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Get the ball rolling on submitting your WHEN IS GOOD!
Get the ball rolling on submitting your WHEN IS GOOD!
That's 449 total XP.

Revision as of 18:08, 8 February 2009


Below you'll find game notes taken by players during adventures in the world. Feel free to update these with clearer notes especially with links to other content on the wiki.

Games prior to 2008-10-23

(I don't have clean data for these, yet, sorry.)

Our story begins in Wydmoor Free City on the 28th day of Wintercusp in the year 1400 FI. A group of travelers, all recent arrivals to the city, are summoned by Captain Odenthorpe, who offers them a lucrative, yet discreet, job opportunity. Shortly thereafter, Kimika, a long time resident of the city, joins the party under an assumed name and joins the quest.

Random Notes


  • Capt Edrell Odenthorpe
  • Mayor Wydsomme -
    • Somewhat evil aura
  • Ralth Onoridil
    • Head of the Bog Wraiths
    • Keep to themselves, big on stability/defensibility of the city.
    • Supposedly not entrenched in city politics.
    • Tried to ambush us, perhaps?
  • Magus Himsley - Wizard Gnome, Big wizard, maintains water

Quest Notes #1 (obsolete)

Haversack has 3 chambers
Big backpack 
80 cubic feet 
Silk rope, lots and lots, 50ft 
10ft ladder wE
10ft polen 
10 hammocks 
10 blankets
Two smaller 20 cubic feet eac
6 weeks food - 16 days used
EDIT: Quin has the map
Middle of the day

Quest Notes #2

Need to be back about 4 weeks
Don't have to leave immediately
Elections are in about 3 months.
Bog Wraith Crest? A crest of a brown field, divided by lightning bolt. Night shade with a raven on top.
/VOTE is handy
We got ~1/3 million in silver in the bag of holding.

DM Notes

Shown when we found the ruins in the swamp (with the silver coin temple place).


Game 2008-10-23


(No idea-- I believe we were travelling back from the ruins with lots of silver on our back.)

  • Mysterious humanoid, Hanged Man, and Magic Tree dome.
  • Dire wolf appears, LE falls into coma
  • Group meets lizardfolk tribe who escort from swamp
  • Kimika removes LE's coma

  • DM Note: This sums it up?

Final GM message

80 xp for the wolf encounter,
55 xp for the lizard men,
135 xp for managing to not lose the money,
275xp for completing a quest and closing out chapter one.

Sarah - You receive objectives experience (money and quest) but not encounters.
Matt Allen - You get none of this experience. And no vote.

Game 2008-11-08


DM Note: Meeting Kathkallan
DM Note: Kathkallan's Story
  • Woke up LE who had been unconscious. (Caught up)
  • Curse removed by father at church of martyrdom.
  • LE's ring was identified as a swimmering (bubble over head, swimmer bonuses)
  • Mose and Kimi tithed to church
  • Met Germain (see description)
  • Edrell offered a deal. Petron Kathkallan (Petaron empire, follower of saheed's offshoot of the religion) came to town as merchants, but been defrauded.
  • Deals in royal jelly, native to Petra. Rare stuff.
  • Go talk to him at the Waft.
  • 6000 gp reward, 1k a piece. Moneychanged for platinum.
  • Mose ordered +1 Splint Mail, paid 80 plat, owes 40 more plat Arnold the Armorer and Wayne the Wizard.
  • A is the clerk/guard who paid us with Edrell.
  • DM Note: Meeting Kathkallan
  • Royal jelly has healing/anti-aging effects
  • Kathkallan and bodyguard, Bezzem was attacked by 6 thugs, we saved them.
  • DM Note: Kathkallan's Story
  • Kath's assistant Galliad (petaron, halfling, young) is missing and has contract stubs he needs to finish the Red Iron + Bee Jelly deal that's in his favor. He recommends asking Golden Galleon and Arrasti.
  • Thugs met fat, bald-haired sweaty guy who hired them. Silent Siren.
  • Black-haired halfling woman, with orchard brooch in her hair. Professional. Drinks and they left.
  • Galliad arranged meetings, got a prostitute. She likely offed him.
  • Platinum Quill is the hired security/help -- they may have been hired to off Galliad
  • Random poison attack on Germain (and possibly Kimika)
  • Captured random poisoner and torturing him for information. He was going to meet customer to pay him on flower road.

