably all know that I'm not big on the politics of this whole situation, but I at least realize that we've probably got nearly as much power and influence as anyone else.  We should use it, ya know?  Stick it to the man.  The first problem in keeping people fed is finding a supply of food.  Ideally, we'd get all the poor folks out of the city, somewhere far enough away that they won't need to worry about Wydmoor, and start feeding them there, then start the process of teaching them to fend for themselves.  But since that's probably not all that practical just now, I suppose we need to end this goofy siege and make sure the folks in charge of Wydmoor (if they're not Germain and Kimi and whoever else wants the job) know that we expect them to take care of the folks that live here.  Once the siege is over, food will be easy to find and get to the folks who need it.  So..  We've got a bunch of people willing to fight with us, right?  Why not work with them to end the siege?  I'm sure we could get all of those dudes into some critical area of the Odessan lines at a time and place that they don't expect it and get the whole darn army running back to where they came from.

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Revision as of 16:31, 27 December 2011

As best as I can tell, going through the undated quest logs and some handwaves, this conversation and the events of the past couple of hours are taking place in the predawn hours of 23 Verdant 1401. That's the date I'm going with unless someone has a better bead.

Act I Climax Summary

  • LE finally accepted the Melkior-related documents from Edrell.
  • Germain suggests not letting Mose know what Edrell has done, at least not immediately. Quin protests vehemently, and makes sure to tell Mose "Edrell screwed us over. I'll explain later, but we have to go NOW or the city will fall!"
  • Germain suggests, at the very least, not to tell anyone else outside of the Silverwalkers about Edrell's betrayal, at least not until the party can decompress everything and plan a well thought out next move.
    • He Fears the Silverwalkers will be implicated in the crime or even flat-out scapegoated.
      • Not only did the SW work closely with Edrell for between 1 and 3 years, depending, the SW were also the ones who gave Edrell at least one keys he needed (the mayoral ring) to open the vaults. Plus several other actions that further cast suspicion on you guys as accomplices. Sure, this was almost always done on false pretenses, but the optics are terrible. If the accusation is made, you willing to go through the Wydmoor or Church judicial systems? Even with Germain as your lawyer?
    • He believes in Information control: The Silverwalkers for the first time find them in a position where they know things no one else knows.
    • He sees the potential for False Flagging: If the robbery could be pinned on the Thieves' Guild, that could give a plausable casus belli to act against the Guild as well as potentially driving a wedge between them and the War Council.
  • Quin is willing to go along with this, to an extent, for now. -> He's willing not to out Edrell (yet), but feels obligated to at least warn Bog Wraiths of the infiltration in case there are more infiltrators or the Silverwalkers fail in their mission.
    • On his way back through the Cathedral not-gate, Quin sends an acolyte to Naprid with a message: "City is under the attack! Also, your fire charm was stolen."
  • At the door to the Magius Keep, Germain makes it clear that he believes it will be best for the party to capture, not kill, the half-elf woman Edrell mentioned as his sister.
    • Party is relatively resistant, but ultimately agrees not to kill her if they can help it. (Although, as we will see, those promises were, perhaps, not made in good faith.)

  • Battle Goes Down and Winds Down
    • The woman has been teleporting like mad, despite being in the same ROOM as the anti-teleport generator.
    • Woman also was originally encountered as a huge-size woman, and shrunk down to normal size after she was killed.

  • The Odessans, except the half-elf, are killed.
  • Kimi screams to the woman "We don't want to kill you! Edrell told us to spare you!"
  • The woman, herself clearly down to her last hit points, teleports into a back corner away from everyone.
  • LE lets loose a flurry of magic missiles and deals twenty-something points of force damage.
  • The woman is killed.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

In the last game, there was some looting done, and we can assume that the looting goes down during and after the conversation we're all about to have. For what it's worth, the half-elf woman's spiked chain (which seemed to exhibit the Radiant Energy trait) and her mithril breastplate (which seemed to exhibit the Glamoured trait), both radiate no magic whatsoever upon close examination.

Additionally, the stuff with Al's swan statue, Mulligan, will go down at some point later on during this conversation in order to role play the full effect of that event

Silverwalkers Discussion

The second Act opens just as the adrenaline fog clears from everyone's mind and bullet time goes away. The party is scattered around the room, also filled with dead bodies, as pictured above. The battle is won, but all of the Odessans have been killed. The integrity of the teleport ward has been maintained. The lightning arcs and flares across the room, filling the room with light and sound. The party must shout to be heard.

