Arabelle Adventurers Quest Notes 2012-12-01

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Characters involved:

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MerryToken.PNG Merry BookToken.PNG Book

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 LockToken.PNG Lock  StockToken.PNG Stock  BarrelToken.PNG Barrel

From Last Game

The party presses on but eventually has to rest.

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decides to push on ahead, tromping through the forest, eventually catching up with BookToken.PNG Book and his captors.

See Arabelle Adventurers Quest Notes 2012-10-27


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carries BookToken.PNG Book’s scalp.

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’s circlet begins to glow and she sees a scene.

Death of a Druid

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comes across a giant constrictor snake and a dying bat. The snake is wrapped around the bat. The snake flicks its tongue at

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. It turns out to be their druid friend who is severely injured. He says, “run” before he dies so

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runs back to camp.

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tells everyone about what just happened to

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as she saw it in her circlet. The party then continues to settle down for the night.

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recognizes that the wounds she saw on the druid were a mix. Right side of him was burned, one of his arms looked like an axe or scythe took a slice from it, and he had been bleeding from the neck but that wound was stanched. Snake was trying to drag him along before he died.

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runs back, recaps to the party what happened, and explains the vines are naturally what happens when druids die. After she explains this, she plops down and goes to sleep. MerryToken.PNG Merry gives additional information of his backstory that may help the party.

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goes into a trace, then opens her eyes and looks at Merry. She tells everyone about the vision she just had:

Servant unlocks the cellar doors for you and runs for his life. * There is an old hearth here. The flue above is large. * You quaff the elixir. * Your cousin hoists you up through chimney. You crawl through cobwebs and age-old soot. * You reach the junction with the fireplace above. You bare the vital amulet before you as you creep silently across the gathering hall. * A small figure sits at a desk, sleepily unware. * You kill him. Easy. * Your friends enter quietly, set fire to the library, and flank to the west hall. * Screams echo through the hallways. It's envigorating. The monastary belongs to us now. * Kitm comes jaunting down the stairs, almost skipping. He has in his hands the weapon wrapped in cloth. * He announces your victory, leads you out the door. * Almost as an afterthought, he summons flames to strike the buildings. You're away into the night.

Bats in the Bellfry

They are trying to figure out what to do, but decide to wait until the next morning when

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is awake. During the night,

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sees a giant bat land next to

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wakes up

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and tells her about the bat.

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calls for the bat and it comes to her. It snuggles her & they are happy. It’s a boy bat and his name is Duncan. Now that Duncan is communing with her,

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goes back to sleep.

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passes watch to

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and tells him about the bat.

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’s watch passes.

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wakes MerryToken.PNG Merry and just says not to kill the bat. MerryToken.PNG Merry asks his dog to help him keep watch and the dog is incredulous as to the presence of the bat.

New Day Begins

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casts Reduce Animal on Duncan so he can sleep while they walk. She carries his reduced form on her back. They come to the clearing where

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ran into the druid and she informs the party. We find a magical ring (abjuration, probably of protection) and 2 magical feathers (both conjuration).

Here They Come A'Rustling

They hear a rustling. They see a man come from the clearing, bow drawn, and he says, “Halt right there!” MerryToken.PNG Merry tries to figure out why they are threatening the party.

The attacker replies, “Just stand still and wait for the others.” He is still pointing a bow at

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’s face. MerryToken.PNG Merry and

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tersely discuss the situation. These are the Nareshi that we’ve been chasing. The rest of their group soon appear and threaten violence against the party, but don’t move to attack.

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attacks the werewolf, who looses a cold arrow against her.

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puts her weapon down (+25xp).

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shoots an arrow at the floating Kitm.

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tries to summon a swarm, but Rovok interrupts her spell with an arrow. MerryToken.PNG Merry surrenders and begins to parlay.

After some talking, MerryToken.PNG Merry declares he only has one thing to say and casts Sound Burst.

The battle begins!

To Catch a Kitm

MerryToken.PNG Merry’s dogs are killed in the fray. Grease, flaming spheres, and mist bound around the battlefield.

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yells to cease-fire or we will all be killed.

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holds and sends her flaming sphere into a pond.

MerryToken.PNG Merry is being tied-up while paralyzed. He escapes the paralyzation.

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tries to strike a deal with Kitm to let the party go on their way while MerryToken.PNG Merry tries to bluff that he is no longer paralyzed. Kitm tries to strike a deal with MerryToken.PNG Merry and the rest of the party but MerryToken.PNG Merry does not agree to it though

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thinks that the party should go along with it. They all meet by a hollowed tree.

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walks over to the tree and starts yelling gibberish into the hollow. She says that ‘her people’ live in hollow trees and are magical. She then notes that she doesn’t smell any baking cookies so maybe there aren’t any elves in that particular hollow tree.

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lays down the ultimatum to MerryToken.PNG Merry. They have a heated discussion but

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continues to yell into the tree. She says the elves must just be asleep after a long night of baking and if she can just wake them up, they can save the party. MerryToken.PNG Merry resigns into agreeing with

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talks to Kitm. Kitm regards MerryToken.PNG Merry and MerryToken.PNG Merry says that he will defer to his colleagues. He says the party has 2 weeks and if they can’t complete it in 2 weeks then to come back and talk to them. They finalize the terms of the agreement though

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continues to yell into the tree.

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picks up her morningstar. Once Kitm and his group are out of sight, MerryToken.PNG Merry’s ties are undone and he buries his dogs.

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as the party starts the trek.

                                     GAME ADJOURNED

Post-Game RP

Tempest's Apology

At camp that night, once the party is settled around the fire for the evening meal,

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clears her throat and begins to speak.

"Hey guys, I’m sorry that I was so… passionate… back there when I thought we were all going to die. My father always told me that if I ever wanted to be a great leader someday-" (a look of horror at what she just said comes over her)

"I mean- that’s not what I meant! I’m not trying to be the leader here- I don’t- I’m not qualified for that by any means. I mean- y’know, someday, far, far in the future- of some other group or something-" (waves her hand at the distant future)


Anyway… he told me that cooler heads always prevail and that I needed to find my ζεν (some Peteran word that you might interpret to mean “zen”). I swear by the blood of my father, I will do this. We’re a team, but I’ve not been acting like a true teammate. That will end today."

(she looks at each person in the group pleadingly)

"Forgive me?"

Final GM Message

XP Awards

In Character

Planning Ahead
+ 10 
Experience Points
First Surrender
+ 25 
Experience Points