Final GM message

The Absent PCs were Regented As Follows:
- The druid spent most of his time naturing up the wooded area of the
ramparts. All along the woods edge are stationed masonry structures
filled with axes and barrels of oil.
- The gnome stayed with the Important Quest NPCs and acted as
bodyguard while everyone else investigated The Mystery. They may or
may not have chatted: there are no gnomes in Petara so no doubt they
were curious.
- Gnome was introduced to one of Edrell's men, who has become attached
to the party to lead the investigation, but did not have contact
beyond introductions.

If you were there for it, you get the xp for it otherwise no go:

Saving Kathkallan from Muggers : 50 XP
Defeating muggers : 100 xp (25 per survivor)
Track Galliad to Plat Quill : 50 XP
The halfling comfort girl? : 25 XP
Liars! : Admission (Golden Galleon Contract) : 25 XP
Liars! : Admission (Aresti Contract) : 25 XP
Capture of Holm the Goldbug : 60 XP
Cold Trail : Day 2 : -10 XP

Game 2008-12-06


DM Note: Contract Stub (Royal Gellee)
DM Note: Contract Stub (Red Iron)
  • Germain gives his report to Edrell
  • Edrell is convinced Arresti is our problem.
  • Evil Wizard Mantatlus is living on the chimes road.
  • Platinum Quill does a lot of mercenary and insYeurance stuff. Katellian and Antishara (female) are running the business.
  • Prostitute has a friend we can meet when she comes to work near sundown.
  • Prostitute hasn't been seen in a couple of days
  • The rain seemed to be evil.
  • Gil is the Alexian who hired Zinni
  • Zinni is the prostitute
  • Zinni was supposed to go to some garden for a "sweet surprise"
  • Found wizard's house, garden
  • Broke down the door
  • There were weird mind-controlling plants that make us eat poisoned berries.
  • Al and Germain eat a bunch of poisoned berries.
  • We're attacked by zombies, Kim turns them like mad.
  • Sneak attacked by Gil who was in a window.
  • The bad wizard went invisible!
  • Bad wizard got away
  • Got wizard's spellbooks
  • Got 220 gp (LE)
  • Found instructions on maintaining evil garden (Pillars of Misanthrope)
  • Captured Gil
  • See DM Note: Contract Stub (Royal Gellee)
  • See DM Note: Contract Stub (Red Iron)
  • Found contracts (Germaine) for Royal Gellee and Red Iron. Include wiz marks from Madritch Lindell, and Randill Rannaimari. The Royal Gellee contract includes Arrasti and Kath
  • Al buried corpses and burned them, along with bad trees. Anything else unnatural, too.
  • Germain was sad about this because it killed most of the proof.

Final GM message

XP Awards:
Gil Captured: 30 XP
Bonus for capturing both henchment: 20 XP
Zombies: 35 XP
Mantatlus Escapes! -10 XP
Question Nashafeen 30 XP
Discover Contracts! 150 XP
Also, I've put up the first batch of achievements along with XP
awards. Well, Mattie did, I just approved and edited them. They are at
 [] - some
of you have already earned some, along with xp.

For the rules lawyers out there: Role Player bonus XP does not apply
to XP earned from achievements.

Spreadsheet of achievements (easy to remember):

Game 2009-01-17


  • Told Edrell about the situation, gave contracts
  • Edrell asked us to go to mountains (Iros Forge) to see about Wicked Rain storms and missing people
  • Edrell says he'll make Mose a magic bag if he finishes this for half price. Choice of Haversack of Holding or Type I Bag of Holding.
  • Germain staying behind
  • Took ferry towards mountains
  • Ferry went crazy due to flotsam in river
  • Mose thrown overboard
  • Mose grappled underwater, nearly drowned.
  • Mose saved by party
  • River troll was holding Mose, nearly gets away, killed with LE's acid spell from spellbook


Final GM message

I had a great time! I hope you all did, too. Excellent role play all
around, especially the most recent briefing with Edrell. Excellent job
with the Scag, as well, I'm proud of ya'll! That battle was no joke
(CR 5), and for the first time all of the players really hit their
niche on the battle field, to say nothing of some key actions in the
clutch. He had a base +9 to hit, with 3 attacks (d6+6x2, d6+3) with
close to 70 hitpoints and 5 regen and was a CR5 encounter. When all
was said and done, he'd regenerated something like 70 hit points,
along with the 70 you'd done to take him to 0. Mattie was literally 1
round from being Flat Out Dead.

