Book's Character Sheet
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Professional 1 / Psion[1] (Telepath) 2
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination | |
Level | 3 |
Race | Gnome |
Class | Professional 1 Psion (Telepath) 2 |
Armor | Leather |
Weapon(s) | His MIND |
Hometown | Somewhere, Hakan; A Razed Monastery |
Strength | 6 (-2) |
Dexterity | 10 (--) |
Constitution | 14 (+2) |
Intelligence | 20 (+5) |
Wisdom | 14 (+2) |
Charisma | 8 (-1) |
Hit Points | 28 = 8 (Prof HD) + 3x2 (Psion HD) + 2x4 (Psionic Body) + 2x3 (Con Bonus) | |||
Armor Class | 13 | +1 size bonus + 2 Armor | ||
Base Attack Bonus | +1 | |||
Initiative | +1 | |||
Base Speed | 20' | |||
Fort Save | +2 | +0 Base, +2 stat | ||
Reflex | +2 | +2 Prof, -- Stat | ||
Will Save | +7 | +2 Prof, +3 Psion, +2 stat |
Feats and Abilities
Purchased Feats
- Lvl 1: (P) Psionic Body (+2 HP per Psionic Feat) First level feat not taken until second level.
- Lvl 3: (P) Talented (No damage from Overchannel on lvl 3 or less powers)
- Prof 1: Cross-Class Learning (Autohypnosis & Concentration)
- Psion 1: (P) Overchannel [2]
- Bonus Feat: (P) Psicrystal Affinity [3] ("Single Minded" Type)
- Psicrystal Bonus: Alertness
- Flaw: Noncombatant (-2 to melee rolls. Presumably this also applies to grapple. -8 grapple check should be... interesting. -4 Size, -2 Str, -2 Noncombatant)
Class Feats
- Proficiency (Weapon): Simple, Martial
- Proficiency (Armor): Light, Medium
Race Abilities
- Low Light Vision
- No Detect Magic (CHR too low)
- +2 Saves vs. Illusion
- +2 on Listen Checks
- Size: Small (+1 to AC, +1 to Hit, lower damage dice)
- +4 AC vs. Giant-type Creatures
- +1 to Hit vs. Humans
- Treats "Gnomish Hook Hammer" as Martial Weapon
- May use UMD Untrained
- +1 to UMD Checks
- Gnomish (Starting Language)
- Ubrekti (All PCs get this free)
- Celesti
- Dwarven
- Flannari
- Fresian
- Odessan
- Old Petaran
- Old Ubrekti
- Petaran
- Storyline Significant Ulan Language #1
- Storyline Significant Ulan Language #2
- Concentration^: 6 Ranks (+11: 6 Ranks, +2 Stat, +3 Psicrystal)
- +2 to Autohypnosis
- Always succeeds in gaining Psychic Focus by taking a 10.
- Autohypnosis^[4]: 6 Ranks (S) (+10: 6 Ranks, +2 Stat, +2 Synergy)
- Gives +2 to Knowledge: Psionics
- Psicraft: 6 Ranks (+13: 6 Ranks, +5 Stat, +2 Synergy) (Cap @ +15 bonus?)
- +2 when using Power Stones
- Knowledge (Psionics)^: 6 Ranks (+13: 6 Ranks, +5 Stat, +2 Synergy)
- +2 to Psicraft
- Decipher Script: 5 Ranks (+10: 5 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- Gives +2 to Use Magic Device when using scrolls.
- Knowledge (Geography): 5 Ranks (+10: 5 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- +2 Survival when avoiding hazards or getting lost
- Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 5 Ranks (+10: 5 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- +2 Survival while underground
^=Always kept at max.
Other Skills
- Knowledge (History): 5 Ranks (+10: 5 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- Knowledge (Arcana): 1 Ranks (+6: 1 Rank, +5 Stat)
- Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering): 2 Ranks (+7: 2 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- Knowledge (Nature): 2 Ranks (+7: 2 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- Knowledge (Nobility): 2 Ranks (+7: 2 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- Knowledge (Religion): 2 Ranks (+7: 2 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- Knowledge (The Planes): 1 Ranks (+6: 1 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- Knowledge (Local-The Pinch): 1 Ranks (+6: 1 Ranks, +5 Stat)
- Heal: 3 Ranks (+5: 3 Ranks, +2 Stat)
- Speak Language: 5 ranks
- Use Magic Device: 0 Ranks (+1: -1 Stat, +2 Racial Bonus; May Used Untrained) (Synergy: +2 when using Scrolls)
- Spot: 1 Rank (+5: 1 Rank, +2 Stat, +2 Alertness)
- Listen: 1 Rank (+7: 1 Rank, +2 Stat, +2 Alertness, +2 Gnome)
- Search: 1 Rank (+3: 1 Rank, +2 Stat)
- PSPs: 11 = 6 Psion Level + 5 INT Bonus
Despite the fact that almost every power has a display, a psionic character can always choose to manifest the power without the flashy accompaniment. To manifest a power without any display (no matter how many displays it might have), a manifester must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the level of the power). This check is part of the action of manifesting the power. If the check is unsuccessful, the power manifests normally with its display.
Level 1 Powers (DC 16)
Psicrystal [10]
- Abilities: Str 1*, Dex 15*, Con Ø, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10
- 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.*
- Str, Dex, and Move when under self propulsion
- Hit Dice: 2 (1/2 Owner HP = 14 HP)
- Armor Class: 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex*) / touch 16 / flat-footed 14
- Special Abilities: hardness 8, construct traits
- Base attack bonus: +0 (¾ total Hit Dice, as cleric). (Can't Attack)
- No good saving throws, but saves as Book.
- Psion Granted Abilities
- Alertness Feat
- Improved Evasion
- personality
- self-propulsion
- share powers
- sighted
- Darkness (even supernatural darkness) is irrelevant, as are areas of supernatural silence, though a psicrystal still can’t discern invisible or ethereal beings. A psicrystal’s sighted range is 40 feet. ***telepathic link
- Construct Traits
- No Constitution score.
- Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
- Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.
- Cannot heal damage on their own, but often can be repaired by exposing them to a certain kind of effect (see the creature’s description for details) or through the use of the Craft Construct feat. A construct with the fast healing special quality still benefits from that quality.
- Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain.
- Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
- Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
- Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
- Proficient with its natural weapons only, unless generally humanoid in form, in which case proficient with any weapon mentioned in its entry.
- Proficient with no armor.
- Constructs do not eat, sleep, or breathe.
- Skills (Starts w/4 Ranks in Spot, Listen, Move Silently, Search. Otherwise, possesses all of Book's skill ranks.)
- Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die, if the construct has an Intelligence score.
- Spot = +6 : 4 Ranks + 2 Feat
- Listen = +6 : 4 Ranks + 2 Feat
- Move Silently = +6 : 4 Ranks + 2 Dex
- Search = +3 : 5 Ranks - 2 Int
- 1 rank from advancement.
- Hide = +14 : 0 Ranks + 2 Dex + 12 Size
- Climb = +14 : 4 Ranks? + 2 Dex + 8 Racial
- +8 Inherent Bonus, use Dex Mod instead of Str. Can always take a 10.
- Feats
- Alertness
Cool Items
Book's Bag
- Bag of Tricks, Gray [11]
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds: 1
- Potion of Invisibility to Undead: 1