Talk:Mad Gokar's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)

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Where are you getting d6 and d8 as damage for your natural attacks, or is that only when enlarged? Bite should be 1d4 and 1d3 if medium and 1d6 and 1d4 when enlarged unless I'm missing something? -gm

The header on that section is "When Hulked Out (Rage + Strength Mutagen + Enlarge Extract)", so yeah. Stone Fist + enlarge gives him the d8 fist (awesome), Toothy + enlarge gives him the d6 bite (cool!). I think he just reversed them. -Slitherrr
Yeah, that was incorrect. I guess it's a bug in pcgen as it shows bite going up to d8 when enlarged which is not right.
Note that normal damage for a bite for a Large creature is, in fact, 1d8, it's just that toothy is as a size smaller. -Slitherrr

Level 3 Plans

Class: Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)

  • Class Feature:  Savage Grapple - At 2nd level, the brutal pugilist takes only half the normal penalties to Dexterity, attack rolls, and combat maneuver checks when he has the grappled condition. He can make an attack of opportunity against creatures trying to grapple him even if they possess the Improved Grapple feat or the grab special attack. If he hits with this attack of opportunity, he gains a +2 circumstance bonus to his CMD against the grapple attempt. He cannot make these attacks of opportunity once a grapple has succeeded. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
  • Rage Power
Fiend Totem, Lesser - grow horns and gain a 1d8 gore attack
or Knockdown - Trip attack + strength damage, no aoo
  • Feat: Power Attack or Step Up
  • Skills (8 points): +1 each to Acrobatics, Climb, Craft Alchemy, Heal, Knowledge Arcana, Perception, Spellcraft, and Survival
  • BAB and Fort save +1
  • +9 HP
  • 2 Additional rounds of rage per day

Level 4 and Above

Alchemist(Beastmorph) only, pick up Feral Mutagen as next discovery, possibly pick up +1 dex to get improved grapple down the line, eventually become Mr Hyde, but good

  • With Feral Mutagen and Fiend Totem Rage going at level 4 who needs a weapon: 4 Primary Natural Attacks, +10 to hit: 2 Claws 1d6+7, Bite 1d8+7, Horn Gore 1d8+7.

or add enlarge person and power attack and really do some damage.

New spells

Firebelly - Recharge innate magic - Detect Undead -