Talk:Anise's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)

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Alright if I move this to Anise's Character Sheet (Pathfinder) for consistency? -Slitherrr -Sure, if you update the link on the Anise page that would be swell. :) Feantari

Great thing about it is that it automatically makes a redirect, so not even necessary! -Slitherrr

Level 9 plans

Ranger BAB: +1 to +9/+4
Class Abilities: Evasion
Feat: Mounted Archery
Skills: 6 + 2 = +8 points + 1 FC

Disguise +1 rank
Knowledge (Geography) +1 rank
Knowledge (Nature) +1 rank
Perception +1 rank
Profession (Watercraft) +1 rank
Ride +2 ranks
Stealth +1 rank
Survival +1 rank

Level 10 plans


Level 11 plans

Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus (Longbow)
Feat: Snap Shot or Trick Riding or Indomitable Mount

Feats ideas for Ghost Elk

Wind Stance
Spring Attack
Valiant Steed

8th: Sping Attack 10th:

Feats ideas for Anise

Trick Riding
Mounted Skirmisher (14 ranks ride)
Animal Affinity

Lvl 11:
Feat: Trick Riding
Elk-Rider Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus
Lvl 12: ability score
Lvl 13:
Feat: Weapon Specialization
Elk-Rider Bonus Feat: Greater Weapon Focus
Lvl 15:
Feat: Mounted Skirmisher
Ranger combat style feat?