Talk:Tana Absold

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Revision as of 16:38, 28 March 2011 by Slitherrr (talk | contribs)
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Let me know if this is all kosher. -Slitherrr

I'll let you run the game from now on, it'll save me a lot of time worrying and preparing stuff that someone is just going to snipe anyway. Awesome! *washes hands* -gm
In other words - I don't like shooting down work players gave done and put on the wiki. So, instead what I'm going to throw out the hours of work I've done on your family off camera for the purposes of storyline and unlock the page and we'll go back to doing randomly generated dungeon crawls. -gm
Jebus no, that's the opposite of why I was asking. -Slitherrr
Quite seriously, I didn't know what extent you had things planned out, so I threw up some test-run stuff, and if that wasn't cool, was more than happy to ditch it for what you've got. I mean, I do not and cannot have any way of knowing what's up your sleeve, so I'm always down with killing any work I've done in favor of secret canon. -Slitherrr
And by "work I've done" up there, I mean "shit I pulled out of my ass in off-time", which is why I have no problem letting it disappear. -Slitherrr
Heh, I always overthink. That's why I'm on metafilter! ;) -gm
I am totally down with your fiat. Kib is the only character on this Wiki that I have any attachment to exact shape of, and that doesn't extend to his family and friends, and even parts of his history that would conflict with other stuff. Anything else I put in is strictly with the caveat that it's designed to make your job easier--if you've already got canon that does or will conflict with it, consider my version completely null and void without any implicit or expressed approval from me whatsoever, and I am 100% ok with that. -Slitherrr