Mefighter beta team eighteenth session notes

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Down on the Farm

  • The group approaches the farmhouse, and starts taking crossbow fire.
  • As the group begins to return fire, a flying monstrosity approaches from one of the outbuildings. It is a mass of writhing tentacles that twist together to form a winged, vaguely serpentine form. The tentacles sometimes open to reveal a gaping maw that is capable of delivering devastating fly-by attacks.
  • A 30' pit opens up underneath Drem and Brunner, dropping them down underneath the monstrosity.
  • A Bugbear continues firing a crossbow at the group from a window in the farmhouse.
  • Uhanimara uses Web and Aggressive Thundercloud to push the monstrosity away from the hole.
  • A second, identical pit opens up capturing Thurmin and the badger.
  • Drem (or Brunner) becomes Enlarged and tosses Brunner (or Drem) outside of the hole a round or two before the spell's duration ends. The hole fills from the bottom up and Drem (or Brunner) rises from the ground to deliver the killing blow.
  • After the Monstrosity is slain, the group closes in on the farmhouse and takes the Bugbear prisoner.
  • Under enhanced interrogation, the Bugbear reveals he is a journeyman infernalist summoner absconded from his teacher, a figure the creature is for some reason unable to talk about. No magical compulsion appears to be in effect, but the creature is by all accounts physically unable to describe or reveal information about it's former master.
  • "Information about" turns out not to include only physical characteristics and not things like "where were you trained," and so the group learns of the secret redoubt of "the Master."

Valuable Real Estate

  • The group rests up for a couple of days at the farmhouse
  • Upon departing to continue the journey, the group is ambushed by a highly disciplined collection of kobolds and goblins under an orc leader
  • The group is split, but still manages to mop up the humanoids fairly quickly

Treasure and XP

  • +XX XP for the Bugbear Infernalist
  • +100 XP for learning about the Master
  • +475 XP for the ambush
  • 121 gold pieces, 161 silver from the Bugbear
  • 230 silver pieces, 20 gold pieces from the ambush
  • +1 Bolt of Returning - This weapon is of servitor make, and the shaft is made from some sort of thorny wood. The thorns have not been removed, and in fact it is impossible to fire this bolt without taking damage yourself, as the blood is necessary to power the "returning" property.
  • +1 Cloak of Resistance - to Thurmin