Notes for Game 2008-10-01 (prior games)

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(I don't have clean data for these, yet, sorry.)

Our story begins in Wydmoor Free City on the 28th day of Wintercusp in the year 1400 FI. A group of travelers, all recent arrivals to the city, are summoned by Captain Odenthorpe, who offers them a lucrative, yet discreet, job opportunity. Shortly thereafter, Kimika, a long time resident of the city, joins the party under an assumed name and joins the quest.

Random Notes


  • Capt Edrell Odenthorpe
  • Mayor Wydsomme -
    • Somewhat evil aura
  • Ralth Onoridil
    • Head of the Bog Wraiths
    • Keep to themselves, big on stability/defensibility of the city.
    • Supposedly not entrenched in city politics.
    • Tried to ambush us, perhaps?
  • Magus Hemsley - Wizard Human, Big wizard, maintains water

Quest Notes #1 (obsolete)

Haversack has 3 chambers
Big backpack 
80 cubic feet 
Silk rope, lots and lots, 50ft 
10ft ladder wE
10ft polen 
10 hammocks 
10 blankets
Two smaller 20 cubic feet eac
6 weeks food - 16 days used
EDIT: Quin has the map
Middle of the day

Quest Notes #2

Need to be back about 4 weeks
Don't have to leave immediately
Elections are in about 3 months.
Bog Wraith Crest? A crest of a brown field, divided by lightning bolt. Night shade with a raven on top.
/VOTE is handy
We got ~1/3 million in silver in the bag of holding from the temple in the Swamp of Wydmoor.

DM Notes

Shown when we found the ruins in the swamp (with the silver coin temple place).