Our Role Playing Winner this week was Travis, especially for his
interaction with Edrell. A well earned 10 percent.

As always, if you were there for it, you get it. If not, you don't.
So, Matt Allen gets heavy XP on the front end, while Jason gets the
back end stuff.

General Awards:
Defeating the Pillars and Misanthropy (Poison Plant) : 125 XP [End of
last session/Beginning of this session]
Gil and Holm - Bought To Justice : 100 XP  [End of last
session/Beginning of this session]
Return Contracts to Lawful Authority: 200 XP
Scrag : 350 XP

Player Awards:
Clutch Bubbles (Sarah) : 20 xp
Troll Killer (Sarah) : 20 xp
Troll Anthropology (Daniel) : 20 xp
Dwarves Drive Hard Bargains (Mattie) : 15 xp

Where's the body?!? : -25 XP

The following Achievements have been earned. Please refer to the
spreadsheet to add your name and collect XP. (Remember, bonus XP for
RP, etc, does not apply to achievments)

D&D B&E: Sarah, Daniel (50 XP)

ADDITIONALLY: Since you were able to pull the Scrag to shore, you were
able to recover the following from a [CR 5 STANDARD  LOOT DROP -
X vials of trolls blood (where X = the number of vials the party has
on their persons.)
(95) on a leather thong that both radiate magic.
In a large, rotten haversack he has a MEDIUM, NON-DWARVEN HUMANOID
sized suit of GARGOYLE HIDE PLATE (44), along with 5892 silver pieces,
a Pink Pearl (55), a hunk of Polished Obsidian (1), and a freshwater
pearl (7).


  • 840 for Sarah
  • 820 for Daniel
  • 765 for Mattie
  • 750 for Everyone else there the entire time. (Partial for those only there for part of the game, sorry didn't figure it out.)

Game 2009-02-07


DM Note: The Boat Captain's Tale
DM Note: Onrarch Halfling's Troubles
DM Note: Bethalay's Aid - Bonuses she can offer us in Scrag fight
  • Al took the Gargoyle Hide, Kim got 3 vials of Trolls blood, LE got 10 vials. Kim took both rings and the gems.
  • Mose picked up the 4892 silver and it will be divied when we return.
  • The eagle indicates the Lizard Men noticed humanoids approaching silver, we asked them to capture them (with little harm).
  • Found Captain of ferry walking up the river as a survivor (he was washed into the river earlier):
  • One of Captain's kids returned in the night! Yay.
  • With the boat somewhat repaired by boatmen, most of the party walked they ferry asses while Qa and halflings mostly road boat.
  • Bandit attack! We killed 7 guys. Got 7 Free (+1 Str) Composite Longbows
  • LE got 220 more gold to share.
  • Party makes it to Onrarch landing. Not quite town-sized.
  • Crow familiar checked in from Edrell, we told it about attacks
  • Met with Bethalay, the leader at the landing.
    • DM Note: Onrarch Halfling's Troubles
    • Asks us to stay and fight Scrag river trolls instead of trying to journey to the forge where the mountain passes have gone out.
  • The party argues but decides to kill Scrags. Difficult argument for party!
  • DM Note: Bethalay's Aid
    • We get to pick some bonuses from Bethalay to fight Scrags whenever we find them.
  • Tracked down the Troll den-- looks like one large troll, another smaller troll. Maybe another troll, but we think we got them. (Al used an awesome Track feat he has.)
  • Party planning their approach to kill the trolls.


At the Landing

Final GM message

If you were there for it, you get it. 50% reduction if you were
learning through observation rather than experience. No significant
treasure was gained.

Defeat the Bandit Ambush!: 384 xp
Order: Capture the Interlopers! : 30 xp
Swing Vote : 25 xp
Friend of the Halflings : 10 xp

I forgot the votes again! Please priviate mail it to me while the
memory is fresh! Also, check to see if you made any achievements! I do
believe this might make a couple of you ding? If so, do your homework
BEFORE gametime if we're going to be calling games early. ;)

Get the ball rolling on submitting your WHEN IS GOOD!

That's 449 total XP.