Notes for Game 2009-10-02

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In Our Last Episode

See email: Notes from Email-Post Game 2009-07-31

This Episode

Date: 26th Whitefall - 28th Darkreign, 1400

Climate: Deep Winter (January-ish) transitioning to Late Winter (February-Ish) and Beginning of Thaw

  • The whole party stayed in the Halfling Landing through the winter. Some people got different experience and additional things. Note: The Long Winter
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose got back from traveling and had heard some rumors. (News from Mose)
    • Iros forge is okay it seems now
    • Bad evilness inside of the forge caused rains, was killed be Odessan adventurers
  • GermainToken.PNG Germain heard from  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell that
    • The Mayor is keeping poor refugees out of town with an entrance tax
    • The party is in trouble because they're accused of having forged a wizard sigil on documents (KimikaToken.PNG Kimika says that's not possible)
    • There are lots of real estate disputes and the Mayor is making a land grab of land from the charred warrens
  • Squad decides to head back to town
  •  BethanalayToken.JPG Bethanalay gave out some awesome gear in thanks for helping in the Landing (Slides packages to party)
    • LEToken.PNG LE got a cloak (half-cloak) that gives +1 Charisma and can do invis 1/day (but loses Charisma bonus that day)
    • GermainToken.PNG Germain got an earring of +1 to Int-based Skill checks and can do Fox's Cunning 1/day (but loses skill bonus that day)
    • KimikaToken.PNG Kimika got the Alexandria's Star holy symbol of Beth's mentor. (ivory and obsidian)
      • Powered by turn undead uses
      • Full round action: Turn Evil Outside as if it were Undead
      • Move-Equivalent action: One healing-type Touch spell becomes Ranged Touch (30 ft range)
      • Swift action: Touched target auto-stabilizes for the next hour
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose prays for his celestial steed to be chosen for his Special Mount--  
    Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
    is his name.
  • The party journeys back to Wydmoor
  • The party sneaks over the town walls using shadows and fog (and rope). (Plan to sneak into city)
  • The party goes to visit  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell, who tells them that
    • LEToken.PNG LE's sigil somehow matches with the sigil of Melkior Dregdidor, a wizard from 236 years ago
    • GermainToken.PNG Germain's friend from the hall of records is missing.
    • One of  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell's Lt's. has been missing for some time, another (Drandell) survived an assassination attempt.
    •  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell's been trying to work with his diviner Darnell to track down info on the fire. The fire was definitely arson, but they can't tell who caused it. Only a few possibilities of people who could hide their tracks that way, but could be outsider so who knows.
  • Party decides to try the Bog Wraiths for more info
  • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin meets with the Bog Wraiths and they discuss:
    • The Traveler's Outpost has been approved, MoseToken.PNG Mose ain't running it
    • MoseToken.PNG Mose got a commendation for his work, though.
      • MoseToken.PNG Mose's bracers "Mayto's Defense" have +2 Deflection AC vs Missiles and Ranged Touch attacks, also grant +1d4 lawful damage and +1d6 good damage on each Smite Evil attack.
  • The party decides to head back to the swamp and get more silver to bring back to pay the taxes and let the refugees back into the city.

Two days passed in game, meaning the game ended on 30th Darkreign. (aka New Year's Eve.) Tomorrow begins the 3-day New Year's Festival.



Final GM message