Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2011-03-05
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In Our Last Episode
- Lizardman leader tells us that ridding the temple of its evil would give him control over the Dragon Turtle protectors
- Mose then gets it into his head that they have to go fight the evil guy in the dome.
- Party buffs him to high heaven and runemaker helps him through the dome.
- Gentle breeze inside the dome, large willow tree, impossibly large tree. 65ft across, 100ft tall
- (Out of character we know the elf is Adrillathellior Teldandilion)
- Epic battle ensues, Silverwalkers are victorious!
- Some loot found and ID'd
In this Episode
- Party decides to leave the temple to go see Lizardman leader.
- Displacer beast beatdown!
Quinalin uses sojourner teleport to get out of grapple when Displacer Lord begins to run off into the swamp with him.
- 4 charges left
- Displacer Lord tries to run off with
Grrrllwofrowffgrr, but a magic missile prevents such a fate.
- They (beasts) are killed!
- 1000 xp for level 8s
- 750 xp for level 9s
- Found 2446 gold
- Found 1258 silver
- Party Rest at lair
- Back at Lizardman camp
- Shaman says he might eventually be able to control the turtles after months, will possibly require some sort of major offering to rouse the turtles.
- Turtles currenly gone back dormant
- Have become Turtle Tribe, abandoning their veneration of the Hydra. Will be moving to the temple.
- Lizardmen are interested in becoming allies of Wydmoor now
- Will escort city parties through the swamp, helping to keep the city supplied through Sherdam and the Banditlands, though the thieves guild will be basically in control of this.
- We open discussion with
- We tell him of our success
- Could return to the city, through the back entrances
- Egg has gotten access to the war room (by forging)
- Odessans have been causing diseases on the poor refugees!
- The culprits are basically known, but the Wraiths and City are unable to get relief through the seige lines, and the camps are too weakned and disorgainized - especially with
Bethanalay dead - to do much.
Maggr abandoned the council when his mother
Bethanalay died.
Maggr left when he was angry that the Wraiths refused to release soldiers to try and break the lines to get aid to the camp
- Left the council with his dog, snuck through lines, and gathered his dog riders to become supply line raiders
- As they are being supplied out of the camps, this puts the camps at risk of reprisals.
Bethanalay died!
- She died of disease! (Befoulers, 8 days ago)
- Caught multiple diseases and died from onset before she could cast the Remove Diseases.
LE is cold logical about it, and this angers
Kimika is very sad and sobbing about it
- Party heads back to Wydmoor
- We avoid all patrols!
Grrrllwofrowffgrr stays in abandoned watch tower
- Party goes into
Edrell's home
- Mat the raven tells us about
Edrell setting up defenses
- Mostly absent from the war room since then
- Golems came with the Mage's Keep
- Mat doesn't know much about the political status of the town
- We go to the Knotgate into the cathedral into the city
- We only encounter golems (friendly): Iron, Clay
- Party is in the city, researching, etc.
Kimika stay in the temple and pray.
Mose reviews inventory.
Mose tithes all the party's tapestries to the church
Germain's henchmen are visited and have news/info:
- Built up a 2700 gp tab in
Germain's name using forged IOUs.
- Recommend trading food/weapons for artwork for long-term profit ("I don't know how you feel about war profiteering, but. . . " were his exact words)
- Azure geese has 13 people in town guard, 40% our people, 40% thieves guild people, 20% others
- They stopped sending grain to the refugees because the seige lines surround Wydmoor on 3 sides.
- Melkior?
- From Egg's Bag of Books
- alumni almanac for unrekti university
- Melkior was a graduate from Ubrekti University ~200 years ago
- Not named by exact same name, around that time though, there was a tale of a Melkior Necromancer (skilled) in Wydmoor which led to a 6-month servitor incursion of the region. Lots of hobgoblins came in town and attacked until Melkior vanished. Egg surmised this.
- Tells Egg about prismatic wall
- Built up a 2700 gp tab in
- We leave our stuff with Egg to appraise, head to
Ralth thinks the long-term goal is to find some way to beat the Odessans badly enough to draw concessions
Naprid thinks we need an indirect/direct way to make them withdraw and thinks that's enough of a goal
- Law in the city right now:
- Uneasy truce between the factions
- Only noble in the War Room is Burghur, and he contributes little.
- Whatever is going on with the Monied Factions is happening off the radar.
- Nobles and Gentry negotating/martialing troops waiting for the seige to resolve?
- Bloodletting? New Coalition? Outcome uncertain.
- Post-Siege Power Vaccuum likely.
- Theives' Guild likely to be strongest single faction, as they will now doubt be entrenching and growing wealthy as the primary suppliers during the seige
- Unknown what the new Landed Powers coalition will look like.
Germain has his foot in the door with a somewhat marginalized noble family.
- The guards are keeping marshal law
- Specifically guarding the bank, which is closed, and the granary. The Warrens are a dark, empty wasteland. Most public business has ceased.
- Curfew in effect. Severe regulations in place. Morale in the city is also pitiful.
- Food is given out in daily rations to all city residents. Access to the refugees is generally considered to be too dangerous to attempt.
- Uneasy truce between the factions
- War room basically calls the shots now. How the new government will be constituted is unknown, and not much thought about at the present.
- Councils of important people
Naprid and Magth mercenary make a deal
- Was probably promised a lot of stuff after the war to help us
- His job was to be a runecrafter to make passageways into city for sabetuers
- He made passageway stones for a small party
- He does know that there is a mole active in Wydmoor, has highest access
- Morale is pretty low in Odessan camps, high among officers
- Hobgoblins have abandoned Odessans and have taken to harrassing Odessan supply lines
- Poisoned food stores and traps at Yalmrinth did not go over well
- War of uncertain purpose and objective
- As of a few days ago, lots of halfling dog riders attacking supply lines
- Command still very confident that they can win the seige
- Have intimate knowledge of cities defences, preparations, command structures thanks to highly placed mole
- No reason to believe Mole is still not providing information to the Odessans
- Since we poisoned food supply, they started plaguebombing refugees
- There is an infiltration team of clerics and wererats in the sewers slowly poisoning the water supply of Wydmoor
- No more teleporting but they were able to go through sewers
- Lots of wydmoor citizens fled, meaning less filth is going into water already.
- Otyughs keep the water clean in the sewers
- They sent in a bunch of clerics to purify the towns water
- Otyughs will die when the water supply is cleaned-up!
- Since population is reduced by at least 50%, there is also not nearly as much filth going into the sewers, making the job that much easier
- ( Egg can tell you about Otyughs: )
- They will likely have reduced attribute scores due to persistant starvation
- They may or may not be hostile to the party.
- The party meets in the war room and prepares to talk a bit with the council.
Final GM message
- Selling in Wydmoor during seige
- Can sell art only at 25% of book value for it at present
- Can sell items at 120% of list price for magic items and weapons
- Can buy chain mail at price ~150%
- End game XP