Category:Mefighter Gamma Team

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an unborn and untested group.

MFC Thread


PC Race Classes general party role Player
Astrid Human Alchemist (Metallurgist) 1/Fighter 1 2nd-line tank, reach weapons, buffing/debuffing Feantari
Bel Elf Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Investigator (Empiricist) 1 non-social skills, fencing, high dex/low hp Bartley
Dohrn Bend-Ear Dwarf Bard bard, performance, weapon/instrument creation Smart Dalek
Mell Halfling Paladin 1 / Rogue 1 little tank, kind of a face early on fleacircus
?? ?? hunter, shaman, druid, ?? ?? TooMuchPete

Notable Deeds

Language Aptitudes

Languages by Member(x=free, X=int bonus, *=linguistics point
Ubrekti(common) Celesti Flaneri Fresian Odessan Dwarven Hakni Halfling Sidhe Orc Unassigned
Astrid (8) x xx x gnome, old ubrekti, yarnich, goblin
Bel (7) x X X X X x *
Mell (4) x x X x

Skill Aptitude

- Particularly terrible at, or no ranks and not a class skill
<blank> Not particularly notable
+ Can do if pressed, or can aid another without being completely awful
++ Notably good at
+++ Expert within the party
++++ Completely exceptional
Astrid Bel Mell Mathis Player5
Acrobatics - ++ +++ ++++
Appraise +++ ++
Bluff - +++ +++
Climb - +++ ++
Craft (alchemy) ++++
Craft (armor) +++
Craft (bows) +++
Craft (weapons) +++
Diplomacy - +++ +++
Disable Device +++ +++ ++++
Escape Artist - ++++
Fly -
Handle Animal +++
Intimidate ++++
Knowledge (Arcana) ++ ++
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) ++ ++
Knowledge (Engineering) ++ ++
Knowledge (Geography) ++
Knowledge (History) ++
Knowledge (Local) ++ ++
Knowledge (Nature) ++ ++
Knowledge (Nobility) ++ ++
Knowledge (Planes) ++
Knowledge (Religion) ++ ++
Linguistics ++
Perception + +++ ++ +++
Perform (Oration)
Profession (Sailor)
Ride + +++
Sense Motive + + +++ ++++
Sleight of Hand ++ +++ ++++
Spellcraft ++ ++
Stealth - ++ +++ +++
Survival ++
Swim -
Use Magic Device + +