GermainToken.PNG Germain scowls at LE : Damnit! We could have leveraged that into a surrender!

GermainToken.PNG Germain sighs : Let's get this mess cleaned up... we can be heroes or villians depending on how the next few hours go, and I want to leave this room with a plan that we all agree on. Say what you will of him, Edrell has left us with an out if we are willing to take it. He's promised to stage his own death, and we can spin this like he informed us of this attack and went off to stop the robbery on his own. Do we take it?

AlToken.PNG Al Roar, growl, rrrrgwlll. Snarl, roar, growl. realizes no one understands, changes back to elf form Dude, that was far out. My dad would FREAK if he knew I just fought a half-elf. somewhat sadly Might even make him proud that I helped kill her. glances expectantly at backpack, then glances around the room Man, what a mess. Next time we see Ed he's not gonna have to fake his death. Though I guess he did help us save all those people. Still, man, what he did was not cool.

GermainToken.PNG Germain shrugs : Really? Do you care? He stole money from the people who decided to let the refugees die. The people that were more concerned about saving their own ass than doing what was right. In some cases, the very people that antagonized this conflict in the first place. I don't like what he did, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for the people he did it to. If I find out he was responsible for the fire, my opinion may change, but right now the only thing I'm upset about is the mess he put me in.

MoseToken.PNG Mose is really confused: What in the world is going on? Quinn said that Edrell betrayed us, but now Germain is siding with him? What has happened? And who are these people we just killed here in Edrell's tower? Are they Edrell's friends? Clearly they were trying to ruin the city, but I don't know how they would get in here if Edrell didn't let them in.

AlToken.PNG Al These dudes were trying to turn off the teleport ward for some reason. Can't figure out why they thought that would be a good idea, but at least Ed told us what was up as he... Er glances at GermainToken.PNG Germain, unsure of his Grand Plan, but at least aware that one exists that might involve not telling MoseToken.PNG Mose everything just yet. So, uh, we stopped these dudes from turning off the teleport ward. Shouldn't have killed that lady, though I have a feeling it doesn't really matter. glances again at his backpack

LEToken.PNG LE carefully steps around the nodes to loot what she can. She doesn't seem to hear anything, even the deafening noise from the generator. She seems either deep in thought or completely without thought, you can't tell which.

KimikaToken.PNG Kimika looks dazed, still reeling from all the events of the last few hours. She rushes over to the half-elven woman to see if there's anything at all she can do for her. She kneels down next to her and, despite her being dead, at least makes an effort to wrap any wounds and prepare her corpse respectfully.

GermainToken.PNG Germain looks conflicted : Edrell did betray us, Mose... at least, in a fashion. These were his friends, and even family, and they expected Edrell to be here to let them in so they could turn off the City's defenses and capture it. Germain grimaces, clearly saying something he would rather not say. Edrell was the mole and the traitor, Mose, and he used us to further his agenda and pull off a massive bank heist against the Wydmoor Bank. He betrayed our trust, and because we now know his plans and know that we aided and abetted in them, he has put us in quite the predicament.

The complicating factor is that he also betrayed the Odessans, letting us in on their plan and sending us here to stop it. And, frankly, he's given Wydmoor the closest thing to an army that it's ever had, and probably put us in the unique position to save this city and end this war. I know some of you aren't comfortable with moral grey areas, but we are stuck in one now sure as a dwarf's hammer. I can think of some ways out of this mess, but all of them are either going to put our necks on the line or require is to politic and lie through our teeth.

GermainToken.PNG Germain eyes LEToken.PNG LE warily.

MoseToken.PNG Mose Edrell ROBBED the Wydmoor Bank?! That dirty cave rat! ... ... But if he was after money, why didn't he just keep all the silver we gave him instead of spreading it around? Are you sure it wasn't an imposter? Edrell wouldn't do that. (Mose isn't eager to believe he misjudged SO BADLY on someone's evil nature) The Odessans disguised before, perhaps they pulled their same shady tricks... or maybe the Thieves' Guild! They're also very shady... Maybe it was just more illusion magic? I know I doubted Edrell early on, but he helped us along. Gave us these great items-- why would he give us so much of value if he wasn't on our side of good?

