Team MeFight Sixty-Third Session: Difference between revisions

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**Kib punches for a bit, then backs off while Mags does a bit of healing to him and Gil. Gil and Anise finish off the golem.
**Kib punches for a bit, then backs off while Mags does a bit of healing to him and Gil. Gil and Anise finish off the golem.
*Some frenzied wanding and potioning happens before the party moves to pursue, and the game leaves off with the rag man cornered for next time.
*Some frenzied wanding and potioning happens before the party moves to pursue, and the game leaves off with the rag man cornered for next time.
*50 xp to Thoven for A clutch dispel magic  
*50 xp to Thoven for A clutch dispel magic  

Latest revision as of 05:49, 23 July 2017


  • The gang gets ready for a fight, and the fight appears!
    • Carrion golems round the corner, a hideous stench following their every move (six in total). Gil and Kib prepare for the assault.
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    • The rag man shows up and casts a spell, stealing a small amount of life from everyone in view (that is, not Thoven). The people who know what it is tell everyone else to get out of line of sight.
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    • Mags summons a circle of black tentacles that sweeps all but one of them up into a grapple.
    • Mags uses obscuring mist to take herself out of the rag man's vision
    • Anise shoots some arrows, hitting the rag man for no damage (skittering off his skin like it is made of rock), then retreats to the back of the church.
    • The golem that the tentacles didn't snatch up rushes Gil and Kib
    • Kib ignores the golem and moves to flank, jumping the short fence.
    • The rag man summons up a wall of nausea, splitting the party. Luckily, it doesn't block line of sight. He also steals more life, this time two from each visible party member.
    • Tentacles continue tearing and squeezing at the golems. One breaks free and heads to intercept Kib.
    • Anise (on the elk) sidesteps the wall of nausea and also moves to the flank. She shoots at golems on the way
    • Thoven gets a clutch dispel and deactivates the life stealing effect. Mags comes out from the mist and starts cursing golems.
    • Kib ignores the intercepting golem and moves straight to the rag man, but misses his trip.
    • In response, the rag man summons swirling chains of bone that immediately grapple Tenpence (and try to disarm Kib, but fail).
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    • Thoven dispels again, this time taking away the stoneskin.
    • Gil whales on his golem, who feels it.
    • Mags summons a fire elemental, who squishes one of the golems into minced gore.
    • Kib leaps off of Tenpence and manages to trip the rag man. He promptly dimension doors away.
    • The chains continue to squeeze Tenpence, and Kib works frantically to try to free him (spending a round in nausea, which he failed to save on a 1 from a carrion golem's stench just before the tentacles finished it off). The other golems fall to arrows, Gilerl, and tentacles.
    • Anise rushes in to free Tenpence before Kib can get a word in otherwise, and both are grappled.
    • Thoven casts one more dispel, saving the trio (with Tenpence at one hp to go).
    • The dust settles, and the party takes a little time to regroup before continuing their pursuit.

Pressing the hunt

  • Mags and Tibbers use flight to get a bird's eye view of things, but don't catch site of the rag man.
  • The party checks inside the church once more, then swings around the west side checking a line of buildings. They see more zombies, but aren't disturbed
    • They also find the building that housed the carrion golems. They do not enter it.
  • They double-back through the doll houses and past the long house, then approach a ruined tower
  • Being one of the few places left, and being in suspicious disrepair compared to the rest of the town, they inspect it more carefully to find... a trap door!
  • It is guarded with a ward, but Mags is able to open it with her hair without risking damage.
  • A basement is revealed, with stairs.
  • The party proceeds a couple of levels this way, past guest rooms and barracks and a strange amphitheater.
  • The third level is also empty, all cells of a dungeon and one room full of stone discards. They appear to be from attempts at making statuary.
  • The fourth level is arranged with a central room surrounded by corridors and smaller rooms. They open each in turn, finding more crafting areas (and an adamantine light hammer, which Gilerl holds) and... A bone golem!
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    • Kib and Gil get to absorb the brunt of the creature. Thoven skedaddles ("I don't want to be in a bone cage"). Anise finds her arrows to be frustratingly limited, so she spends more time in sentinel mode.
    • That fight continues in a straightforward fashion, with the bone golem thudding in solid hits, and Gil returning (and Kib trying vainly to trip it up).
      • With it gone, it is apparent that the room is an alchemy lab, with neatly arranged and labeled potions. Obviously missing are a blur, an invisibility, and a cure serious.
    • It eventually falls, but Thoven by this point has heard ominous thudding from below. Kib rushes to cover the stairs, Thoven and Mags (and Tibbers) join Gil in a rush to pick up the most useful potions.
    • The source of the ominous thudding appears, and to nobody's surprise, it is a stone golem!
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    • Anise lets loose a volley, and finds it to be very effective (as the stone golem is only DR/adamantine), although she does not enjoy using up expensive arrows to do it. The rag man (invisibly) protests.
    • Gilerl joins the fray, tactically. Kib drops his guisarme moves to prevent the stone golem from getting a full attack.
    • The rag man drops his invisibility to cast an unknown spell at Kib, who shrugs it off. The next round, he casts grease on the two frontliners, which fails to affect them. He retreats and isn't seen for the rest of the fight.
    • Slugfest ensures. Another volley of arrows, some amazing flail work, and a couple of (mostly negligible) rapier pokes does the job, but not before it does significant damage to Gilerl (and a bit to Kib as well, who is already hurting).
    • By the time has fallen into a pile of rubble, another bone golem has finally squeezed its way out of its room on the other side of the floor. Anise moves in to engage with her curve blade, Kib
    • Thoven plays equipment manager, moving Kib's guisarme closer to him.
    • Kib punches for a bit, then backs off while Mags does a bit of healing to him and Gil. Gil and Anise finish off the golem.
  • Some frenzied wanding and potioning happens before the party moves to pursue, and the game leaves off with the rag man cornered for next time.
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  • 50 xp to Thoven for A clutch dispel magic
  • 1450 xp to all for six carrion golems
  • Small adamantine light hammer
  • 1900 xp to all for two bone golems
  • 2550 xp to all for one stone golem
  • 5x potions of cure serious wounds
  • 12x potions of cure moderate wounds
  • 24x potions of cure light wounds (not yet picked up)
  • 4x potions of remove curse
  • 4x potions of remove disease
  • 4x potions of lesser restoration
  • 1x potion of blur
  • 1x potion of invisibility