Who Wants to Play with RPTools

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I've been reading up on the documentation for the tools downloadable at http://rptools.net/. It may be worth looking into--it doesn't look quite as pretty as FGII, but it looks more stable and potentially more powerful (without having to delve into Java to script for FGII).

On a similar vein, we may want to look into moon_wizard's ruleset for FGII. Descriptions say it is an extended version, but I can't immediately tell what additional features it has, and whether or not it is more or less stable.

http://oberoten.dyndns.org/fgwiki/index.php/D%26D_3.5E is the link.


New FGII ruleset means having to set up everything whole cloth again, there is no easy way to transfer over. Even the slipshod job I did of updating the Wydmoor group to Foundation took me several hours of labor to do a very incomplete job. Not also a fan of switching over to a new system, which requires at least as much conversion work, plus a new learning curve for everyone (and assume the GM's learning curve is always at least 4x as steep as the players') and the matter of money already spent. It does look pretty slick, though. The fact is, I consider the "inflexability" of fantasy ground to be a plus: it's a creature designed for 3.5e, rather than being a universal toolset that one can hammer any ol' rule set into. I'm more than willing to hear arguments and considerations, but realize it's going to be uphill going. Java is not necessarily a selling point, either, for that matter. -gm

Yeah, I guessed at all the points above. I really just wanted to see what the moon_mage ruleset was like, and I can't do it with the non-full copy. For the current campaigns it's probably definitely a no-go (unless the moon_mage ruleset is just that awesome), but if something were started in the future, it might be worthwhile to start it in one or the other. -