GermainToken.PNG Germain Well, we can't be sure of anything, I agree! And it is a compelling theory--I'm loath to admit that I misjudged him so dramatically as well. The Guild's attacks on the Silverwalkers have demonstrated that their true loyalties do not lie with protecting the city, since we have been its most active and successful protectors. They certainly have the powers of deciet and illusion necessary to pull off such a feat. Besides, if Edrell was siding with the Odessans, why would it serve him to turn on them at this point? It only creates enemies for him, and does little to aid him. Frankly, even if it was Edrell that robbed the bank, I'd be inclined to blame it on the Guild to Wydmoor's power players against them and purge the city of their evil. Given the facts, I think your theory is a strong one to operate under, Mose... A strong theory indeed.

That theory aside, however, whose to say what's good and evil? Based on what Edrell (or his look-alike) said, he believes that those with a lot of money in the bank--the Mayor, the cowardly nobles, the Wraiths, etc--were evil. They punished the people of Wydmoor to further their own financial and political interests. The Silverwalkers, and by extension Edrell, on the other hand, were good. We risked our lives to protect and empower the innocents of the Wydmoor region--the citizens of Wydmoor, the Onrarch halflings, etc--from they tyranny of the Odessans, the elements, supernatural terrors, and their own leaders. "Edrell" thinks he is good, he considers us allies because we are good, and that the Nobles of this city, and even the Wraiths to some degree, are evil. Historically, we agree with that. While robbing a bank is certainly illegal, I'm not sure I'd call it evil. Murdering a Mayor is also illegal, but we consider ourselves good for doing it.

Get yourself ready... the way forward is only going to get a lot messier than the muddy waters we've travelled so far.

MoseToken.PNG Mose I can't support someone who betrays the laws and agreements they have made. If it was Edrell, he pledged to protect the city by accepting his different roles in the city government. To then betray the city... that's heartless and lawless. Even if some of the coin in the Bank was from those who were wicked, he's still harming goodly and religious people, too.

In the case of the Mayor, I directly sensed him to be evil, and his disregard for codified law in favor of tyranny required him to be removed like the swamp leech he was. Looking back, though, I am sad about the way that cleansing was done, and going forward we must insist that we stand above the "muddy waters" you mention. As my father told me, "No matter how low you find yourself, you won't get to higher ground by walking downhill."

GermainToken.PNG Germain It's not that I'm opposed to the idea, Mose, it's just that I can't see a way to actually do it. Maybe I don't know what you mean. What do you think we should do?

The testimonials are very clear on this matter--sometimes the righteous must do distasteful deeds to serve the greater good. We are the greatest good in Wydmoor as far as I'm concerned. And to protect the city, we assassinated the lawfully appointed leader of the city, willfully disregarded the wishes of the city's defenders, and played an instrumental role in robbing virtually evey power broker in the city blind. It doesnt matter why we did it. It doesn't matter if we meant to do it. It doesn't matter if we knew we were doing it. All that is will matter are the facts, and if word gets out, virtually every person that matters in this city will turn against us. How can we continue to protect the city and serve the good if we are crippled by adversity?

MoseToken.PNG Mose Your silver tongue can paint us as evildoers, alright, but I'd love to see you use your talents to describe our true intentions and acts! Wouldn't it be better to put forth the truth: that we're not perfect but ultimately good souls trying to do the right thing? If the truth gets us exiled from Wydmoor, so be it. We did what we could, saved the refugees, got them food, and prevented the city from falling multiple times. I'd rather die by the truth than live by the lie.

I mean, we can say all of this inside of a Zone of Truth if needed-- but if we try to hide what has happened, and it does come out later, then our cowardly act of dishonesty will get us beheaded. Honestly, I've just assumed with all the no-good snoops in town, we've been watched pretty much the whole time, so it's pointless to lie about what we've done and seen. Let's just be honest in talking to the War Council about our intentions and deeds.

My proposal is for us to reclaim the warrens for the halflings and the refugees, ensure there's food for everyone, send Odessa home, and to tell the truth about what happened with Edrell. Someone robbed the bank, it may have been Edrell, it may have been a Guild disguise, or an Odessan disguise, but whoever it was had enough secret spy intel to tell us how to thwart this Odessan attack on the Mage's Tower-- which we did and saved the lives of everyone!

In the end, I'll even tell them myself what I know because they surely understand I wouldn't risk violating my Traveler oaths to lie.

Is there another proposal? The only other one that comes to mind for me is to chase down whoever stole the money and return it, and I don't know if that's doable in the middle of this war.

GermainToken.PNG Germain smiles : I'm glad you think I can talk us out of this, and you might be right. Unfortunately, I don't have quite your confidence, and I think my chance of spinning this to the city at large is pretty low.

