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Gnomes are clannish, insular people. Perhaps it was not always this way, but historical circumstance has thrust that role upon them, and a discussion of Gnomish life and culture cannot be discussed without a discussion of their history. To a Gnome, history is culture. Since being originally displaced and enslaved from Old Hakan during the days of the First Empire, Gnomes tended to be artisans and skilled workers. When they entered into the Gnomish Vassalage, they were freed but were instead force integrated into Dwarven society. In order to cling to their heritage, they became fastidious keepers of history and jealously guarded those innovations they brought with them from their days of technical servitude. The restoration of their homeland during Alexandria's Crusade infused them with a cultural pride, but has also galvanized them toward radicalism.

Theirs is by far the most technically advanced species and nation in the Known World, although - oddly enough - Gnomish Wizardry trends toward the spiritual rather than technical.

Gnomes live primarily in Gildenhome and Hakan.

--- Rule Information

Gnomes of this world are substantially different from the standard race described in the PHB. These are not badger chatting forest dwellers, or mound living illusionists. The loss of their homeland and experiences under the Gnomish Vassalage changed Gnomish culture in major ways. They are rough-and tumble, freedom loving race. An educated and largely urbanized people, they resisted Dwarven cultural influence under the Vassalage by clinging tightly to their own cultural and ethnic identity, pride that has transformed into a strong sense of nationalism with the restoration of their ancient homeland.

Gnome characters should refer to the following during creation: +2 Int, -2 Str: Gnomes are physically small, and thus weaker on average than other humanoids. As their society values education, however, they tend to be quite bright. Even the dimmest Gnome can recite his family history at least back to the time of Alexandria from memory.

Small: As small size creatures, gnomes get +1 to AC, +1 to attack rolls, and +4 to hide check (all "size" bonuses). They must also, however, use smaller and less damaging weapons, as well as having 75% the carrying capacity of a medium size creature. This operates as stated in the PHB.

Weapon Familiarity: In translation, the motto of the Hakani Rapartos, the Gnomish national army, is "Only Once." Almost every gnome undergoes training with the Gnomish hook hammer, and so it is treated as a Martial Weapon rather than an Exotic weapon. This operates as stated in the PHB.

+2 saving throw vs. Illusion: Gnomes are often both cynical and perceptive, and are much more likely to see through illusions.

Gnomes have a generally high exposure level to magic, and most understand at least basic metaphysics. As such, all begin with 2 bonus ranks in Use Magic Device. This also allows them a bonus to their Use Magic Device rolls equal to their Intelligence modifier.

+1 racial bonus on attack rolls versus humans. Gnomes have a long tradition of animosity with humans, and have thousands of generations worth of dirty tricks against human foes. (This does not mean Gnomes have a racial hatred of humans, they just have a several thousand year history of conflict with them)

+4 AC bonus against "Giant" type monsters. This operates as stated in the PHB.

+2 racial bonus on Listen checks. This operates as stated in the PHB.

Low Light Vision. This operates as stated in the PHB.

Spell Like Abilities: Gnomes with at least a 10 CHR gain the following spell like ability 1/day: Detect Magic

Base land speed is 20 feet. This operates as stated in the PHB.

Gnomes may not learn the language of woodland creatures.