The Azure Geese

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Minion A

Human Expert 1

A young man who's working-class parents convinced a benefactor to sponsor a Primary Measure education and an apprenticeship with a doctor. Once he learned enough, he moved to Wydmoor Free City to find work. He had been building a client base among middle- and lower-class citizens. It didn't pay much, but it covered a modest life. When the fire displaced him, he contributed to the relief effort and worked with Germain and the Silverwalkers at Onrarch Landing. He has even begun to adventure into the swamp to help provide food and materials for the refugees. He is a hard-working, cheerful, and helpful young man.

attributes   str 12, dex 10, con 14, int 14, wis 17, cha 13
saves fort +2, ref +0, will +5
skills bluff +3, craft (alchemy) +6, diplomacy +5, gather info +3, heal +9, knowledge (nature) +4, listen +7, profession (master doctor), search +7, spot +7, survival +7, swim +3
feats improved aid another, self sufficient

Minion B

Human Expert 1

A middle-aged man who worked for the city guard under Edrell and with Germain in Wydmoor Free City. In his youth, he was a hot-headed brawler and general trouble maker, but he tempered with age and began to find fulfillment in more noble pursuits. He lost his home in the Wydmoor fire, and has been working as a peacekeeper and manual laborer in the refugee camps where he can. He has a gruff yet affectionate personality that is an instant hit with hard-working people of all walks of life, and an honest desire to help people.

attributes   str 17, dex 13, con 14, int 12, wis 10, cha 14
saves fort +2, ref +1, will +2
skills balance +5, bluff +6, diplomacy +4, escape artist +5, gather info +4, intimidate +6, jump +5, listen +2, spot +2, swim +5, tumble +5
feats improved grapple, improved unarmed combat

Minion C

Human Warrior 1

A young man who finished up a term as a Alexian soldier a few years back. In the military, he chaffed under the regimented chain-of-command and the dangerous work, so he service out his term and then moved to Wydmoor Free City. For a number of years, he took manual labor jobs around the city and drank heavily, but a friendship with {Minion B} let him into work with Edrell's guard. This job was fulfilling and made use of his military skills, but was far less strict than military service. Like many of the guardsmen, his house was destroyed in the fire, and he has joined the ranks of the refugees. He has a cynical and somewhat anarchistic attitude that makes him difficult to get along with, but he does his job and he is a capable guard.

attributes   str 17, dex 12, con 15, int 10, wis 13, cha 12
saves fort +4, ref +1, will +1
skills climb +6, intimidate +4, jump +6, swim +6
feats endurance, improved shield bash