Marwynn's Character Sheet (Pathfinder): Difference between revisions

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|Hit Points ||  || 57 ||  || 8 (1st HD) + 7x6 (HD) + 7 (Con)
|Hit Points ||  || 64 ||  || 8 (1st HD) + 7x7 (HD) + 7 (Con)
|Armor Class |||| 13 |||| +2 Armor, +1 Dex bonus
|Armor Class |||| 13 |||| +2 Armor, +1 Dex bonus

Revision as of 13:07, 3 December 2015

  • Character name: Marwynn
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Character level: 7
  • Deity: Alexandria
  • Homeland: I think she's Fresian
  • Race: Human
  • Size: Normal
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 25
  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 130lbs
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Racial traits (default PF ones):
  • Speed 30 feet (unless medium/heavy armor, 20 feet)
  • Bonus Feat (beginning of game)
  • Bonus skill ranks (+1 each level)
  • Class: Oracle
  • Class skills: Craft (Int), Diplo (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Hist, Planes, religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)
  • Skill ranks per level: 4 + Int Modifier
  • Weapons and Armor Proficiency: all simple weapons; light armor, medium armor, shield (not tower shields)

Oracle 7



Strength 7 (-2)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 8 (-1)
Charisma 20 (+5) [+2 Racial; 4th Level Bonus]


Concentration: +12 = 7 ORACLE + 5 CHR

Hit Points    64    8 (1st HD) + 7x7 (HD) + 7 (Con)
Armor Class 13 +2 Armor, +1 Dex bonus
Base Attack Bonus +5
Combat Maneuver Bonus +3 (+5 BaB -2 Str)
Combat Maneuver Defense 16 (10 +5 BaB -2 Str +1 Dex)
Initiative +1
Base Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. Armor?)
Fort Save +5 = +2 Oracle +1 Con +2 cloak of resistance
Reflex +5 = +2 Oracle +1 Dex +2 cloak of resistance
Will Save +8 = +5 Oracle +1 Wis +2 cloak of resistance

Feats and Abilities

Human Racial

  • Free Feat @ 1st
  • Skilled (1 extra skill rank per level)


  • Base curse: (3rd party, "Divine Favor") Mute
    • "You cannot speak. You take a -8 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks, and you cast all your spells as if they were modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase the spell's level or casting time. At 5th level, you can use DETECT THOUGHTS as an at-will spell-like ability. At 10th level, DETECT THOUGHTS becomes a constant spell-like ability. At 15th level, you gain telepathy 100 feet."


  • Curse: Silent Spell (no level or time increase)
  • Human: Improved Encumbrance (+4 STR for Carrying Cap)
  • 1st: Exotic Weapon (Repeating X-Bow)
  • 3rd: Point Blank Shot
  • 5th: Extend Spell
  • 7th: Forceful Personality (Cha instead of Wis on Will Saves)
    • FWIW, using those Metamagic feats as a spontaneous caster makes Standard Action spell turn into Full Round Action spells.

Class Abilities

  • Detect Thoughts @ Will (from Curse)
  • Mystery (Life)
    • Curse: Mute
      • -8 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks
      • Detect Thoughts at will
    • Revelation #1: Energy Body
    • Revelation #2: Channel
    • Revelation #3: Safe Curing


  • Ubrekti
  • Fresian
  • ??? (Intel)
  • ??? (Linguistics)


Total skill points = 7 x (4+2) + (7 bonus for human) = 49

  • Diplomacy = -3 = 0 Ranks + 5 CHR - 8 Curse
  • Bluff = -3 = 0 Ranks + 5 CHR - 8 Curse
  • Intimidate = +3 = 3 Ranks + 5 CHR + 3 Class Skill - 8 Curse
  • Handle Animal = +10 = 2 Ranks + 5 CHR + 3 Class Skill
  • Heal = +9 = 5 Ranks + 1 CHR + 3 Class Skill
  • Knowledge (Arcana) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
  • Knowledge (Dungeoneering) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
  • Knowledge (Engineering) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
  • Knowledge (Geography) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
  • Knowledge (History) = +10 = 5 Ranks + 2 INT +3 Class Skill
  • Knowledge (Local) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
  • Knowledge (Nature) = +6 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT +3 Class Skill
  • Knowledge (Nobility) = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
  • Knowledge (Religion) = +10 = 5 Ranks + 2 INT +3 Class Skill
  • Linguistics = +3 = 1 Ranks + 2 INT
  • Perception = +8 = 7 Ranks + 1 WIS
  • Sense Motive = +10 = 6 Ranks + 1 WIS + 3 Class Skill
  • Spellcraft = +10 = 5 Ranks + 2 INT + 3 Class Skill
  • Stealth = +3 = 2 Ranks + 1 DEX
  • Survival = +5 = 1 Ranks + 1 WIS + 3 Class Skill


Spell Slots

  • 0: 10 known (7 base + 3 favored class)
    • Infinite/Day
  • 1: 7 known (5 base + 2 favored class)
    • 8/Day
  • 2: 5 known (3 base + 2 favored class)
    • 7/Day
  • 3: 2 Known
    • 5/Day


  • Detect Magic
  • Detect Poison
  • Guidance
  • Light
  • Purify Food and Drink
  • Resistance
  • Stabilize
  • Enhanced diplomacy
  • Read magic
  • Spark

Level One

  • (Bonus) Cure Light Wounds (1d8+5)
  • (Bonus) Detect Undead
  • Bless
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Divine Favor
  • Doom
  • Entropic Shield
  • Sanctuary
  • Summon monster II

Level Two

  • (Bonus) Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+7)
  • (Bonus) Lesser Restoration
  • Remove Paralysis
  • Resist Energy
  • Status
  • Blood of the Martyr
  • Inflict moderate wounds

Level Three

  • (Bonus) Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+7)
  • (Bonus) Neutralize Poison
  • Prayer
  • Water Walk

Cool Items

Headband of Unshakeable Resolve

+2 to Wisdom, and can spend an immediate action to downgrade a fear effect up to three times a day

Healer's Gloves

+5 to Heal checks

Ring of Reth's Water Aspect

+3 to swim, and as a swift action, can cast air bubble up to three times a day. This autocasts when drowning.

Cassock of the Clergy

She always has a focus. In addition, she gets 1/day each of bless and sanctuary (DC 11), +3 to Charisma-based checks against same-aligned creatures or followers of Alexandria, and may prepare an additional orison each day. As a spontaneous caster, she may also spend an hour of prayer to gain the knowledge of an orison of her choice for 24 hours.

The Friend Shield Ring

Kib has the other one. At any time, she may activate this ring to take half of Kib's damage on herself. The other ring can do the same in the opposite direction (and is the more likely usage)