Team MeFight Fifty-Sixth Session
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- The party has taken care of the renfields, but the Golem remains, Gil is in bad shape, and the party is still split.
- Kib rushes the golem to try to take some of the heat, shouting at the rest to regroup, but doesn't land anything. It stays laser-focused on Gil, but misses.
- Gil takes Kib's advice and ducks past the golem, avoiding an AoO and ending up with Thoven, Anise and Tana.
- Golem occupied, Marwynn likewise rushes past.
- Thed toughs it out, firing on the golem but staying out of harm's way. Kib lands a solid punch, and rushes to join the group.
- The golem dutifully follows.
- Anise lets loose. Tana assists where she can.
- Gilerl, regrouped, leaps into the fray and, with a killer front flip, smacks the golem in the chest, finishing it off.
- The clay dusts settles, and the group is once again on the move. Anise has tracked him North, so the crew decides to try the Westward corridor heading that direction.
- Marwynn gets a heal off and undoes precious little of the golem's cursed damage, but it's better than none.
- Tana checks out some of the surrounding rooms in the process.
Mantatlas Redux
- The corridor ends in a room with a statue. Atop the statue is a [Symbol of Pain], which Thed finds out the hard way.
- Kib rushes up, shrugging off the Symbol, and tries to destroy it, but to no avail. His resolve class feature, however, triggers, allowing lots of rerolls later.
- The rest of the group catches up. Tana and Marwynn stay outside of the range of the Symbol, the rest either soak it or shrug it off. The party files in to the corridor, at the end of which is a locked door, while Thed disables the Symbol
- Anise has readied an action with [hunter's eye]. This ends up mattering, because Mantatlus opens the door, with a gaze attack!
- Gilerl breaks and drops his weapon. Everyone else manages to hold it together. Anise gets her spell off, which ends up being a marvelous, marvelous thing.
- Kib uses remove fear to keep Gil from breaking and bolster the others, and wedges his foot in the door to keep Mantatlus from re-closing it.
- Thoven shoots scorching rays, Gil picks up his weapon and tries to swing, only to (barely!) miss his will save and drop his weapon once more.
- Thed also falls prey to the gaze.
- Mantatlus casts another exsanguinating cloud in the corridor, which throws a monkey wrench into the works. He stays close to Kib to avoid triggering a trip AoO
- Kib bull rushes him into his bedroom, giving a space for others to squeeze in.
- Marwynn and Anise use the opportunity to join the fray. Marwynn gets off holy smite, but Mantatlus saves for half damage. Anise is able to peg him minorly with an arrow.
- Thoven falls back and repeatedly attempts to dispel the cloud (and repeatedly fails, against even odds). Tana removes fear from Gilerl and Thed, and begins to chant and inspiring chant.
- Thed, in a daring acrobatic maneuver, is able to leap through the cloud while grabbing his crossbow. He ends up smack in front of Mantatlus.
- A messy melee happens. Kib fails a trip, and Mantatlus makes himself an Earth elemental to get into the exsanguinating cloud corridor.
- Gilerl rushes back in, to pick up his axe in the same manner as Thed. But Mantatlus is there, holding the axe! Gilerl, again, barely fails his save against the gaze attack, and again panics.
- Kib manages a trip and a solid blow. Anise, finally in position, unleashes a full volley of arrows that decimates the fat vampire, who immediately turns to gas (but still holding Gil's axe)
A Little Minor Looting, and Chasing an Evil Fart
- Gilerl is put back in order. Anise tracks the gas, Marwynn does a bit of healing. Everyone else quickly ransacks the office, and the library
- Mantatlus's Spellbook is found!
- Also, a fine set of silver gardening tools (hand space, hand hoe, dagger)
- In the library, there are bunches of books about gardening, some about magical theory, and plant-based erotica.
- Kib limits the looting to a minimum for now, being mostly interested in grabbing whatever is opportunistic while they still have time. Thed reluctantly obliges, but hopes they will have more time after Mantatlus is secured.
- Anise tracks Mantatlus, who is snaking through the ground through a series of irrigation pipes. He ends up (where else?) in the giant Mausoleum in the Northeast corner.
- She uses Tibbers to relay this to the party, who eventually join her.
- The door is opened, with a little effort from Thed ("It's unpickable!", Bartley manages in a perfect imitation of xorry's Thed)
- Inside, the entire building is packed with turning gears. They are clearly dangerous, and there is no clear way to disable them or gum them up without spending loads of time doing it.
- The party has little choice but to pick their way through, carefully but quickly. Kib and Thed lead the way.
- They wind their way closer and closer to their quarry. Out of the blue, appear two air elementals!
- They have a clear MO: To use whirlwind to pick up the intruders and toss them into the gears.
- Thed and Kib get the first attempts, but manage not to get picked up.
- Battle happens. Arrows are surprisingly effective! Kib concerns himself with being an attractive target, not able to really dish out the damage.
- A scorching ray, and one elemental falls.
- The other gets one more set of attacks, before we cut out for the day.
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- 1600 xp (800 to Thed/Bartley) for the Clay Golem
- Books and miscellany, including Mantatlus's undoubtedly amazing personal tome.