Team MeFight Forty-Eighth Session

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The Final Temple

  • The party heads down, into the last section of the last tower
  • A room lies at the bottom of the steps, filled about eighteen inches deep of water
  • Ruined murals line the walls. They depict scenes of sea life, but not enough is left to make out any narrative thread
  • The room is light dimly from some unknown source
  • At the far end, a woman-shaped figure, with hair of smoke, stands with her arms upraised in front of an altar. She is completely still.
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  • The party knows pretty much what to expect. Buffs are given.
  • Kib calls out to "her" in Sidhe, and begins moving slowly into the room. The rest of the party fans out near the back
  • As he passes the halfway point, she turns and stares into KIB'S SOUUUL (he flubs his Will save, and takes two temporary negative levels)
  • Water elementals burst forth from the water. Kib is cut off from the rest of the party--he commits to attacking the figure (a Bodak
  • The rest engage the elementals. Thed turns out to be an ELEMENTAL-KILLING MACHIIINE, while also maxing almost all of his self-damage
  • Kib fails a trip, the Bodak curses him (-6 int, two twos in a row to fail the two saves) and runs around one edge of the room. He is immediately surrounded by three elementals
  • Gil tears through sentient water. Marwynn is able to get off a pretty good inflict wounds. Anise tries to damage the Bodak, but by doing so discovers that it is immune to electricity and has DR
    • She subsequently makes her knowledge role and is able to start informing the party of the Bodak's weaknesses
  • Thoven spends a turn becoming invisible, then starts doing his glass cannon business. It is incredibly effective.
  • The Bodak brings up energy resistance after Anise shouts out its weaknesses.
  • Tana heals Marwynn (who had taken a few from an elemental before she and Gil could finish it off), then moves with the Lighthouse Bulb toward the Bodak, and just stands there. It is very effective
  • Kib engages the elementals while slowly five-foot-stepping toward the Bodak. He takes some minor damage but holds his ground
  • The party makes quick work of the elementals soon after, killing them all before the Bodak can channel energy to heal them.
  • They begin to encircle the Bodak, who is not very hurt at this point.
  • Everyone focuses their attacks. The Bodak casts Sanctuary, but Kib has stopped sucking at Will saves now, and begins the attack in earnest. Thoven is able to ignore sanctuary completely, but Anise and Gilerl are stymied by it.
  • Kib is able to pull off a trip, and things quickly go South for the Bodak. Not able to rise without triggering more retaliation, it tries for one more death attack against Kib (he shrugs it off)
  • A few more blows, and the deed is done. All that is left is a circlet and a ring, which turn out to be a circlet of persuasion and a ring of sustenance. Tana takes the former, and Thoven the latter (since this makes three rings, he gives the Friend Shield ring to Marwynn)

Leaving the Island

  • The party finds nothing else interesting in the room. They resolve to leave the place
  • Kib brushes up his detailed notes of the location, and sets the Table of the Stars to a random point some fourteen hundred years or so in the past
  • The trip back to the Gnoblin Redoubt is uneventful. Shades have made short work of anything else more dangerous, and the Lighthouse Bulb makes dealing with those trivial.
  • Kib uses this time, and the free time that will come later, to get Tana to bring him up to speed on Levan and the situation in the Bandit Kingdom
  • They arrive at the Redoubt and are greeted as heroes. They are told that the doctor of the Sable Drake had to be killed, when he went mad and attacked the Gnoblins (they seem sincere about this)
  • The lich is summoned. He is as courteous as usual.
  • He seems to have no problem honoring the previous agreement, but also proposes that he give the teleportation scrolls for free in exchange for the Lighthouse Bulb, in order to allow his Gnoblis to prosper. Kib considers the proposal, decides that it is probably not worth it to fight and attempt to destroy their one reliable means off the archipelago, and agrees, on condition that one of the Gnoblins accompanies the party (voluntarily--this is Kib's first follower).
  • Logistics ensue.
    • The teleport scrolls are of a high enough CL for there to only be space to take either Tenpence or the Sable Drake survivors (which now means the Sable Drake survivor, and a Gnoblin). With a heavy heart, Kib resolves to leave his dear friend Tenpence behind.
    • The parties are arranged: Tana will use one scroll, and Thoven the other. They will go to slightly different locations--Thoven to one he is more familiar with, Tana to one that is closer inland.
  • A couple of days pass while the lich prepares the scrolls. Kib barely sleeps as he says his final goodbyes to Tenpence, finishes receiving Tana's update, and arranges all the logistics of travel.
  • Tana makes her UMD roll!
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  • Achievements
    • Elementary, My Dear Watson! (40xp for the entire party)
  • 6400 xp to everyone for the Bodak and its retinue
  • 100 xp to Kib for "clearing browser history"