Team MeFight Forty-Sixth Session

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Going Down!

  • The party does a bit of recovery from its harrowing Earth Elemental Ordeal
  • They search around, and get small bits of ancient Sidhe gold and silver from the remains of the administrative hub
  • Decidings happen. Marwynn insists emphatically on heading downward [from a random die roll in actuality], and the party acquiesces.
  • The walls turn into an alloy of Elven mithreal and iron. The party figures that this is under the water table.
  • There's a big door at the end. It's impressively trapped and locked. Xorry takes care of it with incredible flair [20 and 19 on his DD rolls :P]
  • Another trap inside the door! Xorry misses it--Kib walks in, and is narrowly missed [by one] by an energy drain bolt.
  • There are things visible inside, remarkably well-kept compared to the rest of the fortress.
    • A workdesk, with 37 adamantine-tipped bolts
    • An altar-esque platform, with a folio of thin-pressed mithreal leaves joined by a ring
    • A chest
  • The last two are trapped. Xorry does his thing, to no real incident (luckily for the bystanders), disabling a Shock Floor trap and an Insantiy Gas trap in some order I don't remember
  • The mithreal plates are engraved with rows and rows of symbols in Sidhe. Kib quickly deduces that they are numbers--Marwynn and Anise work further and deduce that they relate names and series of numbers together, and that the names correspond to Sidhe names for constellations
  • In the chest, there is also a book. It contains poetry. Marwynn and Tana collectively lose their shit when they figure out that it is a copy of the Prophecies of Alabar Tremaline, possibly even the only complete copy in existence. Kib doesn't "get" it completely, but is pretty impressed nonetheless (he's mostly just really, really excited to have lots of study material for learning Sidhe).

Going Up!

  • The small room thoroughly looted, the party heads upwards. They encounter a door--it is locked, but more to the point, it is barred (in true "fend off the zombies" style)
  • Kib uses his handy adamantine rapier to make a hole small enough for a small person. Xorry heads in first. He starts trying to push things around, but is terrible at it--Gil pops in to help. After about half an hour of shoving, they get it open enough for the big people.
    • A desk that was in the way has a poem engraved on it. It is quite obviously referring to the Sidhe's last stand in this fortress:

We were the rocks upon which broke a thousand waves.

Even granite is worn away by time and tide.

We are the last. Our arrows have been spent and our arms are weary.

There is no grace in a defeat: But! We did not


  • The room itself is a barely-standing roof supported entirely by mithreal bars, providing a handsome view of the surroundings. Everything has rotted to rubbish, save a single Elven skeleton.
    • His gear is all intact. He is lying beside a silver cup, his breastplate carefully removed and lying to one side. It appears obvious that he poisoned himself in his last stand (and the properties of the breastplate below support that conclusion)
    • The party spends a swift moment in respectful silence before looting the body. I swear, it was at least two seconds. The gear was identified:
      • The gear all has insignia indicating various gods of the Sidhe pantheon.
      • "Natashial's Grace", +2 Mithreal BP, Poison-resistant, Defiant (Goblinoid)
      • A Headband of Unshakeable Resolve
      • A pair of Boots of Elvenkind
      • "Our Final Hunt" +1 longbow of Goblinoid Bane. On crit vs Goblinoid, paralyze for 3 rounds (Will Save 18 to negate)
      • An Aquatic Cummerbund
      • A pair of Bracers of Falcon's Aim
      • A pair of mastwerwork adamantine spiked gauntlets. Very unusually, given the context, they are of Dwarven make, but modified to fit more slender hands.
      • The cup itself is... a silver cup.
    • It's all divvied up:
      • Bracers to Thed, breastplate and gauntlets to Kib (and the longbow by default, since he's the only person other than Anise who can use it), cummerbund to Anise, boots to Gil, headband to Marwynn
  • The party rests in its secure location.
  • Study ensues
    • The plates are determined to be extremely sophisticated astronomical tables, tracking the movement of stars in the sky.
    • The book is confirmed to be the Prophecies. It's long, and written in archaic language with lots of equally archaic reference, so there's a lot to go through before anything interesting will come out of it.

The Central Tower

  • After waking up, the party continues, to the biggest tower.
  • The door is locked. Xorry does his thing.
  • Inside is a small antechamber opening up into a large central room. On the far side is a circular sub-room, flanked by staircases.
  • The party enters, and is attacked (feign surprise!)
    • Two Huge air elementals this time.
    • Kib is in the front, and he takes the brunt of the first round. The first attack is a crit [two twenties] for max damage, the second is an automatic miss.
    • Gil joins him on the front line, and the two beat things. Thed lets bolts fly, Anise mounts the Ghost Elk and shoots arrows. Tana and Marwynn buff, Thoven fries things, the usual deal.
    • On the next turn, both air elementals use their whirlwind features to suck up the frontrunners. With their abysmal Reflex rolls, Kib and Gil are easily sucked up and flailed about.
    • More damage. Anise moves to the right, spreading out the attack surface. Tana makes Marwynn invisible. Thoven switches to Magic Missile to keep from hitting the hapless Dorothy impersonators.
    • On the next turn, the whirlwinds move to suck up more victims. One moves straight to Tana and Thed, managing to suck up neither, but instead catching up Marwynn despite her invisible nature. The other moves to Anise and the Ghost Elk. Anise leaps off just in time, the Elk is sucked in.
    • More damage. Both elementals fall on the next round, before having a chance to suck Thoven in. Marwynn takes a bit of a bump from her height, the rest end up okay.
    • The winds settle, and the party gathers itself.


  • Xorry has lots of trap EXP
    • 320xp air elemental summon trap
    • 640xp shock floor
    • 480xp insanity gas
  • Tower cleared, 250 to the party (125 Thoven/Sarah)
  • Air elementals beaten, 1100 (550 Thoven/Sarah)