Talk:First Stand

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Is the Prophet's War section right? After all this time, I don't know a damn thing about the Obelisks. --Msallen

Mostly right. The first obelisk was broken by Antioch. The second obelisk was broken by Marwynn. The other 6 were unbroken when Alexandria herself broke the ivory obelisk and became the Omnity. -- 18:57, 1 June 2010 (EDT)
Both broken during the Prophet's War, or did Antioch break his before? --Msallen
Before.. Marwynn's breaking may or may not be on the master timeline. Antioch's is I'm pretty sure.
Also, Antioch's wasn't technically "Broken." He accessed its power using UMD, so probably more technically "hacked." Marwynn fully broke her obelisk and so got it's full measure of Power. Antioch, for example, could only travel a certain distance from his Tower before his powers would begin to fade. This is the reason Antioch only kept for himself a city-state, it's all he could defend with his power. -gm

I just caught this detail: and under Sayid's council she was happy to encourage this belief. Don't know if I wrote it or Jones wrote it, but I like it --Msallen

Who knows.