Notes for Game 2009-07-10

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Revision as of 00:14, 11 July 2009 by Mattie (talk | contribs)
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In Our Last Episode

  • The clerk won't process the share transfer without authorization from the mayor and/or the town accountant. (exchequoer? or something)
  • We talk to Edrell and he gives the team a wand of Sleep to use to get the writ into the town records.
  • Mose begins to feel really crummy about this and argues about the righteousness of creating a Traveler Outpost by using deceit and trickery.
  • Edrell and Germain make arguments about it being somewhat like a war against the unjust.
  • The team heads off to "convince" the town clerk to shelve the share transfer in the hall of records. (Hall of records) ....

This Episode

Date: 19th of Whitefall, 1400

Climate: Early November-like. Rain has changed into colder slush/sleet.



Final GM message