Torekk Deeperdown's Character Sheet (Pathfinder): Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Level 3 Druid ==Attributes== {| |Strength || 17 (+3) |- |Dexterity || 12 (+1) |- |Constitution || 14 (+2) |- |Intelligence || 8 (-1) |- |Wisdom || 16 (+3) |- |Charisma || 8 (-...")
Line 64: Line 64:
!|Skill||Bonus|| Bonus Derivation
!|Skill||Ability||Modifier||Ability Modifier||Ranks||Misc Bonus
|Survival||+9|| 4 ranks, +3 stat, +2 Nature Sense
|Acrobatics ||DEX||'''-2''' ||1 ||0 ||-3 (armor check and or/encumbrance||
|Profession: Herbalist||+8|| 5 ranks, +3 stat
|Acrobatics (Jump)||DEX||'''-6'''||1||1||-7 (armor check/encumbrance)||
|Knowledge(Nature)||+7|| 4 ranks, +1 stat, +2 Nature Sense
|Appraise ||INT|| '''-1'''||-1||0||0||
|Appraise (Precious metals and gemstones) ||INT ||'''1''' ||-1 ||0||+2 (racial bonus)||
|Ride||+7|| 4 ranks, +3 stat
|Bluff ||CHA ||'''-1'''||-1||0||0||
|Jump||+5|| 0 ranks, +3 stat, +2 racial
|Climb ||STR ||'''0'''||3||0||-3 (armor check/encumbrance)||
|Listen||+5|| 0 ranks, +3 stat, +2 racial
|Craft (Untrained) ||INT ||'''-1'''||-1||0||0||
|Move Silently||+5|| 0 ranks, +3 stat, +2 racial
|Diplomacy ||CHA ||'''-1''' ||-1||0||0||
|Diplomacy||+4|| 4 ranks, +0 stat
|Disguise ||CHA ||'''-1'''||-1||0||0||
|Handle Animal||+4||4 ranks,+0 stat
|Escape Artist ||DEX ||'''-2'''||1||0||-3 (armor check/encumbrance)||
|Climb||+2|| 0 ranks, +0 stat, +2 racial
|Fly ||DEX ||'''-2'''||1||0||-3 (armor check/encumbrance)||
|Handle Animal ||CHA ||'''5''' |-1||3||3(trained class skill)||
|Heal ||WIS ||'''3'''||3||0||0||
|Intimidate ||CHA ||'''-1'''||-1||0||0||
|Knowledge (Geography) ||INT ||'''3'''||-1||1||3(trained class skill)||
|Knowledge (History) ||INT ||'''0'''||-1||1||0||
|Knowledge (Nature) ||INT ||'''7'''||-1||3| 5(trained class skill + Nature Sense)||
|Perception ||WIS ||'''8'''||3||2||3(trained class skill)||
|Perception (Notice unusual stonework) ||WIS ||'''10'''||3||2||5(trained class skill + stone cunning racial bonus)||
|Perform (Untrained) ||CHA|| '''-1'''||-1 ||0||0||
|Ride ||DEX ||'''-2'''|| 1||0||-3(armor check/encumbrance)||
|Sense Motive ||WIS ||'''3'''||3||0||0||
|Stealth ||DEX ||'''-2'''||1||0||-3(armor check/encumbrance)||
|Survival ||WIS ||'''5'''||3||0||2 (nature sense bonus)||
|Swim ||STR ||'''0 '''||3||0||-3(armor check/encumbrance)||

Revision as of 08:32, 28 January 2014

Level 3 Druid


Strength 17 (+3)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 16 (+3)
Charisma 8 (-1)

Secondary Attributes

Hit Points 30
Armor Class 17 (+5 from Hide Armor Tordekk's Hide, +1 from Dex, +1 from Shield)
Base Attack Bonus +2
Base Speed 20 Feet (as a dwarf also 20 Feet even with armor or encumbered)
Fort Save +6 (+3 Base, +2 CON, +1 Magic Resistance Bonus)
Reflex +3 (+1 Base, +1 DEX, +1 Magic Resistance Bonus)
Will Save +7 (+3 Base, +3 Stat, +1 Magic Resistance Bonus)


  • Dwarven
  • Ubrekti
  • Sylvan/Druidic

Feats and Abilities

Druid Class Abilities

Animal Companion
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Light armor proficiency
Medium armor proficiency
Armor restriction (no metal)--A druid who wears metal armor or carries a metal shield loses all supernatural and spell-like abilities while wearing the armor or shield, and for twenty-four hours after relinquishing the protective garment
Woodland Stride
Spontaneous Casting (Nature's Ally spells)
Bonus languages--Sylvan
Proficiency with the following: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, spear, and any natural weapons gained with the Wild Shape ability

Race Abilities (dwarf)

  • 60' Darkvision
  • +1 to-hit goblins & orcs
  • +4 AC Dodge v Giants
  • +2 Save vs poison/spell/spell-like
  • +1 Save vs Fear
  • +4 CMD vs Trip
  • +2 Appraise metal & gem
  • +2 Perception with Stonework. Autocheck within 10'


Skill Ability Modifier Ability Modifier Ranks Misc Bonus
Acrobatics DEX -2 1 0 -3 (armor check and or/encumbrance
Acrobatics (Jump) DEX -6 1 1 -7 (armor check/encumbrance)
Appraise INT -1 -1 0 0
Appraise (Precious metals and gemstones) INT 1 -1 0 +2 (racial bonus)
Bluff CHA -1 -1 0 0
Climb STR 0 3 0 -3 (armor check/encumbrance)
Craft (Untrained) INT -1 -1 0 0
Diplomacy CHA -1 -1 0 0
Disguise CHA -1 -1 0 0
Escape Artist DEX -2 1 0 -3 (armor check/encumbrance)
Fly DEX -2 1 0 -3 (armor check/encumbrance)
Handle Animal CHA -1 3 3(trained class skill)
Heal WIS 3 3 0 0
Intimidate CHA -1 -1 0 0
Knowledge (Geography) INT 3 -1 1 3(trained class skill)
Knowledge (History) INT 0 -1 1 0
Knowledge (Nature) INT 7 -1 5(trained class skill + Nature Sense)
Perception WIS 8 3 2 3(trained class skill)
Perception (Notice unusual stonework) WIS 10 3 2 5(trained class skill + stone cunning racial bonus)
Perform (Untrained) CHA -1 -1 0 0
Ride DEX -2 1 0 -3(armor check/encumbrance)
Sense Motive WIS 3 3 0 0
Stealth DEX -2 1 0 -3(armor check/encumbrance)
Survival WIS 5 3 0 2 (nature sense bonus)
Swim STR 0 3 0 -3(armor check/encumbrance)

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