Notes for Game 2009-11-14

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In Our Last Episode

See Notes for Game 2009-10-02

This Episode

Date: 26th Whitefall - 30th Darkreign, 1400

Climate: Deep Winter (January-ish) transitioning to Late Winter (February-Ish) and Beginning of Thaw

  • Team is invited to speak with the mayor over dinner.
  • LE and Kim and Al do not go. Mose and QUin and Germain do.
  • There is a flesh golem named Than and the mayor says he has many of those throughout the manor.
  • The hadriarch attends dinner, too.
  • The Mayor tells them to agree not to pursue getting pilgrims into the city sooner, in exchange he'll let skilled refugees into the city. Claims he doesn't want a plague, but the party knows it's just to keep refugees out for the election.
  • It is difficult, but the party agrees with Mose casting the deciding vote because his word holds more.
  • So they agree that pilgrims will return artisans first, but then the others will trickle in until the spring after the election, ensuring the Mayor's victory
  • Mayor agrees to give the pilgrims grain and some minor aid
  • Quin and Mose spar to let out frustations.
New Day Begins

Date: 1st of New Year, 1401

Climate: Beginning of Thaw

  • Edrell meets with them in the morning and tries to convince them to fight the Thieves' Guild.
  • After some arguing (of course), Mose is won over, and they agree to pursue the guild.
  • Edrell tells us to go the grist mill and meet someone. A pair of old friends named Gil and Holm. They can reveal where Fynn may be or someone who knows.
  • He tells us where the grist mill is.



Final GM message