Arabelle Adventurers Quest Notes 2013-04-27

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Characters involved:

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MerryToken.PNG Merry BookToken.PNG Book

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From Last Game

Tempest apologizes for the way she acted. The party is on a quest to get the anti-spear.

See Arabelle Adventurers Quest Notes 2012-12-01


The party was ambushed by the Nareshi that we were pursuing. Obviously, they are much stronger than we are, and we were forced to “agree” to get the anti-spear for them, or they’d kill us. Some members of the party argued over what to do, but

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strongarmed the group into at least saying we would do it. That night, she apologized for it.

A Rock and a Hard Place

The party discusses what to do.

MerryToken.PNG Merry talks about how these people are not good people with which to negotiate or deal. He has a pretty pessimistic view on the whole thing.

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points out that no one knows what the anti-spear looks like and that we could give them pretty much anything and say it was the anti-spear.

The party notices that BookToken.PNG Book’s pet rock is no longer with them.

The party discusses how they may be after the anti-spear because undead have been terrorizing the people of the Ulan.

The party finds a path toward the road and heads toward Arabelle.

New Day Begins

The party continues on through the overcast day. About midday it begins to rain. When it starts to rain,

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takes off all her clothes and stuffs them in her backpack. Her nakedness does not seem to impede her progress. They find some interesting plants.

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finds some seasonings and

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finds some toadstools that could be used for a sleeping draught.

The party finds themselves in a clearing. The rain stops.

Pixie Party

In the clearing, the party sees about 200 sprites including satyrs, etc. They are having a large celebration. As they notice the party, in shock, they all disappear except some figures (later identified as satyrs and dryads).

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runs after the vanished pixies, telling them to come back.

After they disappear a floating upside-down dire badger, giant wasp, a hawk, and two wyverns appear in the air and glare at the party menacingly. The battle begins!

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goes in to attack.

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senses something amiss and tells everyone it’s all just an illusion and that it's unnecessary to engage.

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tries to discourage

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from attacking, but he seems bent on going after the topsy turvy floating badger, which seems quite unnatural to him.

MerryToken.PNG Merry performs a peaceful song. Two of the wyverns & Ugly feel more calm and no longer want to attack anything. A pixy became visible and appears handsome, regal, and male. He does not appear afraid.

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instinctively speaks to the pixie in Sylvan and tells the pixy to not be afraid, that the party is just passing through.

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sees that it is an illusion, too.

The dire badger rights himself and lunges at MerryToken.PNG Merry, who takes damage. The poor gnome somehow not quite understanding that it was an illusion.

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tries to restrain

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and succeeds.

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tries to drag her with him but his reduced stature impedes his ability to do so. The pixie introduces himself as Renleni. He says "Menwomen..." that this is a sacred area and in order for us to pass then we must have been powerful sorcerers, sent here to attack them.

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replies that she is an elf and is leading their friends through.

MerryToken.PNG Merry notices that one of the satyrs is wearing a cloak like the party also wears that was gifted by the dryad they saved.

MerryToken.PNG Merry explains about the cloaks.

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repeats it to the pixie. The pixie realizes what happened-- that the cloaks were Fae Gifts and they indicate that the party are Faefriends! He declares that the festival should continue and insists that the adventurers enjoy the celebration.

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relays this to the party and that we should join them.

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dances around and joins in their merriment.

Releni explains that in normal years their celebrations aren't quite so large as this. The fae folk gather to party, dance, and sing as a counterbalance to evil and pain in the world. The more evil they sense, their traditions say they must spend more time in merriment to do their part to wash away the darkness of the land.

Lately they have felt a lot more evil, such as their dead druid friend. They must be even more jubilant to counteract his death.

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declares to the pixie that they will always be friends to the fae and to contact them if they ever need any help. The rest of the adventurers do not feel quite as "helpful". MerryToken.PNG Merry tries to convince the party to leave

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says she thinks they probably or might need

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. Some fae start to braid

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’s hair.

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asks if they can get the cursed vest off of

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. The pixie says that they can try to get the vest off of

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but they aren’t all that good at that kind of thing.

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says that her friends aren’t elves and can the pixies do something so that they can understand what the fair folk are saying without going through her. They actually have one fairy use her magic and then is able to translate a bit one-way to the fairies, sensing their thoughts, if not their words exactly.

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goes back to party.

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tells the team that they need to be courteous and appreciate their hospitality. The pixies want to show them their spoils they they got from the humans (that were the ones that had BookToken.PNG Book). A pixie talks to

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in Yarnich and asks if he’s Faeblooded since he’s so short.

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explains about the vest. He explains to the pixie that he can throw bigger rocks if the pixy can get off the vest. The pixie tried but couldn’t get it off, saying cheerfully that he can try again tomorrow! So another pixie tries but he also fails.

