RP: Prehistoric Prisoner

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D20Token.pngGame Master In our last episode, the party discovered a mysterious man with his eyes removed. It turns out he was imprisoned in some sort of suspended animation. So far you've interacted with him and made some discoveries.


  • He goes by the name  CarggerToken.jpg Cargger.
  • He doesn't speak your languages-- he speaks a very old language with a strange accent/dialect. You tried a lot of languages and some of the older languages (especially Dwarven) got some glimmer of recognition. But his normal speech is pretty impenetrable for you guys, and the feeling is mutual.
  • Book mindlinked with him after calming him down.
  • He was an acolyte for the wizard (likely the ghost you saw), but was caught stealing magical items from the wizard (apparently eons ago).
  • He was imprisoned and (you assume) had his eyes forcefully removed.
  • Some items he stole sounded like the shiny items you found in the dorm room.
  • You guys asked about the big force field on the tower, and he was surprised and said the Wizard must have finished it
  • You explained to him about the "dorm room" dead bodies, sealed inside.
  • He clarified that the dorm room was usually home to the wizard's faithful acolytes, and the control freak wizard didn't trust them so he always locked them up every night and let them out when he was awake.
  • If they were dead inside the dorm room, that can only mean the wizard never came back to let them out.
  • He clarified that the wizard would usually disable the traps for his acolytes to come to the new tower, or teleport his acolytes around as needed.
  • Cargger said he's pretty good at bypassing locks and is willing to help you guys, he'd rather not be abandoned.
  • He is very sad to hear that his girl, Alessa, is long dead.
  • As far as you can tell, he didn't know anything about the Sword of Humility.

Open RP Discussion

D20Token.pngGame Master As the smokey air clears, you all sit down to rest for the evening and prepare for the next day. You take this opportunity to talk to Cargger through mindlinks that Book shares. He serves as translator because you're unable to talk to Cargger directly yourself.

 CarggerToken.jpg Cargger I never slept, never had a break. After they caught me, they tortured me, placed me in suspended animation, took me out and tortured me some more. For them I think 3 months passed, but for me it has been an excruciating nonstop hell. Whenever I passed out from agony, they would wait for the first glimmer of consciousness and toss me in my cell and seemingly rip me out again immediately...

You... you, six? You broke the chain. But you inadvertantly brought the worst torture of all... the news that my world, love, and family are all gone. My sanity.. my sight... my family. All gone. I almost thought you were an illusion to torture me further. But I sense no lies... and my captors were really bad at lying. The only solace I have is the delicious realization that my torturers are long, long dead, while I live on to help you guys loot their graves.

Which is what you're doing right? Looting his tower?

BookToken.PNG Book Life is a suffering to endure. You humans with your short lives are so dramatic. I've already lost everything I cared about once, and it'll probably happen two or three more times before I die on. That's the world, man.

I mean, really. A "nonstop" hell? If anything, it was a "time stop" hell, not a "nonstop" one. Also, since we're being technical, your tormentors are not dead, they are undead. Though, to be fair, some of them are all the way dead now.

And, yes, we're here to loot this place eight-ways to Onesday. We're actually looking for a macguffin. Have you seen it?

 CarggerToken.jpg Cargger Oh, the plant you pictured looks like a dwarf boo berry tree. The trees grow quite large, but the berries are wretched. I think some alchemists use them in salves to enchant armor to make it lighter, I think. I don't quite know how that works, chemistry was never my thing.

having a bit of a realization I'm sorry you lost everything yourself--- you're not human? What are you? From your height, you sound like a gnome or halfling. I've never met a gnome, as the only ones I've seen were town visitors tending to their dwarven lords' business. Also, some of your friends' voices were from much bigger folk-- you guys sound pretty mixed. Who do we have here?

Whoever you are, little mindspeaker, you have a point. I've now lived longer than humans are meant to. Perhaps this is a gift to see the future, without actually seeing it of course. I always dreamed even the poor would have substantial magic one day. Ever since the The Pinch (not that word, but you assume the same) societies of mages and psions started working together, they promised all sorts of advances and power for everyone. My master didn't quite believe their stories, and he assumed the day would come when that agreement would go awry. He set to protect himself for the inevitable outcome of that. I secretly hoped he was wrong and we'd all live as powerful wizards when the magic was ubiquitous. Perhaps everyone can do this mindspeaking thing now? he looks hopeful

BookToken.PNG Book Seeing the future is useless if you can't do anything about it.

