Talk:Recent Events

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Wonder if there's anything worth adding to this? -gm

God, I can't wait for you guys to finish out the fortress. Then we can finally figure out what day the MeFighters are on in0game and I can include all of the relevant trivia and current events they'll no doubt learn from *REDACTED*, including the stariron impact, the Gildenhome slave uprisings, and maybe even news of Ol' Odessa, since it's relevant to both campaigns now. And the third, even, which mostly exists as overflow when for when I get sick of thinking about campaigns one and two. Maybe also some high-profile stuff from character backstories, such as the big fire that Thoven may or may not have caused.

Alright, as this is really just an aggregation, it's not really canonical. Mattie's notes say everything began in something like late Wintercusp or something ,which seems way to short? I scraped together everything from since we began keeping track of the days and checked it for accuracy, from when we were not keeping track I just had to fudge and extrapolate. I think it looks pretty tight.

Now, where does the other side of the world fit in with this? We haven't really cared about days at all, and keeping track is one more bit of bookkeeping. It's a bridge to be crossed sooner or later. As of now, not much belongs on the list excepting perhaps maybe the Kred Slave Riots.

Well, other than the Smiting of Draglet. That's probably enough to make the nightly news, as well.

Anything else I've forgotten? I'm sure there's stuff in wiki articles I'm not thinking of. -- 12:24, 10 June 2010 (EDT)

Draglet Smite and Kred Slave Riots are about it, at least as far as anything Kib's group has really been active with. Draglet Smite was 2-3 months ago, Kred Slave riots about, oh, four to six weeks, maybe? -Slitherrr
I guess we have to figure out when "Today" is in MeFight time :)
When the party returns to "civilization," we'll figure out what day it is then back in all the major (regional or greater importance) events on the Eastern Front here. Major events I have in mind below, let me know if there's something I am forgetting.


1. Destruction of Draglet

2. Kred's Slave Uprising

3. Death of Bethanalay

4. ????