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tries to convince more pixies to help him but so far none have succeeded. MerryToken.PNG Merry and

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go to see the spoils. There is a long piece of leather and on the leather are six gloves on display. They are medium sized gloves and all left-handed gloves. All six gloves are magical. They are all different colors and every one has a different symbol (fist, eyes- one open and one closed, tree, heart, foot, and wolf). The pixie says the original owners all were only wearing one glove. He says it was about 2 weeks ago that they stole the gloves, one by one. The owners were evil and the pixies want nothing to do with evil directly, so they just stole from them instead. Their merriment through pranks help disperse the evil, they say.

The pixie says that the party is welcome to try them on because the pixies can’t use them.

The pixies give them the gloves and MerryToken.PNG Merry agrees in exchange to teach them some new songs and dances.

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also performs some Peteran dances and songs.

All the gloves have a transmutation aura.

  • Fist: Abj/Trans -- Ugly (resistance? helps when punching)
  • Wolf: Strong Trans -- Tempest (feel healthier = +2hp)
  • Eyes: Illusion/Trans -- Merry (darkvision)
  • Heart: Conj/Trans -- Nora (health checks, resistance)
  • Foot: Trans (feels like two cloaks of resistance on, feels faster - adds stamina?)
  • Tree: Abj/Trans -- Mahina -- Barkskin effect + natural armor bonus/skin feels shinier

Some of the effects seem to be shared among wearers, but the mysteries of the gloves aren't immediately clear.

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gives them a bag of BooBerries that she had and the fae are delighted with the gift.

MerryToken.PNG Merry asks if there is any way that they can help speed along the party’s journey.

Renleni says "Not really" and lets them know that the time spent in their celebration grove only has mere seconds passing in the world outside. The party makes camp and stays for the night.

The faeries ask them if they want help sleeping, some of the adventurers say Yes. As they are put magically to sleep by pixies, some of the shared effects change.

Party Poopers

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agrees to letting them help her go to sleep. The satyr begins to play and

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dozes off but MerryToken.PNG Merry tries to stay awake in order to pay attention to the song.

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also lets herself go to sleep. The feelings of the other gloves flash through her as she drifts off. While we were sleeping,

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dreams of a battle where she was feeling quicker and doing awesomely.

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dreamt of being a tree. MerryToken.PNG Merry dreamt of being stealthy and hiding.

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dreamed of bashing stuff.

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dreamt that she was watching over everyone sleeping.

New Day Begins

The next morning

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sees the fae that took the vest off of

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and convinces the fae that taking the vest off with magic would make a good party game.

They eat breakfast with the fae and hear the stories of the illusions, then continue on their way. As soon as they leave the grove, it is raining again and it seems that the sun has moved back a little.

The party meets up with the road.

On the Road Again

As it starts to get dark, the party finds itself at the place where the ambush of Walgorg, Sr. took place.

They are all wearing the gloves and are able to see in the dark.

They party pushes on forward with their nightvision.

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lets her bat out to hunt. A wolf approaches

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and after a few tense moments, MerryToken.PNG Merry gives her some advice about animal handling. The wolf eats some jerky that

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gives it and is friendly.

The party continues on and then makes camp.

A Dark and Stormy Night

Soon after watch starts, it begins to storm. The rest of the party moves under the shelter of a tree but

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sleeps peacefully, naked in the mud (except for her tree glove). They hear something on MerryToken.PNG Merry’s watch.

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’s new wolf friend, Wolfy, hears howling and his ears perk. Behind a rock, MerryToken.PNG Merry sees two eyes staring at him. They look lupine. MerryToken.PNG Merry casts calm emotions. The wolf lays down and just cleans its feet. MerryToken.PNG Merry wakes

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and tells him to wake

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wakes up and

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tells her about the wolves.

 DuncanToken.PNG Duncan tries to dive-bomb one of the wolves and misses but this ends MerryToken.PNG Merry’s calm emotions spell.

The party begins to “dance” with the wolves and the battle begins.

After a few hits, some successful and some not, MerryToken.PNG Merry manages to put the wolves to sleep.

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casts a small cure spell to heal the hurt wolf before the party rushes off to put distance between them and the sleeping wolves as they don’t want to kill them.

The party finds another place to rest.

Nothing eventful happens other than some laughing of random passerby.

New Day Begins

Aiming for Arabelle

The party gets

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to bathe in the river and then get dressed.

They then release what the “friendship harmony” part of the gloves indicates and do business about the town.

Post-game retcon

Instead of going with the party,

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and the tree glove stays with the fairy party.

                                     GAME ADJOURNED

Final GM Message

XP Awards

In Character

Song Exchange
+ 75 
Experience Points



Bright Idea
+ 20 
Experience Points
Remembering the Ambush
+ 10 
Experience Points