Yes, the Boo Berry tree. We require it. And, I'll have you know much has changed since your time. We Gnomes are a free and independent people! We call no Dwarf lord, though we're still quite good at finding the ouchie places on the tallfolk, if you get what I'm saying.

Anyway, the poor labor as they always have - under the thumb of the powerful. Their titles have probably changed since your time, but not much else.

Who we have here, beyond me, are your rescuers and you need know nothing more at present. You have admitted to being a thief and a scoundrel, and while perhaps losing everything you ever loved might have given you some insight into your moral character, that is not a chance we can take.

As a sign of good faith, I will say this. Your master was right. I have heard little of your people beyond the most insignificant of marginalia, which is a testament to the totality of the failure of your little cabal. Although, the region is still called "the Pinch," so perhaps even in your impotent flailing you have made your mark on history. But, no, the peasants still toil in the fields and the kings and priests still make their wars Hells, compared to what you're use to, there's probably more centralized control of magic than ever!

 CarggerToken.jpg Cargger Aye, I cannot say I am surprised the world hasn't improved much, aside from the gnomish elevation.

You say I am a scoundrel? And I admitted to such? My thoughts must not appear clearly via this spell, for I am neither of those. Our "cult" grew through the Master promising riches, safety, and glory. We were then held against our will, coerced through magical means to do the bidding of our Master, and given nothing but the inside of a sealed room in a subterranean basement. We were promised heaps of rewards for acquiring rare things for our Master, but we became slaves and were forbidden from returning home. I was the only one to try to escape, taking back a small portion of what he had originally promised me. My hope was to take a trifling percentage of my share home to my lady and be free of my bonds.

::an audible sigh and some sadness::

I hope you do not mistake a slave seeking escape for being a thief. I tried to claim only the freedom due to every noble creature. I failed where your ancestors succeeded, but I hope you can sympathize with my desires...

 CarggerToken.jpg Cargger ::thinking some more:: My rescuers won't reveal themselves, but perhaps I can show you I'm not a dullard through what I've deduced so far. I heard you have another gnome who talks much as you do. He speaks with more presence than you. Probably a noble or performer? Strange that he focuses on the limping canines as much as he does.

A cleric, perhaps, reciting some incantations-- on the dogs? It is interesting. Are these dogs (he says the word "dogs?" aloud pretty well and gestures curiously to them) important to your journey? The traps down here will be dangerous for them. Perhaps they are magical?

A tall brute who smells horrific. And another female voice, the one whose powerful hand on my arm was both graceful and firm. Oh, and the one you called out to in the hallway, whose footsteps sound as if she is out of place indoors.

If there are more of you, they have kept hidden well, for I have not heard them.

Do any of them have mind powers like you do, that I might speak with? Though I think it's best if I continue to learn your language either way...

BookToken.PNG Book (pops PSP for Conceal Thoughts)

Well, you've proven you are not a dullard, and that your ears and nose are still keen. Which makes you even more dangerous. Perhaps we should deafen you, as well? (beat) Kidding, of course. I'm the one you'll be "talking" to and through. You have the rest of your life outside of this place to learn new languages, but while we're down here we're not taking any chances."

BookToken.PNG Book *Tele-tells everyone this guy is cunning and quick, and gives everyone a warning to be careful when talking around him, even casually. Willing to start imparting questions and comments to this guy, but whatever you're asking is actually coming from Book, so those silver tongues are turned to clay today.*

MerryToken.PNG Merry Well, there might be locked doors past the deadly corridor, but we still have no good way to get through that, so it still feels like we are pretty stuck. Unless he has any bright ideas for how to get over there, I believe he will still be much more of a liability than an asset since he can't easily hurdle those pits, and crawling over our makeshift ladder will not be trivial for him.

(put RP above this line)