Where I agree with you is that we don't need to lie to everyone here, and I'm glad you have the wisdom to see that a little information control may be necessary until we get this city safe. Telling the entire war room may be a little overboard--if the Wydmoor nobles become aware that all their money has been stolen there may be a panic, or at least a backlash against the Silverwalkers, that will severely comprimise the defense of the city and the refugees. But I do think it may be safe to be frank with the Wraiths, because I think I can sell to them that our intentions were pure and that our accomplishments have significantly advanced their agenda. How do we feel about that?

MoseToken.PNG Mose I'm fine with us telling the Wraiths the truth and letting them drive the decisions and discussions with the War Council. I just want to be sure we can continue to keep the pilgrims fed, inside the city, and that the land of the Warrens can again be rightfully returned and used by the poor of Wydmoor. Oh (remembering) and if somehow we can repeal that poll tax, even better! The refugees really should be getting a voice for them on the War Council... not sure how we might do that.

Beyond the silly politics, I know defenses are of utmost important right now, too. It probably makes sense for us to use the City Magus's Keep as our temporary base and protect it. What do you think? Regardless of what Edrell is up to, he's not here to protect it from invasions such as what we just saw. Clearly we're the only ones who can keep the teleport ward safe until the War Council comes up with another plan.

Would LE or Egg be able to figure out what magic safeguards remain intact here or in other parts of the Keep and see if we can get them operational?

GermainToken.PNG Germain One more moment, Mose. I know you and Al don't care for silly politics, but politicians run the world and we have to play their game to effectively fight the good fight...

When we talked outside of the Thieves' Guilds' trap, you were very adamant that we need a plan to attack them and purge the city of their evil immediately. Now, if Wydmoor's leaders knew what we suspect to be true--that the Guild robbed the bank--then virtually all Wydmoor's power brokers could be quickly united against them. While I may have doubted that the Silverwalkers alone could defeat the guild, I do believe this city, united against them, could free the good people of Wydmoor from their grasp. Our hunch is that Edrell is a good guy, that he travelled to the bank to stop the robbery, and that he alerted us of the Odessan attack. Even though we can't be certain of this, if we present what we believe... carefully... we may be able to finally launch an effective attack against the Guild. It might require speaking with a little more certainty than we actually have, but it's not exactly going to be a lie. Is that something you are comfortable with? Is purging the city of evil important enough to blur the line between what we know to be true and what we feel in our hearts is true?

AlToken.PNG Al Yeah, man, "silly politics." I agree with Mose. We need to keep the poor fed, preferably by getting them out of the city and teaching them how to take care of themselves, but that's more of a long-term goal. In the short-term, getting rid of evil and feeding hungry people is, like, way righteous. If the Guild has all this cash and stuff that you city-folk love so much, I'd hold my nose and use the cash to buy food so everyone doesn't die, but I'm going to make sure I help people learn to grow and forage their own food along the way.

As for Ed.. Man, I don't know. Assuming it was actually him doing the stealing, we need to get that cash back, punish Ed for taking it, and distribute the cash to all the folks who need it. But that's a less pressing goal than the situation in the city. Can't let all those people suffer unnecessarily. And, man, who knows. Maybe Ed did what he did for some, you know, reasonable reason that we just don't know right now. Whatever the case, I want to figure it out, punish Ed if he deserves it, and make things right.

KimikaToken.PNG Kimika She turns gets up slowly and brushes her hair away from her face. Her young face is streaked with a mixture of tears and the dirt from battle. She looks very tired and crestfallen. I can't help but think that Edrell taking the money is actually what is best for the city. This is MY city. I have lived and ministered here for my entire adult life. It was my HOME. Her voice shakes with emotion. This city has been ripped apart by the greed of its so-called leaders. Without money, why should they even bother with this city? Let them go elsewhere, and let the people have their homes back. Let US rebuild. Let US take back OUR city and let the politicians and the bankers and the rich vampires after Alexandria-knows-what go elsewhere. These people have been through well-enough. What is left? What is left is that this is our home. This is what we know. We will fight for our homes, we will fight to rebuild. Why would the Thieves Guild stay when there is nothing left to steal?

She sighs, heavy with the burdens and sorrow that she has been holding in for so long.

Let Edrell take the money. Good riddance. Those who only care for money will hopefully follow it out and go elsewhere. Say it's the Thieves Guild- perfect. Let the greedy aristocrats and thieves go after each other- just ensure our streets don't turn into a battleground. I say we let those of us with the gift of speech turn the greedy against each other and get them out of the city. The rest of us will work to get this city back to people and the people back on their feet.

