Notes for Game 2010-02-26

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In Our Last Episode

15-1 Heavenfall

  • Al saw an army 3 days up the mountain.
  • The party decides to tell the Alderman. He runs away to go pack and evacuate.
  • They find the Sheriff and tell him so town can evacuate.
  • Al casts Spine Growth and Plant Growth to slow down army multiple days on their trek down the mountain.
  • Kimika and Quin lay glyphs and traps to kill army soldiers as they come out of the mountain pass exit into Yalmrith.
  • Party plans to head out soon...

This episode

New Day Begins

16-1 Heavenfall

  • Al continues to harass the army, slows them down./emote
  • Naprid tell us the Mayor has fled town.
  • Martial law has been declared in Wydmoor. Wraiths in charge now.
  • Naprid instructs us to poison the food in town.
  • The team poisions the food.
  • Quin and Germain search for Worg Riders in case they're sneaking in to attack the city.
  • Quin and Germain sees some trails.
New Day Begins

17-1 Heavenfall

After Hobgoblin Worg Battle
  • The party heads out and Quin and Germain track/spot the worg riders.
  • We meet up not too far from that and make camp.
  • In the middle of the night, a figure is seen in the camp.
  • Mose charges and attacks it in a charge attack.
  • Turns out it was a little boy (Bok) and Mose knocked him unconscious (almost killed him).
  • Boy's family was killed by Worgs
  • Mose feels terrible and insists the boy stays with the party (out of guilt). Mose is very angry with himself and can't help taking it out on the boy.
  • Find a few worgs and hobgolins
  • LE fireballs them from scrolls and kills all the hobgoblins.
  • The team makes short work of the worgs afterwards with some minor damage.
+ 600 
Experience Points
  • We discuss with Naprid and he tells us the City Magus resigned. Edrell and the Hadriarch are under Wraith protection.
  • Naprid tells them to spread tales of the armies so the Landing folk will not side with them.
  • Party camps a day outside
New Day Begins

18-1 Heavenfall

  • We get to the Landing and Bethnalay will not side with us. She will help whomever passes.
  • We try to convince her, but we cannot.
  • Landing Camp is tied by the Concord of the Highways, whatever her true feelings about each side.
New Day Begins

19-1 Heavenfall

  • We head over to Wydmoor. Stop at the Castle.
  • Naprid meets and asks about why we have Bok.
  • Ralth comes to visit them in a special location.
  • Ralth tells us that we need to know our place and he is taking us into his confidence.
  • Ralth leads us to a fortified inner keep, the war room.
  • Ralth announces that elections are postponed for a year. According to Edrell, Ralth threatened to "smash the Stones of Law, and feel the catapults with the rubble."
  • Hadriarch is there, Mose gives him back the boat. Hadriarch says he is authorized to speak for the mayor.
  • Edrell is there sober and clean-shaven for the first time in a couple of weeks.
  • Naprid is there, along with the hadriarch and Edrell and some bog wraith flunkies/middle managers.
  • Edrell and Naprid argue about who should be the next City Magus.
  • Edrell is appointed City Magus with the party's support, who agree that a non-bog wrath should have the position.
  • Teodora is appointed Sheriff, with Germain's blessing.
  • Edrell and Germain accuse each other of treason, laughs and back-pats result.
  • Mayor is given Imperium (i.e. Legislative and Executive power, as the council is all but wiped out.)
  • Quinalin gets the Sojourner's Cap from Naprid. Uses a runestone that explodes in a blinding light, teleporting Quin and Naprid to a field.
  • It is intended to teleport people to the Temporal Authority spot.
  • Sojourner's Cap: Charged Item, 15 charges max. 5 Charges: Teleport. 1 Charge: Create Food and Water. Both at caster level 16. Regains 1 Charge/day.
  • It will have 11 charges on the morrow.



Final GM message

General XP
+ 500 
Experience Points
Quin Bonus
+ 250 
Experience Points
Kim and LE RP Award
+ 60 
Experience Points