Talk:Climb Walls

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Revision as of 19:44, 31 May 2012 by Detarame (talk | contribs)
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  • I don't hate it. It's really just a climby analogue to Jump, which makes this spell the more powerful if the two, at least in my opinion Climb is far more used and useful than jump. (I mean, unless you're a monk, in which case they are equal.) Honestly, of the three athlete-type skills (Jump, Swim, Climb), there's only one the average adventurer is doing on a nearly daily basis. For that reason, and to prevent a weakening of the already existent spider climb (I know, I know, no roof climbing, which is neat and all, but I'd argue that by the time you can cast Spider Climb, that Climb Walls spell gets you a +20 climb check, which turns spider climb into something useful ONLY for climbing on walls, or for when you need 10x the duration). I might suggest a +5/+10/+15 progression, so that in the mid-range levels there's still some stronger differentiation between the two spells, but there's nothing gamebreaking here that I see. Is it from some source or did you just make it up? Looks like it came from the spell compendium, maybe? I mean, feel free to do whatever you want - especially if this is arabelle plot critical or something - but if we're talking about a "canonical" version of this spell, those are my initial thoughts. I mean, it's nothing overpowered, but I hate to see boilerplate spells and abilities become obsolesced due to feature creep. Whatever the final copy, I don't see any reasons why Sor/Wiz don't get access to it, as well. They do for both Jump and Spider Climb. (Rangers do not get Spider Climb) absalom 10:41, 31 May 2012 (EDT)
  • I also think this leaves the way open for a Swim spell, and I think +10/+20/+30 is the natural progression there. (Since the swim skill gives you a de-facto swim movement speed). I also think there could be a cute cantrip version of this that maybe gives a +2 on your next Swim, Jump, or Climb check. Cantrips are so awesome. absalom 10:41, 31 May 2012 (EDT)
I'm fine with considering nerfing/adjusting it however you might like. I didn't get a chance to clarify, but this is copied from Spell Compendium. It was in my Hero Lab and it's not critical to plot, but it made sense as a good Druid helper like Jump. It's more just an offering/hint to the Arabelle party to help us move past hours of pit trap madness that might otherwise endure if you guys don't figure out good tricks. :) -Mattie 12:11, 31 May 2012 (EDT)

Still don't understand why they didn't give it to wizards. absalom 12:17, 31 May 2012 (EDT)
Yeah, that seems like confusion on their part that it really should be Wiz, too. Also regarding Swim/Jump/Climb/etc, I find it interesting that the Rings of Swim/Jump/Climb all have the same costs and bonus, etc. Seems like it would be reasonable for their to be parallel spells for each of those as you suggested. Yet in SpC I don't see a Swim counterpart, though I do see something that is somewhat more like "Spider Climb" for Swim:
Yeah, I noticed that. I went looking at the same things. :D I also noticed that - if memory serves - Climb rings require the Spider Climb from their creators, and Jump requires the Jump spell, but Swim only require a certain number of ranks. I'd much rather see one of these swimy spells be a prereq for the swim ring. absalom 15:44, 31 May 2012 (EDT)
Also I like the idea of cantrip +2 versions of these like you have for Spot/Listen I believe. :) -Mattie 13:36, 31 May 2012 (EDT)