Right now the people NEED us. They need those who know how to receive the blessings of the land without destroying it she looks at Al, they need the magically gifted to unravel the mysteries that have plagued this city for ages beneath the covers she looks at LE, they need the protectors to welcome the weary and protect what little they have she looks at Mose, they need those with skill to help them construct and plan she looks at Quin, and they need to do this while keeping those who would exploit them out of their hair she looks at Germain.

I can't say I agree with how these events have unfolded but if there is one thing we can do, it is take what appears to be a miserable situation and make the best of it. We are the heroes to the people, not the War Council that sits protected in their high and lofty towers. She waves her hand dismissively. Let them do what they like, our duty is to the people here. We have not come this far and worked this hard to let them down- and we are to whom they look.

LEToken.PNG LE shaken out of semi-awareness by the sudden lack of discussion in the room following Kimi's speech, walks up to the dead half-elf. She seems surprised at the woman's small stature as she crouches down low and stares into the lifeless face.

GermainToken.PNG Germain looks expectant.

DMToken.PNG DM The woman's corpse lies on the ground, her visage reflecting the confusion, shock, and anxiety that composed the last moments of her existence. Lifeless blue/gray eyes, opened wide, stare at emptily at nothing. Up close, and not giant-sized, the woman seems anything but threatening or imposing.

Like Edrell, her face is striking, but more handsome than beautiful. Her long, raven-black hair has come free of its braids and now splays wildly, clumping together where it has begun to absorb the blood of the other fallen Odessans that slowly spreads across the floor. Staring at her face up close, her elven features are far more noticeable and pronounced. The traditional pointed ears, the angular features, the almond-shaped eyes. She has Edrell's eyes, you cannot help but think to yourself.

Although impossible to reckon her age, if she were a human like yourself, you would imagine her to be in her late-twenties or early-thirties. His younger sister, then, you think.

Her armor and weapons, which so recently demonstrated extraordinary qualities, radiates little to no magic what-so-ever. You recognize her weapon as a spiked chain, but far more ornate than the simple iron contraption Qa used to swing around. The links are dark green and made of ironwood (the only part that reads magical), with many of the links having small, thorn-like barbs. The tip of the weapon, which once glowed with a bright pink light, has gone dark. While Qa's old weapon simply had a fist-sized spiked ball at the end, the business end of this weapon is an intricately carved pink crystal, fashioned to look like a rose in bloom.

Her armor is also amazingly well-crafted and, although made of rare and exotic Mithral, is non-magical and form fitting, obviously crafted especially for her. An indigo crystal is ensconced in the center of the breastplate, with a series of complicated whorls and designs radiating outward (or inward?).

QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin has been sitting close to where he stood when the final blow of the battle landed. He has been quiet and withdrawn. Other than absent-mindedly cleaning his scythe and re-arranging his armor and equipment, he hasn't said or done much. After Kimika finishes stating her desire for the bad people to go away and leave the city to the citizens, he finally stands, brushes off the last remnants of battle dust, and walks over. As he comes closer, you see a look in his eyes that you recognize -- turmoil and defeat. This is the look that haunted him after the vampire took control of his mind and nearly caused him to slay Mose.

When he stands with the group, he begins to speak, with a voice subdued and sorrowful. Kimi, I'm sorry, but while I'm not the politician that Germain aspires to be, I do know that one inevitable truth is that a power void is always filled, and it is usually by the ones with the least scruples and restraint. I think we could do our best to try to nudge a few of the players that we feel aren't quite as bad into position ahead of the obvious evils, but I have to say I don't know how much it would actually improve the daily life of the common citizen. Even the best of the people we know here still believes that the status quo from shortly before the war was perfectly acceptable. I came here looking for a place that I could do some good, clear my head of the grief of my father and the shame of my uncle, and maybe even one day have enough money and power to retire from adventuring and rebuild my father's legacy. I have a hard time seeing how I am significantly closer to any of those goals after our years of struggle here in Wydmoore. shakes his head and scowls for a moment as he straightens his back and pushes his shoulders back out of the slump that has been creeping over him I'm sorry, I don't want to just sit here and complain, I would love to do something honestly good and productive to help us climb out of this midden we have been swimming in. If Germain feels that he could retain enough Silverwalker influence long enough for us to ensure that the refuguees we brought in have at least a chance of staying in the city and not starving or wasting away from disease then I am happy to strive toward that. Otherwise, if there was an opportunity for me to clear out of this place and travel somewhere else, hopefully where skills with a blade and a decent set of morals could actually be of practical use, I have to say I'd think long and hard about taking that road. Hopefully with you at my side, but...

