Team Mefight Seventh Session

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Battered, our heroes tidied up the Gnome's office, packing the necessaries and getting things in order. Thed took the Gnome's equipment as spoils, finding himself stealthier and better protected than before, as well as better-armed. The scrolls, wand, and ring were relegated to Thoven for safe-keeping, with the hope that the items will be identified later. Encumbered with these treasures, the Gnome himself, the Gnome's documents, and a chest of Wydmoor electrum, the party then decided that it would be best to try to find the Gnome's mount, on which to carry him (and his treasure), and with the hope that the pony may have friends willing to take some more of the load.

Moving a bit to the North, they stumbled upon a heavy door, on whose other side is heard the voices of roughly ten Kobolds. The characters prepared an ambush, and managed to take two Kobolds out before the rest knew what was happening, after which the mêlée began in earnest. Kib hung back in the hallway, tripping up and dispatching kobolds singly, while the rest of the party ran into a side room to engage, with Thed and Gilerl having some quick successes, and Thoven handily cleaning up the others with magical aid (including a very successful two-for-one Burning Hands attack). More Kobolds filed in from another side room, and separated thus by cold reptilian flesh, a much larger (in fact, Enlarged) Kobold with the name King Mab (not a real king) came charging in, engaging Kib in single combat while his barking allies separated the other three characters. With some tactical prowess and quite a lot of luck, Kib managed to stay standing long enough to dispatch the furious, barking beast, while Thed, Thoven and Gilerl dispatched the rest. Seeing his brothers slain, a single Kobold, attempting to run, stood near a bucket of waste. Fearing some supernatural aid, Kib then tackled the Kobold and inadvertently spilled the bucket over himself and his foe, and, intense weariness winning over severe blood lust, knocked the little guy out with subdual damage.

The battle won, Gilerl was convinced to take King Mab's very impressive (and magical) greataxe. The sack carried by the Servitor was given to Thoven to hold, and the party now finds itself in the same forthouse, which is nonetheless quite a bit more devoid of life than it was previously.

Treasure: magical small greataxe, heavy sack of coins, two potions, wand, small pile of copper (gambling money from the Kobolds, in their repose).

XP: 1055 xp

Achievements earned:

Morituri te Salutamus to Slitherrr (50 xp bonus, for defeating King Mab without assistance). Two Birds: TooMuchPete (20 xp, for crisping two kobolds with burning hands) Mistaken For Deer (5 xp, for clipping Thed with Ray of Frost)