GermainToken.PNG Germain I agree with all of that... but why it can't be us that fills the vacuum? I can't think of another group that would be better more noble, and we are positioned to step into a number of power broker roles in this city. I certainly agree that none of the "usual suspects" are going change anything that we care about, but isn't that more reason that we should do it? Even the worst of us is going to be a difinitive step up from today's players. Is it just personal aversion to politics that is keeping everyone away from this obvious conclusion? Or do you not realize how powerful we are already? We have so much energy and leverage right now... it seems a shame to squander it on someone else that we don't even think is up to the damn job!

QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin Well, yeah, I have no desire to become mayor or arch-warden, or even captain of the guard. I would be happy to help any of those people if I felt it was right, but I am not ready to retire from adventuring yet. smiles I'll certainly admit that any of those roles could probably be used to acquire all the wealth I wanted to retire with, but it would likely be at the expense of people that I would prefer to lift up rather than trod upon. So.. to those ends, I would certainly be happy to take advantage of this unfortunate circumstance to do our best to decapitate the thieves guild. Granted, that uber-secret guy might be a bite more than we can chew since we don't know much of anything about him, but I'd still be willing to explore the possibility..

GermainToken.PNG Germain squints quizically : For the record, I not sure I buy the implication that politicians have to become greedy and callous to succeed. I'm more suggesting that we could become people that do the job for the right reasons and not just to get rich. Also, I don't think all the 'Walkers want to be political forces. I would think Kimmy and I would be the obvious figureheads for the Church and Guard respectiveley, with Mose and Quin playing roles with the Travellers and Wraiths if they have the appetite for it. Everyone else could, as you say, be "helping any of those people if they feld it was right," it's just that "those people" would be "us," and as a result would be "right."

But... am I hearing that you want to abandon Wydmoor and go somewhere else, Quin? The rebuilding effort is going to be substantial here, and it'll be a long time after the Odessans leave before the city is really "safe" in any meaningful way. Given how hard we've worked here, I'd hate to abandoned it withouth reaping what I've sown. Kimmy... LE... Mose... are you ready to turn this city over to its fate with the Odessans gone? We need to be having a very different conversation if that what everyone is thinking here...

MoseToken.PNG Mose I don't really believe any of us can have non-Wydmoor goals on the table for the short-term. I mean, the city is still at war, we have the Walker Army waiting for instructions, the bank is empty, the Thieves Guild will be moving quickly, and who knows what will happen.

Let's get some specific proposals of next actions and stop with the soul-searching. We don't have time for that, frankly.

As I said before, I just want to be sure we continue to keep the pilgrims fed, let them stay inside the city, and eventually get the land of the Warrens rightfully returned and used by the poor.

What's the best plan you smarties have for making that happen? We don't have much time!

LEToken.PNG LE *seemingly oblivious to the discussion around her*

She's.... so small...

AlToken.PNG Al Yeah, man, I still agree with Mose. Well, mostly. I mean, there's almost always time for soul searching, and I really think we should get those folks out of the city so they can start to really live, and, well, the Warrens aren't rightfully theirs at all, they're on land that was borrowed from Nature. And I could definitely find some non-Wydmoor goals, but right now I think I'll wait on those. The point is that I think Mose is right in everything he said except for the stuff where he's not: We need to keep all those dudes fed, and we can worry about returning Wydmoor to nature later.

You probably all know that I'm not big on the politics of this whole situation, but I at least realize that we've probably got nearly as much power and influence as anyone else. We should use it, ya know? Stick it to the man. The first problem in keeping people fed is finding a supply of food. Ideally, we'd get all the poor folks out of the city, somewhere far enough away that they won't need to worry about Wydmoor, and start feeding them there, then start the process of teaching them to fend for themselves. But since that's probably not all that practical just now, I suppose we need to end this goofy siege and make sure the folks in charge of Wydmoor (if they're not Germain and Kimi and whoever else wants the job) know that we expect them to take care of the folks that live here. Once the siege is over, food will be easy to find and get to the folks who need it. So.. We've got a bunch of people willing to fight with us, right? Why not work with them to end the siege? I'm sure we could get all of those dudes into some critical area of the Odessan lines at a time and place that they don't expect it and get the whole darn army running back to where they came from.

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